Stay at Home Order


Active Member
Nov 20, 2004
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if you live in an area under a “Stay at Home order, what have you been doing? I have been (1) reading, (2) watching Netflix (especially NCIS), and (3) cleaning my room.
Pretty much the same here plus at strategic times, going to the grocery store, getting gas when needed and doing our banking. And the occasional ordering in from area eating establishments....
Job hunting (I was laid off for non-COVID-19 reason) and going through stuff in my spare/storage room. I also try to go out each day for a walk and to give my business to food businesses that have curb-side pickup or drive thru.
I forgot to mention VPing with local friends and texting my 3 siblings in Minnesota...
Working. Actually I've been enjoying the opportunity to work from home.
I’m the essential worker and still go to work during shelter in place.
I work 2 part-time jobs. One job is essential and the other isn’t.
We are under stay at home shelter order except I go to grocery stores. I work part time at home, but everything is on hold for now and I lost a few clients. I homeschool my son. I am collecting recipes and write them by handwriting and doodling cute objects like instant pot in my leather book. My son helps me with chores and cooking. Hubby is required to work at office Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He works at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. His presence is required, because he has to work in labs. On his other side business, he is giving away free software licenses to medical researchers and data scientists for COVID-19.
Netflix, cleaning, walking outside in local area and also I'm an essential worker, still gotta go to work.
I’ve been sleeping and watching how my schools are preparing for online school. I’ve done some cleaning, video chatted my therapist. All sort of boring things
In Florida, All 65 yrs old to older stay in home order for 14 days. A lot people buy guns during wake of COVID-19. One burglar broke in house. A mother of 3 kids as She shot him for self defense.

Curfew 11:00 pm to 5:00 am, all age residents must stay home or up to $500 fines or/and up to one year in jail. I'm at home. Just playing Playstation 4 game, watch Amazon Video and watching CNN news TV.
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I am lounging here on my laptop.
if you live in an area under a “Stay at Home order, what have you been doing? I have been (1) reading, (2) watching Netflix (especially NCIS), and (3) cleaning my room.
What book are you reading? I am an essential worker. I have a couple of 12 hours shifts next week. I hope my income is still the same. I bought a gaming computer to keep my mind off crazy things that are going on in the world. It should be delivered to my home by April 13th. I am reading self-help books for now.
Time to benge watch viral movies, any one remember the adromiter strain?
netflix, movies, reading books on computer, sleeping, and so on.. I'm still around but of course stay at home had been since march 17 here so should finish in may but I doubt that very much so.. stay safe y'all
I worked over 65 hours the other week, last week around 50. Been very busy, Sundays is my only night off so I get to spend the day catching up with my sleep and watch Netflix and do laundry and chores.
I had to get up early morning to go to Costco to get essentials on Saturday. Costco opened at 9:30 and I finally got essentials what we needed. I was stuck in a long line to check out. Over 30 minutes long. Had to leave around 11:00 am. It sucks.

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