I can sing .
TPBM-What's your favorite Super Bowl snack?
Awesome that you can sing. Wish I could.

Who agrees that the Eagles come home to roost this Sunday?
I can sing .
TPBM-What's your favorite Super Bowl snack?
Who agrees that the Eagles come home to roost this Sunday?
Yes.TPBM- do you ever overpack?
TPBM - do you ever forget to pack something?
Yes I have and I'm always paranoid- so lists all over the place lol.
TPBM have you ever accidentally left something behind at your destination? (Family, vacation, business trip what have you)
Yeah, my past, but it always catches up to me.
TPBM, ever do a Polar Bear Plunge?
You mean the sort of thing done up in Minnesota right?Umm... NO!
TPBM Ever seen forgotten items left in a cart still sitting at a parking lot?
Yes, and one time not long ago was doing self checkout, and forgot one more item in the cart when I was going to my car. So I went back inside to pay for that one and then go on my way.
TPBM: Are you having mild winter in your area?
Sort of. It’s mild then cold on and off, still below normal for the gulf coast.
TPBM Ever wonder what people are burning in their fireplaces?
I do and also wonder what people are cooking on their BBQ with the smell...
TPBM: What's the coldest temperature you encountered? The coldest I've encountered was 7 degrees on January morning in Michigan (I attended funeral at that time).
-8 and 119, both extreme temps expetienced at Ft. Bliss (El Paso),TX.
TPBM What is your coldest and hottest temperature experience?
116 while on pit stop in Redding when I drove up north on I-5 in central California heading up to Oregon one summer.... feels like Death Valley.
TPBM: What's your favorite season?
Autumn, like a toned down summer I like to be outdoors longer.
TPBM Same question.
Summer/Autumn means more daylight and outdoor time.
TPBM: Do you prefer to have more or less daylight?
More daylight! With how cold it is here in MN, the winters feel LONG and cold. I prefer the other 3 seasons, by far.
TPBM, tent, cabin, or trailer? For an outdoor vacation.
I too have done the trifecta. I choose the furnished cabin for an outdoor vacation. Less packing.TPBM: Same question.
Thalassophobia. Fear of the deep, dark unknown ocean or body of water. No cruise ships for me!TPBM: Same question
Same, fear of the dark unknown waters. But I'm ok with the cruise ships as long as I don't fall offThalassophobia. Fear of the deep, dark unknown ocean or body of water. No cruise ships for me!
TPBM: Same question.
Strawberry/pineapple.TPBM, what is your favorite kissing flavor?