

Resident Glaswegian
Aug 24, 2015
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Okay so,

Today I was on the bus into Uni and a friend of mine was also going in for her course.

So, we got to signing away on the bus and then we stop at the bus terminal and devil's spawn gets on the bus.

So, she sits behind us and like 10 mins later, leans forward, taps me on the shoulder and says to us (Keep in mind, I'm a terrible lip reader) "Could you stop doing that. We speak English in this country. It's very rude to be waving your hands."

My friend and I were just so stunned by her. We didn't know what to say. So, we apologised to her and went to sit upstairs.

When I got to uni, I sat in the bathroom, upset.
Pretty much upset with myself that I didn't stick up for my friend and I and upset at this woman's words to us :tears:

Have you guys ever had similar experiences to this?
I haven't experienced - that - specifically but I've experienced prejudice, rude and hurtful comments regarding other things that are part of who I am. That sucks, I'm sorry. Now, I can't definitively state everything about what I would do if that happened to me but right now, considering - my first thought would be for me personally, - I'd stay right where as I was and keep on going/signing. I may say to her that we're going to stay right here, we have the right. Now, if I was myself too uncomfortable to stay there, I can moving, too - but I wouldn't move as the first response<unless of course there's a safety issue>. I would not apologize. My parents speak some Yiddish and I would not apologize for using Yiddish in public - or Spanish - which I happen to know much more<not fluently>. I don't think one should have to defend the use of one's language or a language other than the most popular used in the country.
Maisie, I have another:hug: for you.....

yesterday someone told me - thanks for your stupidity -<it was not a joking/"familiar-tease" kinda comment>
I was badly bullied physically and verbally teased in school - before I started high school - as a child. People can be very hurtful.....
Maisie, I have another:hug: for you.....

yesterday someone told me - thanks for your stupidity -<it was not a joking/"familiar-tease" kinda comment>
I was badly bullied physically and verbally teased in school - before I started high school - as a child. People can be very hurtful.....

:hug: for both of you
Okay so,

Today I was on the bus into Uni and a friend of mine was also going in for her course.

So, we got to signing away on the bus and then we stop at the bus terminal and devil's spawn gets on the bus.

So, she sits behind us and like 10 mins later, leans forward, taps me on the shoulder and says to us (Keep in mind, I'm a terrible lip reader) "Could you stop doing that. We speak English in this country. It's very rude to be waving your hands."

My friend and I were just so stunned by her. We didn't know what to say. So, we apologised to her and went to sit upstairs.

When I got to uni, I sat in the bathroom, upset.
Pretty much upset with myself that I didn't stick up for my friend and I and upset at this woman's words to us :tears:

Have you guys ever had similar experiences to this?

your a scot apologizing for not using english?

have things changed that much in scotland?

why the hell would you apologize?
I am so sorry she did that to you you are so much stronger than I am I would have said here's a few signs that you will understand and really give it to her you know the "basics" lol :giggle:
I am so sorry she did that to you you are so much stronger than I am I would have said here's a few signs that you will understand and really give it to her you know the "basics" lol :giggle:

how is accepting others rudness a sign of strength?
I haven't experienced - that - specifically but I've experienced prejudice, rude and hurtful comments regarding other things that are part of who I am. That sucks, I'm sorry. Now, I can't definitively state everything about what I would do if that happened to me but right now, considering - my first thought would be for me personally, - I'd stay right where as I was and keep on going/signing. I may say to her that we're going to stay right here, we have the right. Now, if I was myself too uncomfortable to stay there, I can moving, too - but I wouldn't move as the first response<unless of course there's a safety issue>. I would not apologize. My parents speak some Yiddish and I would not apologize for using Yiddish in public - or Spanish - which I happen to know much more<not fluently>. I don't think one should have to defend the use of one's language or a language other than the most popular used in the country.

Yeah, it was more a confident issue for me than anything, and my friend is pretty shy also. So, we moved upstairs, I guess to avoid further conflict? I dunno. It was pretty stupid on my part.

Maisie, I have another:hug: for you.....

Thank you dogmom :) I appreciate that :hug:

yesterday someone told me - thanks for your stupidity -<it was not a joking/"familiar-tease" kinda comment>
I was badly bullied physically and verbally teased in school - before I started high school - as a child. People can be very hurtful.....

:hug: for both of you

Yes, so was I. It's awful isn't it? Cause then even when you're out of school, it still affects you. It's probably why I'm so anti-conflict nowadays. I'm so sorry that happened to you. They're the stupid ones, not you.


your a scot apologizing for not using english?

have things changed that much in scotland?

why the hell would you apologize?

I guess cause we didn't really know what to say. So, I apologised and then my friend did aswell, then we went upstairs. I mean, I've never really encountered someone clearly so offended by sign before. I think a big part of it is the 'immigrant crisis' that's going on here. People are so anti-migration and we have a vote coming up on whether we will leave the EU or not. So, basically any other language than English, is getting attacked at the moment. Although, it was pretty ignorant of this woman considering it was British Sign we were using :rolleyes:

I am so sorry she did that to you you are so much stronger than I am I would have said here's a few signs that you will understand and really give it to her you know the "basics" lol :giggle:

Haha! :lol: I really should have but honestly, I tend to not stoop to their level. Also, I'm pretty much a shy hermit crab. I don't like to cause a fuss. It pretty much worked against me in this situation though

Next time just respond "I'm deaf," turn away, and carry on.

I will if it happens again but like I said above, that's the first time I've encountered such a thing. I think the both of us were just in so much shock that this woman had the guts to say anything. It was just so childish and ignorant.
how is accepting others rudness a sign of strength?

Oh, believe me. No one feels more ashamed than me. I know I should've stood up for my friend and I.

But thank you for your comment :)
I guess cause we didn't really know what to say. So, I apologised and then my friend did aswell, then we went upstairs. I mean, I've never really encountered someone clearly so offended by sign before. I think a big part of it is the 'immigrant crisis' that's going on here. People are so anti-migration and we have a vote coming up on whether we will leave the EU or not. So, basically any other language than English, is getting attacked at the moment. Although, it was pretty ignorant of this woman considering it was British Sign we were using :rolleyes:

oh i know, my minions in glasgow keep hoichi informed of all......'-)

as for the upcomming referendum. hope its a yes...but i know it wont be.

never ever apologieze for using your language!!!

to hell with anyone who thinks different.
Oh, believe me. No one feels more ashamed than me. I know I should've stood up for my friend and I.

But thank you for your comment :)

your welkcome imaisie

well its an experience learned from..and next time youll be bloody feirce!!
no doubt..
oh i know, my minions in glasgow keep hoichi informed of all......'-)

as for the upcomming referendum. hope its a yes...but i know it wont be.

never ever apologieze for using your language!!!

to hell with anyone who thinks different.

Haha! Really? I didn't think anyone outside of the UK kept up-to-date with our politics. That's really interesting :mrgreen:

I honestly have no idea what the result will be - It could go both ways :dunno2:

I won't from now on. Her reaction just took me by surprise. I'm proud of who I am, and I let some silly ignorant woman get in the way of that.

your welkcome imaisie

well its an experience learned from..and next time youll be bloody feirce!!
no doubt..


I'll need to work on my fierceness :giggle:
Haha! Really? I didn't think anyone outside of the UK kept up-to-date with our politics. That's really interesting :mrgreen:

I honestly have no idea what the result will be - It could go both ways :dunno2:

I won't from now on. Her reaction just took me by surprise. I'm proud of who I am, and I let some silly ignorant woman get in the way of that.


I'll need to work on my fierceness :giggle:

aye, i keep up with it all....

hoichi has more eyes then mi6 and scotland yard combined they sign..

i come by it naturally..mmmm

good your going to work on your feircness..

(begins to sign
oh flowers of sctotland, when will we see, your likes again...king edwards army,,we sent him homeward to think again....!!)

I'm surprised that people are ignorant enough to not understand ASL. It's an amazing beautiful language and I love learning it everyday! It's a fun language. Plus, how could anyone be so rude as to not understand that it's not anyone's fault that deaf people are deaf. You can't learn our language like I could learn any other speaking language I wanted because I can hear and speak. If I moved to Germany and refused to learn German, that's one thing but speaking (using?) ASL is totally different. This makes me very angry. I feel sorry for that awful person.
Wow, that woman was ignorant and rude. You certainly didn't owe her an apology. If she was uncomfortable with your signing she could have moved her own self out of view.

I'm not criticizing you for your reaction. In the heat of an emotional moment we don't always react the way we would if we had more time to think. What's done is done.

At least you'll be more prepared for any future encounters. Sometimes it helps to role play with your friends, practicing possible scenarios and reactions.

I hope you won't have any more incidents like that but the way the world is you never know. At least you can always rant here.

Hope you have a better day today. :hug:
I'm surprised that people are ignorant enough to not understand ASL. It's an amazing beautiful language and I love learning it everyday! It's a fun language. Plus, how could anyone be so rude as to not understand that it's not anyone's fault that deaf people are deaf. You can't learn our language like I could learn any other speaking language I wanted because I can hear and speak. If I moved to Germany and refused to learn German, that's one thing but speaking (using?) ASL is totally different. This makes me very angry. I feel sorry for that awful person.

Indeed. Sadly, many people are extremely ignorant. Oh, and I live in Scotland so I use BSL here :) I do know ASL, and JSL as well though.

Wow, that woman was ignorant and rude. You certainly didn't owe her an apology. If she was uncomfortable with your signing she could have moved her own self out of view.

I'm not criticizing you for your reaction. In the heat of an emotional moment we don't always react the way we would if we had more time to think. What's done is done.

At least you'll be more prepared for any future encounters. Sometimes it helps to role play with your friends, practicing possible scenarios and reactions.

I hope you won't have any more incidents like that but the way the world is you never know. At least you can always rant here.

Hope you have a better day today. :hug:

Thank you, Reba :hug:

I don't really understand how someone can be uncomfortable with other languages as it really doesn't affect them in any way.

Well, I've certainly had a learning experience and I'll definitely be prepared, should it happen again. I texted my friend earlier too and told her to not be sad and that we shouldn't be so shy around hearies cause otherwise the ignorant and rude ones will walk all over us.
:ty:Maisie, I appreciate your :grouphug: and comments;as a child up to mid-20's <am 42> was pretty socially awkward. It's taken me time to change some of that but am naurally a pretty introverted person. People are uncomfortable and reactionary <Especially in this time frame> against anything they see as "dffierent" or threatening. I know this all too well as a Jew and as a bi person <bisexual>.
You and your friend were doing nothing wrong and had no reason to apologized to that very rude narrow minded person. I am sorry this happen to you ,
I think you're a polite person and is this nothing to feel bad about . Some people don't like to made a scene in public and it sounds like you were trying to
avoid this from happen , that woman on the other hand want attention and was trying to get and you didn't take the bait. I agree if this happen again you and
your friend will know how to stand your ground and I was going to made the same suggestion Reba made about role playing , I bet you and your friend would have
a good time role playing that very rude narrow minded woman ! :hug: I hope you're not getting all black and blue from all the hugs you're getting .
I had people react to my hearing dog , and wanting me to move b/c they were afraid of dogs , I just stood my ground and told the person they had to move
not me.

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