Well Missouri is Tornado Alley anyways... Yes the roof is questionable, the covering is new but it has a ton of dips and ridges over the trusses. If you look at the Facia behind the gutter, it gets really wide on the right end where the roof "lifts" why? Now lets walk around to the back of the house... noticed the front is re-sided to look nice...lmao
The floor is just water marks from not cleaning correctly from drywall dust...
The rear foundation broke due to stress of the added on carport not done properly and is falling away from the house as well as the jacked up deck sitting on it. All the rear windows and doors were covered and new smaller windows installed, so all the side and rear needs re-sided to cover, But I havent been inside yet to see why and the real damage to assess yet.... could possibly be a good home with little work ( foundation and siding. ? Roof concerns me majorly.
My point of this post was to show how the idiots who lists this wastes valuable time but making this house look great in the pictures when its really a piece of crap, not listing or stating the extent of the damages. Yes it has a full finished walk out basement.
When you walk into the front door you are immediately into the kitchen...odd, at back you see where the old deck was removed and door made into window, the kitchen sink runs that entire wall now, reason it was closed off, I think the carport add on was to actually extend the house, by law they had to open the front or tear it down due to codes if not permitted ( no permits to build ) which I think wasnt due to the foundation breaking like it did as it wasnt done right. I am waiting to get inside to see how jacked up this place really is or maybe not?