Students are offended by racist college food


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Students at an ultra-liberal Ohio college are in an uproar over the fried chicken, sushi and Vietnamese sandwiches served in the school cafeterias, complaining the dishes are “insensitive” and “culturally inappropriate.”...

Students offended by lack of fried chicken

Oh lordie....Hoped it was a satire piece but a quick look at the url says nope- NY Post.

Silly students.
none of the ethic food we get at restaurants is really cooked the way it's should be . If people to eat their own ethic food they need to cook it their self. It would impossible to make everyone happy at a college . What about the way the dorm rooms are design , are they racist too? :roll:
So the rest of the world wants Americans to be more culture, and think about other races but when we start eating their food in college people get mad? What!?!?!?! It is just food, and freaking fried chicken..... really? It is am American staple.

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I agree that often times "Chinese food" and other so-called "ethnic" foods - in colleges or at restaurants - are often not at all accurate depictions of what would actually be made by someone who was actually FROM the origin country. In my experience most "Mexican" restaurants in the U.S. actually do not have true Mexican food. Most Chinese restaurants actually serve very little Chinese food.

As someone who also ate vegan in college, I also think many colleges/schools do -not- have enough vegan offerings, though I think the vegetarian offerings probably have improved compared to my experience - when I was going to college in the mid-late 90's, they didn't even have meatless spaghetti sauce.

IF the official and cooks in the food matters are all white and are not getting ANY input about the food from students of color, I see that more of a concern than if students did originally have some part in the ideas.

Also, if there are some religious Hindus who don't want the beef in the tandoori, I can understand that.
I think that's the more significant thing than whether there's cream or not in a dish.

BUT - I also think in this case, it's kinda "splitting hairs" or getting a little particular with some things and it seems a bit juvenile in that case, when there are many other more profound issues the students could be focusing their attention on.

So I don't think it's as easy as - the students are all being silly, or - the staff are all being insensitive. As someone who's outside the mainstream myself <and don't eat the Standard American Diet> , I can see some of the perspective.
So fried chicken is an ethnic food now? Hmm... To be historically accurate should not lobster be more ethnic than fried chicken?

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yeah, that was one of the things I found a bit...reaching...
I just think some of it is just a little too...nit-picky
and makes light of true racial and ethnic concerns
yeah, that was one of the things I found a bit...reaching...
I just think some of it is just a little too...nit-picky
and makes light of true racial and ethnic concerns

People want to complain... They will always find a reason to be upset....

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So fried chicken is an ethnic food now? Hmm... To be historically accurate should not lobster be more ethnic than fried chicken?

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Mmmm . . . lobster! :drool:
I agree that often times "Chinese food" and other so-called "ethnic" foods - in colleges or at restaurants - are often not at all accurate depictions of what would actually be made by someone who was actually FROM the origin country. In my experience most "Mexican" restaurants in the U.S. actually do not have true Mexican food. Most Chinese restaurants actually serve very little Chinese food.

As someone who also ate vegan in college, I also think many colleges/schools do -not- have enough vegan offerings, though I think the vegetarian offerings probably have improved compared to my experience - when I was going to college in the mid-late 90's, they didn't even have meatless spaghetti sauce.

IF the official and cooks in the food matters are all white and are not getting ANY input about the food from students of color, I see that more of a concern than if students did originally have some part in the ideas.

Also, if there are some religious Hindus who don't want the beef in the tandoori, I can understand that.
I think that's the more significant thing than whether there's cream or not in a dish.

BUT - I also think in this case, it's kinda "splitting hairs" or getting a little particular with some things and it seems a bit juvenile in that case, when there are many other more profound issues the students could be focusing their attention on.

So I don't think it's as easy as - the students are all being silly, or - the staff are all being insensitive. As someone who's outside the mainstream myself <and don't eat the Standard American Diet> , I can see some of the perspective.

When I lived in Cal. there was a restaurant owned by Mexicans and the food was really good , it was cooked more accurate but not as spicy .
When I moved back east I really miss this , you can't find many Mexican
restaurants that come close to the one in Ca. The ethnic food is very
Americanized at restaurants and I guess at colleges too. I have a brother in law from Trinidad and when he has cookout this friends brought a whole goat to cook , they don' eat beef , and all the food was very ethnic and there was enough for an army ! My sister had have her guests take food home. Their cookouts were never boring and you never left hungry . :giggle:
I do think places like CA, Miami, NYC - are more likely to have authentic recipes. That was my experience in Northern CA.

When I was in college I was roommates with people from Sinagpore, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and also lived in the dorm that had the most international students and an International Holiday party. Students also brought some pre-packaged food from home when they first arrived. I learned a lot!

Your brother-in-laws gathering seems like a lot of fun, and very filling!:D
Lol with you... But love just about anything that comes from the ocean :)

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I love lobster, shrimp, scallops, clams the most. Being I live on the coast, gotta have local shrimp. When I visit CT, gotta have lobster.

There are so many ways to serve lobster or shrimp.

Oh, I almost forgot blue crab.

I'm getting hungry . . . gotta quit! :drool:
What gets me about some of the vegan/vegetarian things I see on TV they don't just talk about them being good but how they taste like something that isn't vegan and/or vegetarian! Why can't it be good on it's own rather than for example so much talks about fooling people to think it has meat in it more so than anything else.

Also, Christina Cooks is one that goes on about the health benefits of what she cooks but seems to use quite a bit of salt.
I love lobster, shrimp, scallops, clams the most. Being I live on the coast, gotta have local shrimp. When I visit CT, gotta have lobster.

There are so many ways to serve lobster or shrimp.

Oh, I almost forgot blue crab.

I'm getting hungry . . . gotta quit! :drool:

Lol... had CT and ME lobster ... Sadly was not much difference... But when you find that old shack off the path that was within toe distance of the ocean... Ah... Then you know you hit gold regardless of which state...

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I am not a seafood fan but people like mo's on the oregon coast because you can watch them catch your food right outside the window. I like watching them pull up the crab pots. It's crazy how many crabs they catch each day

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The issue actually seems to be about how the food is portrayed. It seems the food is not considered authentic by name.

A school cafeteria trying to make food more appealing by changing the name. I'm shocked!

And, what exactly does the actress have to do with all this? I'm not sure, but I'm guessing she never ran the cafe when she attended the school.