Deaf Protest, Washington, DC., Sept. 6-9


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Have been reading as lot of vlogs, videos about this on FB....are any of the members here at AD planning to attend?

It's about unemployment for the deaf and language barriers....
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The information I have is that this protest is happening Sept. 5th and 6th....:dunno:
Yes, that's correct.

I was asking one leader about their agenda and they have no real plan; they have never approached politicians for gel, etc....they said joblessness among the deaf is like 80% and they are just going to the White House and picket...doesn't look like good strategy.....
I was asking one leader about their agenda and they have no real plan; they have never approached politicians for gel, etc....they said joblessness among the deaf is like 80% and they are just going to the White House and picket...doesn't look like good strategy.....

I met leader (Charlton) at Gallaudet and he was nice guy but he is very frustrated about deaf communities are ignored by government and deaf unemployment is very high. He has Usher Syndrome - same as mine. He left Gallaudet because of dissatisfaction with education performance in IT major.

Deaf unemployment is very complicated - they don't count anyone who born deaf or HoH that goes thorough the deaf education but I believe that late deafened with full oral language have better chance to getting hired, especially if they have very good benefit with hearing aids and don't use VR service.

The percent of unemployment (80%) seems closer to accurate for anyone who born deaf but it should be lower as 70%.

Deafblind? That's very, very, very challenging. :mad:
Deafblind? That's very, very, very challenging. :mad:

Yes it is very challenging, but I met an interpreter through training (VMware 6) and her husband is deaf blind and work at Gov IT which he was doing very well.

I was glad that he has a job.
I was asking one leader about their agenda and they have no real plan; they have never approached politicians for gel, etc....they said joblessness among the deaf is like 80% and they are just going to the White House and picket...doesn't look like good strategy.....

What is "gel". Tousi?....and see so many deafies complaining about unemployment and "they won't hire me"...."have applied for so many jobs"....

Often times, in the past and in the present too...I've asked businesses if they had any deaf employees?...the answer was always "No" I always put in a good word for them...encouraging them to give any deaf applicant a chance, as they want to work and will strive to do a good job....Knowing my own struggle to find a good job myself.

Is this the 1st Protest among deafies?....If so, as time goes on, perhaps they will have a better agenda, better speakers, etc. And seems they are not going to be "violent" (as the Black Lives Matter) protests are....
I met leader (Charlton) at Gallaudet and he was nice guy but he is very frustrated about deaf communities are ignored by government and deaf unemployment is very high. He has Usher Syndrome - same as mine. He left Gallaudet because of dissatisfaction with education performance in IT major.

Deaf unemployment is very complicated - they don't count anyone who born deaf or HoH that goes thorough the deaf education but I believe that late deafened with full oral language have better chance to getting hired, especially if they have very good benefit with hearing aids and don't use VR service.

The percent of unemployment (80%) seems closer to accurate for anyone who born deaf but it should be lower as 70%.

Deafblind? That's very, very, very challenging. :mad:

Yes, Foxrac, I agree with you about the oral deaf/late deafned having a better chance to find employment....

Feel it would be great exposure for those businesses that do hire deafies to speak about their job performances and what good workers they are....

and also feel that education and training is so important.
I am deaf-blind (low vision) and have never really had problems finding jobs in the past and getting them even though there was a big gap at one time (and right now). I am not late deafened either and use hearing aids. Have fairly good speech (yes I grew up oral...)which trips me up when my hearing fails me lol and gives a false impression to the interviewer (waits for someone to say "Well don't use your voice!" but when I can I do use sign) But doesn't mean I don't have problems with interviews and such- have experienced that for over 10 years between using phones and begging them to use email for correspondence. One recruiter once so far as to say 'but we use phone calls to gauge personality and how well a person 'thinks on their feet' '. Yeah... you can do that in person too. Unfortunately in some fields (IT being one of them) you will get a LOT of calls from recruiters based in OTHER states and many will also have accents that is impossible to understand (even for hearing people).

I haven't heard much more about this protest since I first heard about it last month- had thought about going but money is too tight (gee I wonder why...).
Yes it is very challenging, but I met an interpreter through training (VMware 6) and her husband is deaf blind and work at Gov IT which he was doing very well.

I was glad that he has a job.

Wow, that's nice.

Bachelor degree is mandatory to work for federal government but I don't want to stay at Gallaudet University because education performance in IT major is abysmal, also other reason about don't want live in dorm and cafeteria.

I have one year to left to complete the associate degree, however I have little more than 90 credits on bachelor degree but it will take 2 years to complete the major related courses (60 credits).
I am deaf-blind (low vision) and have never really had problems finding jobs in the past and getting them even though there was a big gap at one time (and right now). I am not late deafened either and use hearing aids. Have fairly good speech (yes I grew up oral...)which trips me up when my hearing fails me lol and gives a false impression to the interviewer (waits for someone to say "Well don't use your voice!" but when I can I do use sign) But doesn't mean I don't have problems with interviews and such- have experienced that for over 10 years between using phones and begging them to use email for correspondence. One recruiter once so far as to say 'but we use phone calls to gauge personality and how well a person 'thinks on their feet' '. Yeah... you can do that in person too. Unfortunately in some fields (IT being one of them) you will get a LOT of calls from recruiters based in OTHER states and many will also have accents that is impossible to understand (even for hearing people).

I haven't heard much more about this protest since I first heard about it last month- had thought about going but money is too tight (gee I wonder why...).

Do you have Usher Syndrome?
Pickiting or protesting at white house wont do squat.
These leaders need to get one thing.
Begging wont do ****.
Deaf need to help Deaf. Period.
We should learn from other minorities. Gay, blacks so on..
We need to help ourselves..
Pickiting the white house is so so so, 20th century (rolls eyes)
Hearies wont help us.
Pickiting or protesting at white house wont do squat.
These leaders need to get one thing.
Begging wont do ****.
Deaf need to help Deaf. Period.
We should learn from other minorities. Gay, blacks so on..
We need to help ourselves..
Pickiting the white house is so so so, 20th century (rolls eyes)
Hearies wont help us.

Then what do you suggest "we" do? stated "it's UP TO US!"...Protesting at the White does give us national attention ??....
Do you have Usher Syndrome?

Congenital Rubella Syndrome with some late manifestations popping up the older I get :P.

I know of at least 1 Usher's syndrome guy...he worked for years but he hasn't worked since moving away from that state. Used to know at least 1 or 2 other Usher's adults in college.
Wow, that's nice.

Bachelor degree is mandatory to work for federal government but I don't want to stay at Gallaudet University because education performance in IT major is abysmal, also other reason about don't want live in dorm and cafeteria.

I have one year to left to complete the associate degree, however I have little more than 90 credits on bachelor degree but it will take 2 years to complete the major related courses (60 credits).
If you're looking for other options, I know RIT has solid and well respected computer science and other computer technology programs. It look like the NTID program at RIT only goes through Associates and then BS would come from the College of Computing and Information Sciences at RIT. But there's a track from NTID to CCIS and I imagine that'd be a pretty solid program overall. Maybe worth looking into if you're thinking about leaving Gallaudet?

Relevant link:
Then what do you suggest "we" do? stated "it's UP TO US!"...Protesting at the White does give us national attention ??....

I offer no answers. But here are somw ideas.
Well, we need to keep our loot for ourselves and amongst ourselves, as in first we should support Deaf first. Second hearies..allot easier in the net age then before too.
We need to cultivate Deaf bussiness so they can hire Deafies
We as a people need to address and get a handle on how behind we are compared t hearies in education and getting jobs...
We need to be proactive. Begging wont do squat
All easier signed then done. Obviously
Its a long term view , the long game..
We need to help ourselves...
Hearies want to assimilate and drill holes into us.and dream and are activily working towards ridding the world of people like us...the help they offer always comes with strings....
Deaf for Deaf!!
Walking in circles with a picket, is just useless theatre really
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Congenital Rubella Syndrome with some late manifestations popping up the older I get :P.

I know of at least 1 Usher's syndrome guy...he worked for years but he hasn't worked since moving away from that state. Used to know at least 1 or 2 other Usher's adults in college.

Interesting, are you able to drive?
If you're looking for other options, I know RIT has solid and well respected computer science and other computer technology programs. It look like the NTID program at RIT only goes through Associates and then BS would come from the College of Computing and Information Sciences at RIT. But there's a track from NTID to CCIS and I imagine that'd be a pretty solid program overall. Maybe worth looking into if you're thinking about leaving Gallaudet?

Relevant link:

There is big problem - I virtually have no families in New York, also I need family to support my medical condition (not because of Usher Syndrome).

My VR won't pay because they only gave me a choice - Gally or RIT so I picked Gally because DC metro have good deafblind service.
It's not about your deafness.

It is about your skills, and how you sell yourself in a job interview.

I have a very good job and I always went to job interviews without an interpreter and don't even tell them I'm deaf. I just show up. No problems, and I still got the job. It's about what you have to offer with your skills.

This is just my opinion.
It's not about your deafness.

It is about your skills, and how you sell yourself in a job interview.

I have a very good job and I always went to job interviews without an interpreter and don't even tell them I'm deaf. I just show up. No problems, and I still got the job. It's about what you have to offer with your skills.

This is just my opinion.

Kudos to you!....Job skills, need training...for some deafies and of course education too....