Hershey's and pimple breakout


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Mar 23, 2005
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I consumed many different kind of chocolate.

Hershey's chocolate gave me pimple breakout (acne) but Mars and Nestle don't give me pimple breakout at all. It looks like not all chocolate are same.

I love Hershey's chocolate and it is great to make S'more but I don't want to give up because of pimple breakout.
I been hearing that chocolate does not cause you break out. My dad had bad acne and he never ate any chocolate growing up b/c it was not food . His family was too poor to spend on junk food. But dad made up for lost time as an adult and had chocolate as much as he wanted and he never broke out from it.
Probably not, I had clear skin for very long time until I eat Hershey's chocolate so I got few pimple breakout.

I bet it's that it's all the sugar that making you break out . There is more sugar than milk chocolate in the candy. Hershey's does not use real chocolate anymore b/c it cost too much money .