Being left out of friends and parties

I not assuming that but most proberly is they seem high kickers....op can not have worked there long so give them a chance get to know her,a party can be lonely place if don't know people well...I trying be devils advocate give her good reasons so she not get upset by there attitude
also may be undesirables there and her work mates may think she to young to handle them as yet...maybe if she can some up courage and just ask them if it because she deaf if it is then they can shove party I would not want to go...She wont know unless she ask
Yeah and if you don't like the person anymore it can get messy having to see them everyday at work. my old job, a group of us worked together and also socialized often outside of work and we all became good friends. Then one of our co-worker friends had an affair with another one coworker friend's husband and just became very awkward at work. Destroyed the group of friends and sides were taken at work. Quit that job and vowed to myself, no more making friends with co workers.
I am friendly with people I work with.. but it's at a level where for the most part it stays at work and doesn't extend beyond that. For the most part I've lost contact with everyone from all of my previous jobs except for maybe a couple (some I need for reference- that's another story..:P). It's a bit easier with me I guess because most of my jobs are contract based.

Though, I'm sad I've lost contact with the people I knew in my first job before I got into IT, those people I was close with... and often wonder how they are doing- that workplace was fairly deaf friendly (since we worked with some clients who were also deaf...) so I never had that much of a problem.
At work we socialize allot..then again we hit each other allot, and choke each other out allot. and throw each other around allot... all part of work, so sake sake after a long night is a must...even for one who rarely me...ill be burning a fatty nursing wounds outside as the sociializing is under way ...
Oh tell me about it. At my old job, my roommate and I were part of this group of co workers. We all did a lot together for the first 5 years such as parties, happy hour, going to the beach and etc. Then, one of them, had an affair and got pregnant with my rommate's husband (now ex because of the affair) and it caused this huge rift between the group. Most of them sided with the person who went behind my roommate's back while a few of us supported my roommate. As a result, she lost her home to foreclosure since her husband moved out to live with that woman and another coworker and my roommate couldnt afford the house one her own. So, she and her two kids were about to be put on the streets when I told her that they can move in with us until she gets back on her feet. I am fine with never seeing that woman and the rest of the group again but they were all our coworkers so it made the job much much harder and stressful. Thats a hard lesson I learned about socializing with co workers so I vowed...never again. Left my old job and now at a new job and my boss has set up monthly social events for all of us and so far, I have marked "no" to all of them. My co workers at my new job are all friends out of work but I am going to be the odd person out. However, it was made easy because they are all hearing and dont sign so I have no interest in socializing with non -signers. No point to it as I would be left out so why bother?

I never went the Christmas party my job had , there was a lot of drinking and I don't drink and did not get the job to made friends , I got it to help pay my bills .
At work we socialize allot..then again we hit each other allot, and choke each other out allot. and throw each other around allot... all part of work, so sake sake after a long night is a must...even for one who rarely me...ill be burning a fatty nursing wounds outside as the sociializing is under way ...

So,do tell us about your job, sounds interesting, just what do you do?
So,do tell us about your job, sounds interesting, just what do you do?
I teach karate, assistant instructor, traditional japnese GoJU Ryu karate do, Seiwa Kai Goshukan, Yamaguci ha lineage, all japan Karate federation, GoJu kai.

i teach biginners, sixth kyu (whiye belt) adults as well as children, up to second kyu (blue belt) i also teach intermidete up to mudanshu rank (second year Brown).
Im ranked in all japan karate federation. Ni dan,
I am not a sensie my title at present is senpai..
I teach karate, assistant instructor, traditional japnese GoJU Ryu karate do, Seiwa Kai Goshukan, Yamaguci ha lineage, all japan Karate federation, GoJu kai.

i teach biginners, sixth kyu (whiye belt) adults as well as children, up to second kyu (blue belt) i also teach intermidete up to mudanshu rank (second year Brown).
Im ranked in all japan karate federation. Ni dan,
I am not a sensie my title at present is senpai..

Ah ha, very good, I now understand why you would be throwing one another around at your job. I was puzzled and didn't think of that line of work. Interesting.
Ah ha, very good, I now understand why you would be throwing one another around at your job. I was puzzled and didn't think of that line of work. Interesting.

the way of kara te has saved my life. as well as iaido which i wkso train and am ranked in. But do not teach.
Thus i have dedicated my life to them.

Yeah given my post history im sure some figured i was a pimp or somethn with the hitting and choking at work post...
Tsk tsk...
the way of kara te has saved my life. as well as iaido which i wkso train and am ranked in. But do not teach.
Thus i have dedicated my life to them.

Yeah given my post history im sure some figured i was a pimp or somethn with the hitting and choking at work post...
Tsk tsk...

:giggle:...all 3 of my boys were in Tae Won Do....It got them in real good shape and off their arses after school...5 days a week at it.
Doesn't ur smoking weed hinder you somewhat?...just curious.
:giggle:...all 3 of my boys were in Tae Won Do....It got them in real good shape and off their arses after school...5 days a week at it.
Doesn't ur smoking weed hinder you somewhat?...just curious.
Ah yeah tai kwon do, is s korean art. i have never trained in it. But ive fought those who hAve. And am very fimilare with it. The art i train and teach is a japanse karate, which differs from okinawan. Nutshell we move move circular and do far more kumite but karate is orginaly an okinawan art. And japanese goju and okinawan goju shsre the same kata.
i train and also am ranked in musu jekeden eieshen ryu iado, which is bthe drawing and cutting of the katana from ones knees to kill the enemy then closing again on your knees. So i spend hours in seiza im prob one of.the few gaijin who can sit seiza all day and be at one with the pain. We also have oir stand up kata, but you start with hours and years on yoir knees.
The weed actuallly doesnt hinder me at all. But im responsible with it. So it works out.
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Ah yeah tai kwon do, is s korean art. i hwae never trained in it. But ive fought those who hAve. And am very fimilare with it. The art i train and teach is a japanse karate, which differs from okinawan. Nutshell we move move circular and do far more kumite but karate is orginaly an okinawan art. And japanese goju and okinawan goju shsre the same kata.
i train and also am ranked in musu jekeden eieshen ryu iado, which isbthe drswing snd cutting of the katana from ones knees to kill the enemy then cosing again on your knees. So i spend hours in seiza im prob one of.the few gaijin who csn sit seiza all day and be at one with the pain. We also hwve oir stand up kata, but youbstart with hours and years on yoir knees.
The weed actuallly doesnt hinder me at all. But im responsible with it. So it works out.

You must be a rather young man to withstand working your knees like that. Is that going to cause problems as you age? The knees go first! I understand you are disciplined to get through the pain, hope your knees understand that when you hit your 70s. I'm cringing at the thought. :lol:
You must be a rather young man to withstand working your knees like that. Is that going to cause problems as you age? The knees go first! I understand you are disciplined to get through the pain, hope your knees understand that when you hit your 70s. I'm cringing at the thought. :lol:

Oh Gosh ! I had to do a lot of bending and lifting as a health aide and my knees remind me of that now. Some health aides were too fat to bend down and that was more work for other health aides.
You must be a rather young man to withstand working your knees like that. Is that going to cause problems as you age? The knees go first! I understand you are disciplined to get through the pain, hope your knees understand that when you hit your 70s. I'm cringing at the thought. :lol:
Im no spring chicken, but ive been training for a long time, in traditional martial arts, addiction and jail were years absent but i was training prior and thus is why karate was able to save me, i went back to the thing i knew wouLd
My knees r holding up re iaiado. But ive been training for yesrs so im well adapted.
Ive suffered allot of injuries in martial.arts..allot and those r catching up to me now, the most recent injury almost ended my carrier, and im still recovering.
I move better then allot of 20 somethings, quicker with a more. focused movement. But ive fought allot, in my time, jail for.Deafie really really sucked.
When in 50 some years . Still hope to be moving like water
for vaguness sake im hovvring at oe around 40ish for those curious.
Addiction took its toll on my liver thus i cant drink or suffer, i cant even take s tylonal, or even advile weed it is for me
Some niights i crawl into my house unble to stand straight from hours on my knees,, but you know
Not dead!! Dont quit!!
It is my calling
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Oh Gosh ! I had to do a lot of bending and lifting as a health aide and my knees remind me of that now. Some health aides were too fat to bend down and that was more work for other health aides.
We warm knee walking the length of rhe dojo....i knee walk around my house room to room and spend more rime in sieza then on a chair, its just natural for me given how much time im in it..
Thats nothing. Our first kata" mae " (forward) We start in seiza draw our sword kuristuki which is real with one hand In one movement cut the enemies eyes then downwsrd cut him hin half, (nukistuki) clean blood from blade (chiburi), and re seath (noto) and your back in seiza, then do that all directions jut to wa. up, your moving and getting up and down on your knees foe hoirs and houes whipping arouns a heavy real katana,
Few can do it
For people like me iaiado is a religion karate our life...
Im no speing chicken, but ive been training for a long time, in traditional martial arts, addiction and jail were years absent but ibwas training prior snd thus is why karwte was able to save me, i went back to the thing i knew wouLd
My knees r holeing up re iaiado. But ive been training for yesrs so im well adapted.
Ive suffered allot of injuries in msrtial.arts..llot..and those r cstching up to me now, the most recent injury almost ended my carrier, snd im still recovering.
I move better then allot of 20 somethings, quicker with a mor. focused movement. But ive fought allot, in my time, jail for.Deafie really really sucked.
When in some years . Still hope to be moving like water
for vaguness sake im hovvring at oe srouns 40ish for those curious.
Addiction took its toll on my liver thus i cant drink or suffer, i csnt even tske s tylonal, or even advile weed it is for me
Some niights i crawl into my house unble to stand straight from hours on my knees,, but you know
Not dead!! Dont quit!!
It is my calling

Thanks for answering, I'm interested in all kinds of things. I did look up that seiza position, looked very punishing to knees and legs. I do understand why you are doing this and so glad it saved you.

So you work with samurai sword too?
Thanks for answering, I'm interested in all kinds of things. I did look up that seiza position, looked very punishing to knees and legs. I do understand why you are doing this and so glad it saved you.

So you work with samurai sword too?
Your welcome no plm at all.
Seiza actually is easy, look up my favourite tete hiza thats a reall killer knee position...ansd we a few kata in that demon
samurai sowrd is what un trained people cAll it sure.
But we start with what we call iaito. Which is a samurai sword or katana but not razor sharp,still sharp enough to hurt you though.
Injuries are oFten because you are not permitted to look at anything but the enemy so you re sheath your blade by feel, one wrong millimter and if its razor shap you loose your thumb, ive stabbed myself in the heart numerous times but, good thing it was an iaito, so just w wicked bruse, until you master it
Then we you can use a shinken, whifh iS razor sharp
We also hwve a kata. Kaishaku which is the kata of seppuku. Ritual suicide. When yo. Disembowl yourself so when you are in seiza ready to commit seppuku your kaishaku your second is behinD you with his blade ready and on your msek the kaishaku cuts the head off lesving just a flap so your head doesnt roll as thats kaishaku takes wllot of has a unique cut and noto (sheath)
Its the only kata we cant do for grading
As for goju. My life.
MY favouritE kata are seiyunchin, seipai, kururunfa, and suparinpai. Respecrfully.
We hit each other allot in goju to condition body, and such all cool.

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