What Makes You a Sex Offender?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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The Supreme Court of California ruled that monitoring the location of sex offenders with GPS bracelets violates their rights. So, what rights do sex offenders have?

Individuals convicted of sex crimes in the U.S. fall into three different categories: Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. All violent sex criminals are in Tier 3. Tier 2 includes people involved in sex trafficking, distributing child pornography, and engaging in non-violent sexual contact with a minor. Those convicted of lesser sex crimes are under Tier 1, including voyeurism, lewdness, streaking, and even public urination. While all states require offenders to register into a public database for a certain amount of time, punishments and jail time tend to vary state to state. Penalties for indecent exposure can range from a $1000 fine to up to 10 years in prison, in some states, if children saw the lewd act.

Across the U.S., courts are taking up cases addressing the rights and restrictions imposed on sex offenders. In March 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a case that could have a major rippling effect on the use of GPS devices to monitor sex offenders. The justices unanimously ruled in favor of a North Carolina man, saying that the state's requirement that he wear a GPS monitoring device for the rest of his life went against the 4th Amendment.

In California, the state Supreme Court ruled that residency restrictions imposed on sex offenders must be addressed in a case-by-case basis. The court ruled that "Jessica's Law", which barred sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a school or park, was unconstitutional. Critics of the law said it resulted in many sex offenders becoming transient, which has also impacted access to jobs and rehabilitation services. The change will most likely leave residency restrictions in place for offenders who sexually abused children, but adjusting the stipulations for other lesser offenders. While the ruling only affects San Diego county for now, it could very likely change policies across the state.

Learn More:

Supreme Court questions lifetime monitoring of sex offenders (LA Times)
"The Supreme Court raised constitutional doubts Monday about the life-time monitoring of sex offenders and other criminals with the use of GPS devices."

Sex Crime Criminal Defense
"A registered sex offender is a person, male or female, who has been convicted of a crime involving a sexual act where the federal, state or local laws require them to be placed on the Sexual Offender Registry after they have served their criminal sentences or when they have been released on parole."

Sexting could see teenagers branded as sex offenders (The Guardian)
"Teenagers are being unfairly labelled as sex offenders for sending explicit messages to each other, campaigners have said."

Damn....puplic pissing is a sex crime....
Im gulty of sin for that....
Really.... cant count the times ive had to pee in an alley or pull over to do the dead. Lucky i didnt get clubed beaten and hauled away for being a sex offender...
Many "sex crimes" are ridiculous.... Had someone labeled as a sex offender because she wore a white shirt without a bra...sadly a storm came out of left field and soaked her and shirt became transparent ...they were at a school thing and she got labeled a sex offender....
Many "sex crimes" are ridiculous.... Had someone labeled as a sex offender because she wore a white shirt without a bra...sadly a storm came out of left field and soaked her and shirt became transparent ...they were at a school thing and she got labeled a sex offender....

Labeled? ...by people or the Court?
Many "sex crimes" are ridiculous.... Had someone labeled as a sex offender because she wore a white shirt without a bra...sadly a storm came out of left field and soaked her and shirt became transparent ...they were at a school thing and she got labeled a sex offender....

The jails must be packed....if its not a crime, the state will make it one.
Prisons must be built, cells must be packed
You want to invest money in a sure money maker
Invest in prisons
America....the land of the free, with the worlds largest prison population and growing...
Is farting in public a crime yet?
Shouldnt give them any ideas..
Many "sex crimes" are ridiculous.... Had someone labeled as a sex offender because she wore a white shirt without a bra...sadly a storm came out of left field and soaked her and shirt became transparent ...they were at a school thing and she got labeled a sex offender....
In what state?
I just saw on the news a woman had just gotten a new driving license and she did not notice it had 'Sex Offender' printed right on the front. The woman been using it for a ID for while too. It turns out the person that issue the DL hit a 'wrong' key and did not notice it . I guess the woman did not notice the :shock: on people she gave her DL to.
Yes...it happened in Florida....and this is the 2nd time I have heard of this happening in Florida.....
That's messed up...having that label can cause a world of hurt to a person...
Georgia if memory severs correctly but do not quote me... Would have to look it up...

Can't say much until you look it up...and wearing a white t-shirt without a bra....:roll:...then it rained....surely, she wasn't in a "Wet T-Shirt Competition"....anyway...was she a minor herself?...and the ages of the other minors?....:hmm:...feel there's more to the story, and one of the teachers should have provided her with a shirt or make her leave and go home.
Many "sex crimes" are ridiculous.... Had someone labeled as a sex offender because she wore a white shirt without a bra...sadly a storm came out of left field and soaked her and shirt became transparent ...they were at a school thing and she got labeled a sex offender....
What kind of school "thing?"

What were the ages of all involved?

What was her position within the group? (teacher, parent, student?)

Who reported it?
She was a mother and it is old news... As for wet tea shirt comp...when is the last time you heard about one of them for a school function...really now.... As for anything else she did go home...sadly too many people took issue that she wasn't wearing a bra so she got charged on something that society should have just left alone... Crap happens oh well....children see more sexualized things on billboards and television then this or even the whole sex on the beach....
She was a mother and it is old news... As for wet tea shirt comp...when is the last time you heard about one of them for a school function...really now.... As for anything else she did go home...sadly too many people took issue that she wasn't wearing a bra so she got charged on something that society should have just left alone... Crap happens oh well....children see more sexualized things on billboards and television then this or even the whole sex on the beach....
Even before it rained, a white t-shirt without a bra is not a very smart idea for mother attending a school function.
Even before it rained, a white t-shirt without a bra is not a very smart idea for mother attending a school function.

Maybe not...but who are we to tell her what she can and cannot wear?
You'd be surprised how many kids were labeled as a sex offender...


Throughout the United States, children as young as nine years old who are adjudicated delinquent may be subject to sex offender registration laws. For example, in Delaware in 2011, there were approximately 639 children on the sex offender registry, 55 of whom were under the age of 12. . . . A 2009 Department of Justice study, which focused only on sex crimes committed by children in which other children were the victims, found that one out of eight youth sex offenders committing crimes against other children was younger than 12.

What kind of school "thing?"

What were the ages of all involved?

What was her position within the group? (teacher, parent, student?)

Who reported it?

Heres a question for you
Why is peeing in public a sex crime?

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