Angry mom grabs son off street amid Baltimore riot

Humilation rarely seves as good shes the mother of the year for smacking her boy who was rioting?
Seems like a failed mother to me...doubt this was the first smack she gave him...smacks dont really work with teens....and smacks dont make a mother of the takes much more then that in my opinion
what she did was her boy should humiliate her back. Move to press charges. if the state refuses, then sue for tle emotional trauma of bieng humiliated for all the workd to see.
If your going to use violence to solve your plms, as this mother did. She should be smarter then this...
Good vid though, it is after all the society of the specticle.....maybe a reality tv gig is being offered.mmmmm

Blacks and whites do differ when it comes to discipline....and I do feel that blacks respect their mothers moreso than whites....On many occasions, I've noticed a black lady with several of her kids at a grocery store...very well behaved...and I've seen many black mothers smack their kids whenever they get out of line or do something disrespectful....

As for the mother's son getting her for "assault"....say what?...I would have done the same thing she was a very dangerous situation and one her son didn't need to be involved in....
Wow, that was impressive. It's mentioned that she is a "Mom of the Year in Baltimore".

She is...if he's so proud of his activities, take the mask off and let the world see your face. He had a mask because he knew it was the wrong thing to do and she stopped him....more parents should be this pro active....

Violence begat violence, even in the family situation like this in the video. She would have scold him instead of slapping him. Telling him that it is not the way to throw brick or violence at the police officers. Everyone get angry when things go wrong especially in riots or murder by white police officers (loners). Hitting and slapping is still violence which cause abuse. I think maybe she had abused her own son when he was growing up. The mother did not show good behaviors to her son. Maybe that is why he was frustrated and upset about everything going on between Black and White people including his mother showing that violence is okay with her when it come with discipline. That is the way I see what she was doing to her son there. :(
None of those people are rioting because their mothers hit them as children. If that were true, everyone who was hit would riot.
This thread is focusing on the family dynamics.

No fathers were involved, the thread was focused on thr mother and her son, both thr fathers orbthe riot, which was aboit murderous police seem to be a fsir thing to bring in...
This mother wouldnt of smacked her son snd be kwuded as a mothrr ofbthe year if the cops didnt murder.freeddy.
Murderous coos sre more relevant to the thresd then any fatherd are...
She is...if he's so proud of his activities, take the mask off and let the world see your face. He had a mask because he knew it was the wrong thing to do and she stopped him....more parents should be this pro active....


Thats a silly argument...the referse side to it is if the riot police are so proud, take of the helmets and masks and sheilds, and bafons and guns, and tasers, and horses, and let the world see...
Pride...has nothing to do with either soemone wearing a mask to hide their id from the cops commiting a crime, or the cops.wearing masks and riot gear to address the riot. not in the equation
My opinion anyway...
Thats a silly argument...the referse side to it is if the riot police are so proud, take of the helmets and masks and sheilds, and bafons and guns, and tasers, and horses, and let the world see...
Pride...has nothing to do with either soemone wearing a mask to hide their id from the cops commiting a crime, or the cops.wearing masks and riot gear to address the riot. not in the equation
My opinion anyway...

Point taken that the young man wearing the mask need to keep his identity private while the police officers were wearing their full uniforms with helmets and masks. I know they are protecting themselves from them.

Laura, if you had seen the police officers wear their helmets and masks, then they would have drop their gears and show us their peace without violence. I really think police officers started this whole thing with violence against Black people, no matter what. They don't care.
If i was a cop id would had arrested her for assault & battery. You cant just hit people out in public streets even its your own son. You must simply deal with your son in your own home not out on a public street. The law is the law!
Oh wow wow... what's terrible about going on in Baltimore.

I don't want go off campus unarmed (walking) after saw racial war - blacks that attacking white people.

Gallaudet University won't let me to be armed and store my guns in residence hall.
If i was a cop id would had arrested her for assault & battery. You cant just hit people out in public streets even its your own son. You must simply deal with your son in your own home not out on a public street. The law is the law!
She had to get him off the street and then to home first.

Are you telling me that a kid that size can't handle a few swats from a momma? (Notice, she wasn't using a belt or stick or fist, and his face and head were covered.) How delicate are teen boys these days?

Sure, she could have let him stay on the street and maybe get arrested or shot during the night. Is that better?
Those teenagers are in the wrong for their destructive behavior. I commend the mother for intervene and drag her son home. That's how a responsible mother discipline with tough love.
She had to get him off the street and then to home first.

Are you telling me that a kid that size can't handle a few swats from a momma? (Notice, she wasn't using a belt or stick or fist, and his face and head were covered.) How delicate are teen boys these days?

Sure, she could have let him stay on the street and maybe get arrested or shot during the night. Is that better?

Size or what someone can take doesnt really come into play re assault.
Motive does.
If s cop witness you smacking someone in the street, he wont think, well that dude can tske it, move along...actually that does and often happens, but the assult is the assault. regardless..
Laws.arent written or that idea. Of whs can take..
Its clear she assulted him. Hell, ive known peopel to get charged for less with assult.
I think.its weird people view this women as mother of the year. All we know is she smacked her son in pubLic
She some crack ho for all we know...thiugh . Think judging by her size i doubt point is there is more to being a mother of the year besides smacking in public your son.
He had ground to.defdnd himself.if he wished too...
What was she doing in the riot anyway? Was she there looking for her boy?
Or was.she there and jus hapoend to recognize him also being there?
I feel a lot of these teens were coerced into rioting....and feel the mother did the only thing she could do to get her son out of that mess...."Sweet talking" would not have done anything...and since her son was bigger than her...grabbing his ear like a little kid?...No way...Even her slapping her son didn't hurt him...only embarrassed him....and that's how Black mothers discipline their children...Who knows if she is a single mother trying to raise her son in the right way without a father?...She wanted him Home...not dead or hurt or in jail...
Ive seen fair bit of adults in this riot...its not alll teens, swarms of adult looters, even lootiing toilet paper can be seen
Its not a.teen plm
By the imeges comming out....
Plenty of adults in the heat of it..i saw a.pic of an adult, with a bottle of vodka in one hand bags in the other trying to steal a purse too from a copuple of chicks, who were struggling with him....and in the air above their hewda was a flying tossed chair...
For soMe.reason
I really laughed when i saw that....
Size or what someone can take doesnt really come into play re assault.
Motive does.
OK. So what was her motive? To hurt him or to save him?

If someone's drowning, you might have to knock him out to rescue him. Her son was drowning in the crowd mentality of riot. She had to do what it takes to rescue him.

If s cop witness you smacking someone in the street, he wont think, well that dude can tske it, move along...actually that does and often happens, but the assult is the assault. regardless..
Laws.arent written or that idea. Of whs can take..
Its clear she assulted him. Hell, ive known peopel to get charged for less with assult.
I think.its weird people view this women as mother of the year. All we know is she smacked her son in pubLic
She some crack ho for all we know...thiugh . Think judging by her size i doubt point is there is more to being a mother of the year besides smacking in public your son.
He had ground to.defdnd himself.if he wished too…
If she was on crack I doubt she could have been bothered to go get him.

I wasn't addressing legal aspects but parenting practices.

In this instance, the police were overlooking a lot of illegal activities anyway.

What was she doing in the riot anyway? Was she there looking for her boy?
Or was.she there and jus hapoend to recognize him also being there?
She was probably looking for him since most of the crowd of teens had gathered as soon as school dismissed. (Looks like he's wearing his school backpack.) When he didn't come right home she probably went looking for him.
Its better he serves time in Jail. When he gets out he might learn to respect authority.
Ive seen fair bit of adults in this riot...its not alll teens, swarms of adult looters, even lootiing toilet paper can be seen
Its not a.teen plm
By the imeges comming out....
Plenty of adults in the heat of it..i saw a.pic of an adult, with a bottle of vodka in one hand bags in the other trying to steal a purse too from a copuple of chicks, who were struggling with him....and in the air above their hewda was a flying tossed chair...
For soMe.reason
I really laughed when i saw that....

Well, I saw a lady with a baby in a carriage....she was running along with the rioters....Did I think that was funny?...Hell No!...None of this is funny. I just don't catch ur sense of humor here....Innocent people and businesses are being hurt and destroyed...along with looting.
Thats a silly argument...the referse side to it is if the riot police are so proud, take of the helmets and masks and sheilds, and bafons and guns, and tasers, and horses, and let the world see...
Pride...has nothing to do with either soemone wearing a mask to hide their id from the cops commiting a crime, or the cops.wearing masks and riot gear to address the riot. not in the equation
My opinion anyway...

People who wear a mask when committing a crime are doing so to hide their identity. If you believe in what you're doing and that's it's right, then you should show your face. Whatever a person's position is on parenting, at least she cared to get her son off the street and prevented him from adding to the violence. If more parents like her, perhaps the crime rate wouldn't be as high as it is? You may not agree with her actions but her child is home safe tonight (ticked off perhaps) but alive and not in jail. Thumbs up for Mom....
OK. So what was her motive? To hurt him or to save him?

If someone's drowning, you might have to knock him out to rescue him. Her son was drowning in the crowd mentality of riot. She had to do what it takes to rescue him.

If she was on crack I doubt she could have been bothered to go get him.

I wasn't addressing legal aspects but parenting practices.

In this instance, the police were overlooking a lot of illegal activities anyway.

She was probably looking for him since most of the crowd of teens had gathered as soon as school dismissed. (Looks like he's wearing his school backpack.) When he didn't come right home she probably went looking for him.

Maybe, we can come up with al sorts of reasons why she was there. We can assume all sorts of things. I never said she was on crack. I said we dont know anythinf sboit her. She could of been there to riot or loot for all we know, saw him.and thus decided she didnt wsant him to steal her fire.and smack him. Who knows the hoods a strange place...
I think.she could of handled it differenty...i dont see her actions as any way like tough love...tough love is allowing someone you love to siffer the consequnces of their. Actions not intervenening to.prevent them.from doing the actions
Tough love.
You do the crime, you do the time
Not you dobthe crime, mama will fome save you and whoop yoir ass so you dont serve any time...
Thats enabling...
She actually didnt do him any tough nothing...
Its better he serves time in Jail. When he gets out he might learn to respect authority.

Not sure if you have kids....I do, 3 boys....and NO, I would not want them in jail...I would do everything I could to keep them out of jail and on the straight and narrow...and since I'm 5'2 and they all are almost 6 foot...and if they were in those riots...a baseball bat I would bring with me to get them out of there and home....

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