How is your weather today??

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20 degrees, but a beautiful day.

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Just 2 hours ago it was 20. Now it's 24, and going up.
cloudy...i bit pi88ed off as AURA borialis was over parts of england which rare but to cloudy for me to see
Rain with the temps of 60oF
My town is under extreme flood advisory. That has never happened. I haven't been watching tv, I know parts of Southern CA are getting hit hard. We are safe where we are but we have to drive up the mountain for my doctors appt. Could be exciting.

I had just signed up for Accuweather it works great, sent me a message to my IPad and cel.
63 currently and expected to go down to 58 for the night.
Great. Winter Weather Advisory in effect until 3 this afternoon, and they're saying 4-6 inches, possibly more, and on the 1st day of March, no less.
[ame=]Is this what winter is doing to you - YouTube[/ame]
Oh poor Frosty, the Snowman!

BTW, seriously… this winter is the coldest and longest one for years! I noticed that I have used more firewood the any time in the past. Wow! I am now on the beginning of buffering stock of firewood. That part was intended for next year, and I end up using it now. Wow! Glad I have extra for surprises.
Oh poor Frosty, the Snowman!

BTW, seriously… this winter is the coldest and longest one for years! I noticed that I have used more firewood the any time in the past. Wow! I am now on the beginning of buffering stock of firewood. That part was intended for next year, and I end up using it now. Wow! Glad I have extra for surprises.

oh yes!! do you expect to have some more snow tonight and tomorrow and monday. ugh!
Likely, I have no issue with snow, really. BUT I do have issue constantly frigid climate. I don't mind for short time yes but for long time? Well,,,, you know

oh yes!! do you expect to have some more snow tonight and tomorrow and monday. ugh!
Likely, I have no issue with snow, really. BUT I do have issue constantly frigid climate. I don't mind for short time yes but for long time? Well,,,, you know

Right Right Right, I dont mind snow B-b-but I have enough with snow AND C-O-L-D since it has been so LONG!!! I want to run on the SAFE roads without COLD that makes water to become ICY.
Likely, I have no issue with snow, really. BUT I do have issue constantly frigid climate. I don't mind for short time yes but for long time? Well,,,, you know

I am the same way. I love the snow and don't mind frigid air for a short time which usually happens in the Northeast but this? Last night, I went tubing with a group of friends and our kids and it was 11 degrees. I didn't make as many rounds of tubing like I normally do because I had to return to the lodge constantly to warm up. We will see another blast t of frigid temps after the storm next week. *groans*
Oh poor Frosty, the Snowman!

BTW, seriously… this winter is the coldest and longest one for years! I noticed that I have used more firewood the any time in the past. Wow! I am now on the beginning of buffering stock of firewood. That part was intended for next year, and I end up using it now. Wow! Glad I have extra for surprises.

Since moving to the northeast from the southwest 15 years ago, this has been the most brutal winter I have ever experienced with the barrage of deep freezing temps and storms.
So far, in the Phila area, this is the 3rd snowiest winter. The snowiest was 2009-2010. I remember we had 3 blizzards that winter. I heard that Philly might get 15" with this next storm. I mailed (anonymously) my neighbor, who uses his snowblower to clear his neighbors driveways, another Wawa gift card to help pay for the gas for his blower.
Rain all day

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