Actually, Amb here is pretty fond of penis from what I understand, I'm the one with the penis issues...
Something YOU need to understand. Most of us have been here a decent amount of time, some longer than others... and have seen a LOT of BS come and go through this place. Regardless if someone tells me they gained weight intentionally to become less appealing to women online or in person I'm going to tell them they're full of poo. You see, you made yourself unhealthy and disrespected your body intentionally, which goes against this "self respect" you say to have by not having sex before marriage. To each their own, if you want to wait, good for you! I personally did not. Saying in your previous post that friends of yours had sex and now hate their lives because of it I also have to call utter BS on. I have had sex multiple times ( I'm not getting it every other month from someone new or even year ) and I've had sexual encounters with some people that turned out to be douches later on, but I never hate my life because I started having sex early. If your friends hate life because they had sex early, they need to seek professional psychiatric help, they have some serious internal demons they need to work on.
As for you, there are only so many things you can say to make people *facepalm* it at you. Saying you gained weight to make yourself unappealing to women... Well, that's just ridiculous, and you clearly need to seek some sort of help. Making yourself unhealthy to become less appealing to women? You want to sit here and tell us that we're critical or harsh on you? Why don't you look at how you just treated your body? ( Not that I believe you did this intentionally for even a millisecond ) ( I work in the medical field FYI before you start telling me to not interject an opinion about medical things )
Also, 90% of men misread female intentions. Sometimes, we're trying to be nice and all of the sudden we want them. I'm a freaking lesbian and get men ALL THE TIME that think I'm flirting with them when I'm just trying to be nice and respectful. :roll: Saying all these women wanted you, how incredibly narcissistic and full of yourself are you really? Why don't you tell us a little more about how you're too sexy for your shirt? :roll:
Another thing, you come on this site ( a DEAF site ) and start spewing BS out of every corner thus far and are surprised we're calling you on it?

You wonder why a lot of Deaf have issues with the hearing, go back and read the BS you just posted... seriously, it's hilarious. You're not exactly making it easy for the other hearing people that may be mentally competent and truthful to work their way into the Deaf community and make friends, are you? It just takes one sometimes to mess it up for the rest! I personally don't discriminate, but I can see why a lot of the Deaf community has such issues with the hearing, just re-read what you wrote and that will make you see a tiny bit of the tip of the ice burg. Commenting that we're Deaf bullies because we called you out on serious BS? Umm, being Deaf has nothing to do with it. We all have different personalities, talents and skills... We all just happen to share in being Deaf.
So, in closing, why don't you go back and read to see how this could have possibly went a more mature route. I think had you changed what you had written, this wouldn't have even gone here... you need to look at what you say, not the other way. Calling Angel a bully? That woman is once of the nicest I've met on this site! Always so encouraging and supportive of others... YOU need to look at who's assuming and passing judgement. Maybe stop putting yourself in situations where these things happen. :roll: