Mew, you should watch Insidious 2, THAT was alot more scary to watch than the Conjuring...when i saw the i2, I thought the conjuring was what? nah not that scary...(ok it was based on true story but i still dunno....)
..likefilm-wise Insidious 2 was more effective in every ways
UGH I KNOW! I saw insidious 1 and when 2 came out I couldn't get anyone to go see it with me! ( Not many of my friends like scary movies ) I'm a wuss when it comes to watching them alone, maybe I'll rent it this weekend since it's in Redbox and force my parents to watch it with me...Insidious 1 wasn't too too bad, so I hope it's better than that one! :P
I spit on your grave
f*CK cool movie!!!!