As a kid, what was your favorite TV show?


Veteran Traveler
Premium Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Mine was Power Rangers, in particular the MMPR franchise, but after the Thunderzords were destroyed, I quit watching them.

Today? It's crime drama like NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, Hawaii Five-0, Blue Bloods, and CSI:

As a kid, what was your favorite show? And what's yours today?
I grew up in the 80's in England so it was.....
Doctor Who
Star Fleet
The A-Team
Airwolf (does Blue Thunder count aswell??)
The StoryTeller
Fraggle Rock
The Muppet Show (Guess I'd have to throw something in here all the yanks would recognise!!)
Blue Peter
I grew up in the 80's in England so it was.....
Doctor Who
Star Fleet
The A-Team
Airwolf (does Blue Thunder count aswell??)
The StoryTeller
Fraggle Rock
The Muppet Show (Guess I'd have to throw something in here all the yanks would recognise!!)
Blue Peter

That's quite a list. Off topic-- my favorite movie from that region is the "Pink Panther". Funny as #@$!, and worth every buck.
Yep, its a big list.. I used to watch a lot of TV :)
I'd have to say "Terrahawks" though, always used to love Gerry Anderson's Animatronic stuff!

Like Pink Panther.. but only the films..... go figure :)
Yep, its a big list.. I used to watch a lot of TV :)
I'd have to say "Terrahawks" though, always used to love Gerry Anderson's Animatronic stuff!

Like Pink Panther.. but only the films..... go figure :)

Yes, the films was what I was referring to.
"It's Howdy-Doody Time!"...and "Rin-Rin-Tin"...."The Lone Ranger"......
Now it's "Sons of Anarchy"...."Walking Dead:...CSI....and of course, "Family Guy" and "How I Met Your Mother".
"It's Howdy-Doody Time!"...and "Rin-Rin-Tin"...."The Lone Ranger"......
Now it's "Sons of Anarchy"...."Walking Dead:...CSI....and of course, "Family Guy" and "How I Met Your Mother".

Rin-tin-tin! Loved that show growing up. Gosh, how times have changed since then.
Cowboy shows on TV , that was really all I can't remember and the show with that nasty froggie that was always makimg a guy mess things up. I think it had the Buster Brown shoe ad .
haha I must of seen the power rangers movie at the theatre at least a dozen times. good stuff! ghostbusters was a great one for me too, and animaniacs
Wirelessly posted

Tom and Jerry is still one of my favorite cartoons. Thunder Cats, Smurfs.

Different Strokes, Punky Brewster, Full House. Macgyver.....

Miss all the old shows.
haha I must of seen the power rangers movie at the theatre at least a dozen times. good stuff! ghostbusters was a great one for me too, and animaniacs

Ghostbusters! Love those movies. Oddly enough, after the Thunderzords were destroyed, I thought they were done, but fast forward about 15 yrs later, and I'm seeing the Ninja and Shogun Megazords, and I'm like WTF? Thought they were done?
Daniel Boone, Logan's Run, Batman (the old 60's tv show), the very old TV series Superman, Dick Turpin, and the 70's "The Invisible Man" with David McCullum... same actor was in Sapphire and Steele (that was real spooky)...
Don't recall that one..... sorry.

[ame=]Froggy the Gremlin and Lecturers - YouTube[/ame]

It's an old show from the 50's . I thought it was very funny. Special affect has sure come a long way since this show. Flash Gordon was fun to watch because it was so fake looking.

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