I need to rant about my job

I don't want to stoop to her level by involving the kiddo. I actually did something similar a month ago tho. When I first found out about the job offer I mentioned it to the dad since at that time I was going to be starting to work for her within 8 weeks. It blew up in my face. The mom was being nastier than usual to me and I found out that just for MENTIONING quitting she was going to put him in full time school the the following week and fire me. The dad told me about a comment she made shortly after I told them I got engaged which was "...well she is getting married next year." and it wasn't in the context of hey let's help her out and pay her more. It was in the context of letting me go because I might quit after I get married. That was a bitch move, in my opinion. I can't pay for a wedding without a job. I don't know why she seems to hate me and be determined to find good reason to fire me.

I don't get paid minimum wage. I get less than that. My overtime pay is just above minimum wage.
How did you begin underpaid in the first place? She wont find anyone else but kids for that.... Id never took it for that kind of pay.
You would make more as a waitress at $2.10hr + tips
It is hard to find work where I live. I have extensive professional experience in child care and even with that and letters of recommendations from previous employers it's still hard for me to find work. I got this job on Craigslist. I have applied for retail, no luck.
The lack of appropriate pay pisses me off because they have enough money for other things. They both work full time and she is starting her own business. She has had 2 Mercedes in the past year and he has 3 trucks. Among other things.
Another thing that pisses me off is the lack of food in the house. There is adult food, but rarely kid-friendly food. He has a health issue that requires special food, but the majority of the time he doesn't have his special food. And instead of letting the kid starve, I feed him what is available and then I get spoken to about feeding the wrong thing. The dad is on my side and is just as frustrated. Especially since she doesn't let him get groceries. So a lot of times he'll have me take the kiddo out to eat. He is picky about fast food so he'll have me drive clear across town, frequently without getting paid gas money. He eats fine when I am not there, but that's because the mom is a good cook and can take a bunch of random ingredients and turn it into a meal. That was discussed when I first started and I wasn't required to make elaborate meals.
Now onto the messes. Even if I did leave messes (which I don't), it would be nothing compared to their messes. They leave dirty dishes everywhere, leave dirt all over the floor. Their bathroom is so awful that I usually don't use it when I am there. They never clean the toilet, they just replace it when it gets really nasty. Their house does get cleaned occassionally by the 2 older kids. It is even in their chores to clean the parents bedroom, which I find ridiculous.

This whole thing is just so retarded. I hate feeling like I am on the verge of being fired for no valid reason. I will be so glad when my other job goes through. I'll be taking care of a friend who is a quadriplegic. I've worked for her before and I love it. I'll be getting paid at least double and we get along well and I actually have a lot of fun when I am working for her.

How did you begin underpaid in the first place? She wont find anyone else but kids for that.... Id never took it for that kind of pay.
You would make more as a waitress at $2.10hr + tips

She already said Craigslist. I quoted it and added the bold above. The post was #9.
I think the question is, why did she accept such low wages in the first place?

There should be a written contract with wages, hours, and duties clearly defined. Any changes to those things need to be negotiated and written up.
Here it is even a law, if you babysit, you have to be trained in first aid and cpr now. The stepdaughter took it and got certified as she babysits off and on, as well as watch my son (her baby brother) I was an instructor, and mom was a scout leader for both cubs and girls, so she was also trained. And that there adds value to your bartering skills.
if you looking after kid you( locus parentis) dont know how to spell it....what about contract that something you should sorted before started but hey hindsight is crap,next time do it..
making the kiddo say something to you is out of order say something to her....were you employed as a nanny or skivvie be assertive but polite and by choise you stand and her sit when you are assertive(some psycological thing)it surppose to put you in driving seat....5dollors is insult
They cheat you. Check how much they should pay you.

Babysitting Rates Calculator - Care.com

If it's not your zip code, click on Recalculate.
There are also Labor Laws, Keep track of hours worked, expenses and so on, contact the Labor office and see.... If they find any fault of the employers they will have to pay you back pay for all your hours and expenses worked.
There are also Labor Laws, Keep track of hours worked, expenses and so on, contact the Labor office and see.... If they find any fault of the employers they will have to pay you back pay for all your hours and expenses worked.
She's working as an independent contractor, so I don't know if that would apply. It depends on her contract. She could sue for breach of contract but that's about it.
Yup, there isn't much protection from labor law on those who work under contract. Many companies used contractors in the past to avoid any liablity under labor laws, they got under fire for that. For instance, FedEX used to hire contractors where they treat as regular employee just to avoid several laws. Not anymore.

She's working as an independent contractor, so I don't know if that would apply. It depends on her contract. She could sue for breach of contract but that's about it.
There are also Labor Laws, Keep track of hours worked, expenses and so on, contact the Labor office and see.... If they find any fault of the employers they will have to pay you back pay for all your hours and expenses worked.
Like what Reba said above, yeah and also CR had to take the job since it was available. She already agreed with the contract since she needs money so badly no matter what. I hope she will find a better job soon so she can **** that bitch. Dog food (6 dogs) and wedding = expensive.
How do you think they can afford 2 Mercedes and 3 trucks? By being cheap. It is not just you. I'm sure they ripped off a lot of people.
How do you think they can afford 2 Mercedes and 3 trucks? By being cheap. It is not just you. I'm sure they ripped off a lot of people.
Also, we don't know that all their possessions are paid for. They could be deep in debt.
Are you sure they all are paid in full? The chances are slim.

Just like what Reba said.

True. I didn't think about that. I should have tho since my last paycheck from them bounced.

Their priorities definitely aren't where they need to be if they place more importance on luxuries for themselves and not paying the nanny well and providing adequate food for their child. And it isn't my business but in my opinion they cannot afford to be trying for a baby.

I don't even have kids yet but I make sure my animals have what they need before I buy things for myself. To me that's common sense.

There is a plus side to all of this. Every day is just another page in the book "what not to do when you have kids".
True. I didn't think about that. I should have tho since my last paycheck from them bounced.

Their priorities definitely aren't where they need to be if they place more importance on luxuries for themselves and not paying the nanny well and providing adequate food for their child. And it isn't my business but in my opinion they cannot afford to be trying for a baby.

I don't even have kids yet but I make sure my animals have what they need before I buy things for myself. To me that's common sense.

There is a plus side to all of this. Every day is just another page in the book "what not to do when you have kids".
Did your bank charge you for depositing a bad check? If so, the employer must pay that fee for which you are not responsible. The last paycheck bounced SO it's time to look for another job. Besides that, what did they say about their bad check? I am curious how they answered it.

You can try to report them to CPS for child neglect (not providing adequate food for their child).
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CPS do not take every case seriously. They will take cases whenever cops reports them. I have heard some cases where CPS did nothing about some cases that was reported by average Joe or Jane due to budget issues.

And sometimes CPS do more harm than good.

You can try to report them to CPS for child neglect (not providing adequate food for their child).
A dollar earned is a dollar you get to put in your pocket. Sorry about the terrible pay and the terrible employer. We all gotta do what we gotta do to pay our own bills. Best wishes.
i watching a programme about nannies and America dont come off as very good. European girls going out there given all these promises.Saudi arabia the worse followed by America if treat European girls who highly qualified then home grown girls be treat worse
ChasingRainbows: Adding your current medical problems with the above employment environment must cause a lot of concern.
Hopefully you can get both successfully fixed -forthwith.

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