Suggestions for 504/IEP

Both ears are probably implantable. 88 db is still well within the candidate range.

It's also a fact that some people respond well to aiding at that level......remember all the oral aided kids who used to go to Clarke/CID etc? And there are still quite a few kids who respond well to do have to take into the fact that everyone responds differently, to different technologies......
My heartfelt advice from another mother is to pick up the phone. Start calling and calling and calling. You will be shocked at all the options that are out there. Talk to directors for the Deaf & HOH programs and get them to sit in and observe her situation. Dont get discouraged, you will find someone that can direct you and walk along side of you.
We are 4 years into this and every year figure out something we forgot or something we need help with. Teachers are quick to brush you off, it is going to be ok. But, do not accept that keep fighting for solutions
It's also a fact that some people respond well to aiding at that level......remember all the oral aided kids who used to go to Clarke/CID etc? And there are still quite a few kids who respond well to do have to take into the fact that everyone responds differently, to different technologies......

Yes, all those oral deaf kids who grew up and said that they missed so much when people were talking? Those with speech understanding scores of 40 to 60%, that could be in the high 90's with a cochlear implant? Yeah, I know about them. Those who stay oral generally get implants as adults and wish they had done it sooner.
Yes, all those oral deaf kids who grew up and said that they missed so much when people were talking? Those with speech understanding scores of 40 to 60%, that could be in the high 90's with a cochlear implant? Yeah, I know about them. Those who stay oral generally get implants as adults and wish they had done it sooner.

Um, even implanted kids can receive low speech perception scores.
There are kids who are doing really well with CIs, but a lot of those kids still do not reach those levels......And even really good hearing aid/CI users still say "what?" a lot....I have a great suggestion for you, so you can build a bit of empathy with the population you're helping.....Wear earplugs while taking a foreign language class... THAT is what HOH kids have to deal will never ever be able to mimic nautrual hearing100%....
Um, even implanted kids can receive low speech perception scores.
There are kids who are doing really well with CIs, but a lot of those kids still do not reach those levels......And even really good hearing aid/CI users still say "what?" a lot....I have a great suggestion for you, so you can build a bit of empathy with the population you're helping.....Wear earplugs while taking a foreign language class... THAT is what HOH kids have to deal will never ever be able to mimic nautrual hearing100%....

Over and over it sounds like you would deny someone a big improvement just because it is not what you call 100% of natural hearing (natural hearing is not just one thing but varies from person to person). Why not go for great improvement if available?
Over and over it sounds like you would deny someone a big improvement just because it is not what you call 100% of natural hearing (natural hearing is not just one thing but varies from person to person). Why not go for great improvement if available?

WHERE are you getting that? I'm just pointing out that artificial hearing is never going to be as good as hearing person hearing. CI/and hearing aids are good.....I love my hearing aid....but dhh kids are never ever going to function as hearing kids.....You also seem to be obessed with functioning as hearing as possible......We get it. You lost your hearing (in one ear) in fourth grade......You miss being hearing. You think everyone looks as themselves as hearing impaired.......You were formally hearing. You know what you're missing....but many of us have never heard normally and don't quite understand why a hearing aid that lets you hear all the pee in the toilet is so important or an "improvement"................
WHERE are you getting that? I'm just pointing out that artificial hearing is never going to be as good as hearing person hearing. CI/and hearing aids are good.....I love my hearing aid....but dhh kids are never ever going to function as hearing kids.....You also seem to be obessed with functioning as hearing as possible......We get it. You lost your hearing (in one ear) in fourth grade......You miss being hearing. You think everyone looks as themselves as hearing impaired.......You were formally hearing. You know what you're missing....but many of us have never heard normally and don't quite understand why a hearing aid that lets you hear all the pee in the toilet is so important or an "improvement"................

Are you actually comparing zero speech understanding versus the improvement provided by cochlear implants (which generally brings a formerly hearing person back to 80-90% or greater) to "hearing all the pee in the toilet"?
Over and over it sounds like you would deny someone a big improvement just because it is not what you call 100% of natural hearing (natural hearing is not just one thing but varies from person to person). Why not go for great improvement if available?

WHERE are you getting that? I'm just pointing out that artificial hearing is never going to be as good as hearing person hearing. CI/and hearing aids are good.....I love my hearing aid....but dhh kids are never ever going to function as hearing kids.....You also seem to be obessed with functioning as hearing as possible......We get it. You lost your hearing (in one ear) in fourth grade......You miss being hearing. You think everyone looks as themselves as hearing impaired.......You were formally hearing. You know what you're missing....but many of us have never heard normally and don't quite understand why a hearing aid that lets you hear all the pee in the toilet is so important or an "improvement"................

You have some things wrong. I lost all hearing at age 5 (which would make it 1947 or 1948 as I don't remember which month it was) following an ear infection that follow a case of measles that had me very sick.

The other ear remained very good and all I did through grade & high school and some community college (I found a job I loved where finishing to the point of a degree wasn't going to make any difference) was sit the closest to where the teacher was going to be speaking from (one spent noticeable more time at the side of the room than in front).

I was in my 30's when a loss in the other ear became evident and I got my first aid. That has now reached the point of being profound.

For me I am obsessed with functioning as hearing as possible. I get upset when others think we should not work toward this because they don't want it and think we should not either (deafdyke this is the way you come across to me). We need to each let the other make their own choice and not feel that others have to choose what we do.

Who cares about "all the pee in the toilet". There is a stage below the best natural hearing with very good word discrimination but still missing some things that can make life much easier.
:wave: Hi all-

At the age of 15 my daughter started progressively losing her hearing (she's now 16), it began September of 2012. At last check (this month 8/13) she was at 122db and 88db.

Last school year I requested an IEP meeting and received a 504 which even the school says is crap. This Thursday 8/29/13, we have a 504 (to cover their butts-their words) and still waiting for the IEP meeting.

I'm at a loss as to what should be on the 504 or IEP. She was evaluated at Rochester School for the Deaf and accepted but I guess there is a process. She needs an IEP first at her home school before she can be considered by her home school to go to Rochester.

We are very new to this and hope that we can get some ideas to what might help her in the classroom/school. Everything they say to us so far is "she can talk so she doesn't need much".

Any help would be great!

Legally speaking, you have right to request that your daughter be moved RSD. Federal Law gives your daughter the right to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), whether its a mainstream school or charter school. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) also makes provisions for the child to learn in the least restrictive environment (LRE). The LRE can refer to a child with disabilities to be among those children who do not have a disability, but it can also mean a school (such as RSD) that gives the child access to their education in a way and a language that they understand.
Only you and your daughter know what is best for her. The school can say that she doesn't need "fill in the blank" until they are blue in the face, but the fact is she has proof that she needs assistive listening devices, preferential seating, captioning, CART services etcetera. Sadly you may have to talk to the superintendent before you get what your daughter needs.

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