Which AD'er are you wondering about?

NONE. I dont know anybody. Looking to make friends though.
In case you are wondering about DeafCaroline, I met her in person last night. We chatted and she was such a nice lady.

No, she will not be coming back here anymore. I will see her again next week.
In case you are wondering about DeafCaroline, I met her in person last night. We chatted and she was such a nice lady.

No, she will not be coming back here anymore. I will see her again next week.

awesome!!! i know she grew up in a hearing world, and all of a sudden, she fell in love with Deaf world, just like Jiro did. Im glad you guys met! I d love to meet her someday! i know I will!
What has saywhatkid been up to lately?...hasn't been around in quite a while...fatherhood must be taking up all his time these days....
robin not been around hope she ok...that one lady i could have good laugh with if you come to uk robin you more than welcolme here
i should open my eyes and read bit better you just posted rr.i not even opened the bottle tonight
I wonder how that Aussie boy is doing, the one who kept talking about wanting a girlfriend. I think he said he got a job in America, at a camp or something??
I wonder how that Aussie boy is doing, the one who kept talking about wanting a girlfriend. I think he said he got a job in America, at a camp or something??

Oh yeah!!! He got really mad at us........MattyinAus or something? A skii resort in Utah maybe?

Confession, every time I was scanning down threads, I read fast, Id do a double take if i saw his screen name because at first scan I'd think I saw Matt in Anus......wait what *eyes go back up to check* oh yeah that guy again.:D :laugh2::laugh2:
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Mimsy said:
I wonder how that Aussie boy is doing, the one who kept talking about wanting a girlfriend. I think he said he got a job in America, at a camp or something??

Mimsy , glad you are back :) been wondering about you.
I rarely wonder about the members that stop coming here by choice. I am more curious about the ones that are banned/removed. Do they still come here and read? Do they find ways to get back in? Are they bitter?

When I was banned, I didn't come back and read, and no, I wasn't bitter. I got an email from Alex telling me my suspension was up, but I didn't come back until about a month later. I had about forgotten this place. No biggie. There are other forums to raise hell in ;)
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ncff07 said:
I'm starting to wonder about Rio :crazy:

Hahaha I make you crazy :giggle:
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ncff07 said:
Rio said:
Hahaha I make you crazy :giggle:

Well I've been called worse lol :laugh2:

But ,I Didn't call you anything :P nice of you to think of me :)
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But ,I Didn't call you anything :P nice of you to think of me :)

You can call me anything you want but please don't call me "Too late for dinner" ;)

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