As I learn more about the adoption process, I'll become more comfortable with whether or not I'm ready to adopt a deaf child. The reason I want to adopt a deaf child is not because of their disability (in fact, I don't believe they are disabled). I want to defeat the stereotype of hearing people becoming bad parents for deaf children. I know this sounds bad and it may not be the reason for wanting to raise a deaf child but I just hate the way some of these hearing parents raise their children. I read about it in books and on online forums and I'm sick of how they treat their children. Hearing people should treat their children just like anybody else with some exceptions though. They need to realize that yes they'll need to find a way to communicate with their children (best choice, in my opinion, is learning ASL). You want to communicate with your child in their language not yours. You need to communicate with your child in the easiest way for them. Some people need to stop being so selfish and put others before them. I believe if people do that, then they better the lives of other people.
I also want to adopt a deaf child to give them a better life. No child deserves to live a life where they are not loved. Every child deserves to belong to a loving family. And I want to give that opportunity to this child or these children. I want to see them grow up, be happy, and have a successful parent. And believe me when I say this, I will make sure that my future wife and I are on the same page when it comes to adopting children in general. Because we both should want to do this. Not just one person. We have to be in this together in order for it to work.
I currently have three Deaf friends and I would love to have more!

The only reason I ask for your advice (the Deaf community) is to seek other peoples' opinions because I don't want to base my decisions on what I think. I want to know what everyone else thinks as well. I'm trying to think of what is best for my children. And yes, I do want children!
Shimo, I'm almost positive I want children. Haha. Even after I've raised my nieces and my nephew. Yes, it was hell at first but then it progressively got better. I love watching children grow and to see where their lives take them.
Bebonang did an awesome job at explaining herself! And I truly appreciate it! I'm very fortunate for everyone on here to voice their opinions on this subject. I'm very blessed and honored to receive such advice.
Marcyp06: Thank you for those resources! I will definitely check them out!

Thank you also for the best wishes! It is much appreciated.
RockinRobin: I'm ready to do whatever it takes to provide the best life for my children! Whether they're hearing, blind, or deaf. I'm ready! I've made some mistakes in the past but I have learned from them and please know that my children will not be effected by it once we've jumped over that hurdle.
Lau2046: I do not plan on adopting children until after I'm financially stable (that means once I've paid off my student loans and house payments and can finally live peacefully with my financial decisions). If you only knew how big my heart was not just for the Deaf community but for people in general. I want to do as much as I can for people regardless of whether I know them or not. And I'm not doing this as a sympathy order, I'm doing this to provide these children with a life they may not have had, had they never been adopted and stayed in foster care. I would never want that for any child or person because it's truly heart-breaking to see and hear how people grow up without any family. I don't want that for anyone! As for doctors and other resources, I plan on consulting with my Deaf peers and teachers for that information because they are always willing to help out with that! They have been awesome to me for quite sometime!
Shel90: I want to become an advocate for all Deaf people around the nation! All I'll do whatever it takes to make life accessible for all Deaf people!