50060, not 5060.
FCC will not get rid of VRS. They will continue to pay for relay services so we can call someone who isn't deaf, but we should be paying our way with personal calls to other videophone users just like hearing people. Hearing people pay for a voice plan so they can call their friends and relatives. Why should we get so many freebies? If you are calling someone from the east coast to the west coast, there should be a long distance charge (or even a flat rate charge). There are programs that do give free time like Skype. Some of us have a wireless device, right? And we pay for the data plans, right? So why not pay for video calls?
As for the compensation rate, remember that FCC used to pay $14 a minute, and it's down to about $5 a minute. Sorenson didn't suffer from that cut. In fact, they continued to do even better on that lower rate.
Let's do some math:
one hour of call time among various terps = $300 an hour
If a VRS center has 20 terps working in a given hour = $6K an hour
If this same VRS center operates 8 hours a day for 7 days a week for the whole year = $17.5 million a year
If a terp is paid $20 to $50 an hour, where's the other $250 going?
If a private VRS business gets all its revenues from the government, is it still a privately owned business? Should a business be allowed to create luxurious benefits and salaries based on federal dollars? No non-profit org that receives federal dollars has ever been this lucky; they must explain and justify for every penny used, and the employees are paid crap with little in benefits.
Is it really doomsday when there's only one VRS provider making so much noise about FCC?
All I can say is Thank you ZVRS for causing this mess.
Okay, watch this video carefully. At 3:10 min, Greg from FCC said that CSDVRS (which is ZVRS) made a suggestion regarding a single app/software which means that our VP200/n-VP would not be functional anymore so FCC's proposed changes include it in the public notice. What's more, Sorenson Vice Pres. Ron mentioned it, too. WE WANT TO KEEP VP200/n-VP RUNNING!Why you blame on ZVRS for causing this mess? It was SorensonVRS who caused fear factors to the deaf communities.
If you meant the mess that FCC was causing the stir in this problem, you can put a blame on John Yeh, former owner of Viable, who was not being honest with the deaf communities by defrauding them.
Since FCC was cracking down Viable, they cracked down over 50 VRS. Since they finished cracking down frauds, we have currently down to 5 VRS. Now, this is such a mess that other VRS industries been doing lately.
Now, we have Convo, Sorenson, ZVRS, Purple, GraciaVRS, and CAAG. If you want sources, here it is: Ed’s Telecom Alert » How Many VRS Providers Left By Now?
I don't see why you blaming ZVRS about "the mess". ZVRS did nothing wrong with this mess. It was Viable that got them into this mess. Where you get information that ZVRS gotten all the mess from?
Okay, watch this video carefully. At 3:10 min, Greg from FCC said that CSDVRS (which is ZVRS) made a suggestion...
Exactly how I see it too. It's ZVRS who is whining.
It is mentioned very clearly in the captions.Wow your right, FCC should have remain neutral. Greg didn't fully say the name of VRS but was hesitated in the middle of "CSD and VRS", interesting. I don't think Greg is revealing enough what is really going on.
It is mentioned very clearly in the captions.
I thought that you were not sure what he said about CSDVRS.I'm functionally equilvent as Hearing person, Hearing people don't generally watch captions, right? And Greg speaks my language, do I need to read caption? ;-)
Greg didn't fully say the name of VRS
you all need to take it easy and stop being whiner over VRS.. you all are right that i dont read this thread if i misread you all but the way i see. whining posts.![]()