What was the last movie you watched?

96 Minutes is a treat. The movie is similar to movies such as 11:14 (2003) or the Australian film 2:37 (2006) but separates itself from both those projects with great acting and story telling. I'd like to own this one.

Oh, I can't believe I forgot about 11:14. That is a great movie, it's interesting to watch how people's actions affect other people. I'm definitely going to check out 96 minutes.
Saw Prometheus last night. It's okay movie and the special effect looks great in 3D. Can't wait till next week - which they finally release Avatar 3D. Yeah, there is Avatar 3D exist and it was exclusive for one of 3D brand, I cannot remember which. I have been waiting for this to be wide released.
Took the missus to see "Taken 2" yesterday. Great film, just as good as the first one. Who'da thought Liam Neeson would make such a good action hero?
Expendables 2

Exp 2 had a fantastic action-packed opening but there was simply too much cheese/camp for me and the one liners did not stop! haha. In fact there's hardly any dialogue. Just characters sprouting obnoxious one liners. Lots of references to Die Hard, Rambo, Terminator.
Snow White and the Huntsman,
damn its not bad at all...I actually enjoyed this one.it was better than I expected not just sfx (yes its very good) but the way the film carried the story was great too, not too lofty for kids, and not too flat for adults, its a well adjusted film in my own view.
Expendables 2

Exp 2 had a fantastic action-packed opening but there was simply too much cheese/camp for me and the one liners did not stop! haha. In fact there's hardly any dialogue. Just characters sprouting obnoxious one liners. Lots of references to Die Hard, Rambo, Terminator.
Ready for the 3rd movie? That's coming out soon. :)
I recently watched The Woman in Black. It was interesting... but the ending really made me think. One of those "Aww!" but "Yeah!" endings. :)
DR. WHO?!!!:eek2: you've now become one of my many favorite people...Dr.Who is awesome :drool: :giggle::wiggle: what episode are you on?

I'm trying to locate a place to watch Classic Who online, since Netflix only has discs, but I've seen all of New Who. I'm rewatching the series, and I'm on the beginning of season 3, the episode with Shakespeare, by myself. With my nieces I've started Matt Smith, since he's goofy and my five-year-old niece likes him. We have to skip the scarier episode if the five-year-old is watching, though. You?
I'm trying to locate a place to watch Classic Who online, since Netflix only has discs, but I've seen all of New Who. I'm rewatching the series, and I'm on the beginning of season 3, the episode with Shakespeare, by myself. With my nieces I've started Matt Smith, since he's goofy and my five-year-old niece likes him. We have to skip the scarier episode if the five-year-old is watching, though. You?
Your best chance would probably have to be to rent them on DVD. That's what I'm doing through Blockbuster Online. I've already watched one episode involving the 1st Doctor. :)
I watched The Hunter. Really enjoy Dafoe's characters. Get the feeling I need to read the book, though. There just seems to be some things left unsaid. Also, if a tiger did have a paralyzing venom, would it still go after the heart first?
here is a list of the movies I just saw:

Home Alone - yup, it a movie that I must watch around the holidays. It's a classic in my book

We saw Brave
Jack and Jill
Back to the Future 1,2, and 3.

I had never seen and it before, so a close friend of mine told me just how good it really was. I was expecting it to be boring and super cheesy but it was really good.

I also just watched "The Grey"

Home Alone will always be my fav. movie by far. It's such a classic that Kevin just cracks me up; along with Marv.
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I watched Avengers last night with my daughter. She really wants an Iron Man suit,but her favorite part was when Hulk took Loki by the foot and swung him into the floor a few times. "Puny god."

They haven't been here for a while and I forgot the TV was set to my volume. Didn't sink in till after how she'd been talking louder all night since I got them. Very sweet and had a nice time.
My wife and I watched Chernobyl Diaries. It creeped her out enough that she needed to watch Up to calm down her senses before going to bed. ;)

The movie wasn't what I expected. Although, the ending was surprising. They could have done a better job.
2016 Obama's America. interesting documentary.

now going to watch all four Scream movies with my son.
This past weekend I saw the new Clint Eastwood movie "Trouble with the Curve" I loved it! It was very well written and well portrayed. ...and yes it made me cry

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