Earmold colors?


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Apr 14, 2011
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I've only owned one pair of earmolds, and I quickly learned that the clear ones get yellow really quickly even when cleaned. I'm thinking about getting colored silicone ones (I don't care who sees them and I wear my hair down!) but I was just curious what colored earmolds look like? Thanks!
Well you can see mine in my avatar. If you dint want people seeing them then a light pink would be best.
Mine are in my avatar as well. I used to have very light lavender molds that you could barely see.
you may want to search for other threads about colored earmolds or earmolds ..I know I've posted pics of mine before ..I have black and white for one and blue and black for the other
full colored earmolds are not for me since I'm pretty much allergic but there's a clear hypoallergenic earmolds like mine as U see my pro pic :3
if you can wear acrylic without feedback, you can glue/embed gems onto it. Also, silicone can be ordered in clear; it discolors much less than vinyl.

Westone briefly offered an option of adding textures to the face of it, which was really cool. I think people must not have done it much, because they don't seem to offer it anymore.

I get earplugs, and have them in all sorts of colors, including glitter, which I LOVE. Also love my dark blue acrylic, although I think a gemstone would be a good addition. Fingernail decals can be used on acrylic to make 'em fancy (on hearing aids, too).
If you can wear the hard ones (not sure what they are called) then they don't go yellow. :)

I personally like my blue ones coz people see them and know that I'm deaf. Altho some people have asked what the blue thing is in my ears and I say mold and I think they took it as mold from damp not ear molds.
I personally like my blue ones coz people see them and know that I'm deaf. Altho some people have asked what the blue thing is in my ears and I say mold and I think they took it as mold from damp not ear molds.

I KNOW...it's a visual clue that " HELLO! I'm dhh!!!" One of the downsides ...yes downsides of dinky and "invisable" aids is that there's no visual clue to hearing people that you're dhh.............Hearing people see a colorful HA or CI and think " oh they're dhh...THAT's why they keep saying "what?" or seem a little "out of it" when following verbal stuff......"
I wanted purple ones with my recent new aids. Turned out my audiologist said no-no because I need hyper-allergenic ones and the colors make it riskier to get allergic itchy reactions. So ended up with these kind of pale pinkish ones instead. I couldn't even get pretty colors for the actual aid (BTE) because I had to get budget digitals and they only came in dark brown, black, beige, tan. :(
I can't do colored molds. Tried it for a while and my ear just got sore/irritated all the time. oh well. I have a red hearing aid, and a dark sienna (almost black) CI processor and I can jazz them both up with nail decal stickers and stuff, so I'm fine with that. :) I can also change the color caps on my CI's headpiece too, right now it's red but I also have dark sienna, white, sky blue, teal, and a sandy color.
Are there any molds or colors that are hyo allergenic? I know the glitter ones are but I hate the color molds go after a while when they are clear.

I'm thinking my right ear doesn't like coloured molds but my left is fine with it. :)
Mine are boring and clear! I am getting new ones soon though...I hope I can get coloured ones! Reading all of your posts makes me worried I might get itchy from colours!
Mine are clear purple with purple glitter. Thinking about getting purple and pink swirled ones since I have no allergy issues. My HA is pearl white with purple, white, and rhinestone flower stickers on the outside. I'm past the point of caring what others think lol
Blue glitter at the moment, but I am still trying to think of something creative and different for my next mold.
Are there any molds or colors that are hyo allergenic? I know the glitter ones are but I hate the color molds go after a while when they are clear.

I'm thinking my right ear doesn't like coloured molds but my left is fine with it. :)

yeah there's some hypoallergenic ones that are clear, totally clear.
Safari, I got the same ones as you. I'm afraid of being allergic to the colored ones.

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