CI Surgery approved today

are you sure the room is totally quiet? you might be picking up some sounds from another room or maybe the air conditioning or fan or something. What kind of noise are you hearing?
I don't really know how to describe the noise. When I turn on my CI there is bells ringing, like in a casino. That stops after a few seconds. It has a constant what I can only describe as bells or static. I have asked my husband many times, and there is no noise in the house when this is happening. Like I said tho, it is never quiet for me, with or without the CI. I tried the volume control and it does not seem to help. My audi has no clue why this is happening. It may be related to the brain injury I had. I am not giving up!!
are you sure the room is totally quiet? you might be picking up some sounds from another room or maybe the air conditioning or fan or something. What kind of noise are you hearing?

I guess what I want to know is.....if you have your CI on in a totally quiet room, does your CI make a constant noise?
I haven't noticed any, but then I haven't been in a totally quiet room. My apartment is never completely silent unless I take off both ear devices. With HA and CI on, there's some sounds going on (air conditioning, or air purifier, TV is usually on, vehicles driving by on the street right next to my apartment, etc.).
Right now it is 5:30am and I am awake by noises in my head and ears. A very loud hummmm and a radio station plus firecrackers poping. So later when I put on my CI I will
have these noises plus the CI background noises. Maybe I need to email my audi. The last few times I mentioned my ear and head noise, she thought it was funny. It is far from funny becuase it is nearly driving me crazy. I need to figure out what is going on and soon. Thanks for your help.
Right now it is 5:30am and I am awake by noises in my head and ears. A very loud hummmm and a radio station plus firecrackers poping. So later when I put on my CI I will
have these noises plus the CI background noises. Maybe I need to email my audi. The last few times I mentioned my ear and head noise, she thought it was funny. It is far from funny becuase it is nearly driving me crazy. I need to figure out what is going on and soon. Thanks for your help.

Just a thought. I don't have a CI, but have had this happen to me with my HAs. Is there a chance that you have accidentally put the CI in T-coil mode? If so, it could be electromagnetic interference you're hearing.
Just a thought. I don't have a CI, but have had this happen to me with my HAs. Is there a chance that you have accidentally put the CI in T-coil mode? If so, it could be electromagnetic interference you're hearing.

I don't even know how to do that. I will definitely read about it ahd look once I finally get up. This would be so amazing if I could fix it. Thanks for any or all suggestions.
Do you have tinnitus? That could explain some of the sounds in your ears/head.
My remote has a volume control and a sensitivity control. I just figured out the sensitivity control, my audi did not show me this yet. It was turned up pretty high. I lowered it and most of the noise is GONE!!!!! I then turned on the app I use to listen to words and I could still hear them. Hopefully this is fixed now. Thank god!!!! Yes, I have terrible tinnitus 24/7.
Just a thought. I don't have a CI, but have had this happen to me with my HAs. Is there a chance that you have accidentally put the CI in T-coil mode? If so, it could be electromagnetic interference you're hearing.

Thanks for this suggestion. This is how I found what was wrong. So THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Thanks for this suggestion. This is how I found what was wrong. So THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!

You're quite welcome. I'm always happy to help others as others have helped me.

I'm glad you figured out what the problem was and was able to fix it. Happy listening! :)
yeeeep if the sensitivity is turned up too high, it'll pick up all the "noise" in a completely quiet room. I think I've noticed that with my Neptune. Glad you got it figured out!
I am beginning to notice that my audi doesn't seem to know a whole lot. She is baffled by the noises I hear 24/7 without the CI. When I ask her what I think to be pretty basic questions, she doesn't have the answer. She is the only one at the clinic I go to. So I appreciate everyones input. I can't believe I have been fighting this loud noise for a month now, and it was a simple adjustment. No clue why my audi didn't know this. I almost went crazy.....close!!! So thanks!!!!
yeah sometimes you have to play around with your CI if something seems off. If I leave the controller on my Neptune, the sound changes a lot because my volume and sensitivity dials gets knocked around quite a bit so I have to check it often when it sounds louder or quieter.
yeah sometimes you have to play around with your CI if something seems off. If I leave the controller on my Neptune, the sound changes a lot because my volume and sensitivity dials gets knocked around quite a bit so I have to check it often when it sounds louder or quieter.

I am disappointed that my audi never suggested the "sensitivity" control. I told her numerous times how difficult the noise was. I am so grateful for the support I have received here, otherwise I might have given up. All she said was to work on the volume control, never anything about the sensitivity. It has been crazy for the last 5-6 weeks and a simple adjustment was all it took. So thanks!!!
Angel1989, what did you find caused the problem: T-coil or sensitivity? Often audis will lock sensitivity and volume controls for new users for the first few months until they complete the steps involving moving up to normal volume using just the programs. Is your sensitivity control unlocked? The sounds you mention seemed more like what my daughter hears when t-coil is switched on accidentally than when her sensitivity is boosted.
my audie never locked either dials for me. But she did limit the increase in volume to 5% so if the dial did get bumped up, I wouldn't be blasting my brain out. The Harmony BTE only has just the volume, but the Neptune has both dials. I don't know what sort of dials/buttons/etc. there are for Cochlear's devices. My audie didn't really tell me much about the sensitivity dial, but I was able to get some more info about that from the forums so that wasn't too big an issue. Sometimes it's just better to get certain info/advice/suggestions from other CI users (especially CI users who have the same brand), as they'll usually know some "secrets" or tips that an audie may not be aware of.
Today was awful with my CI. Exact same setting as yesterday. Exact same room, everything exactly the same...hearing quality sucks!!!!! My hubby and I read everything in the books, checked all the settings and everything is exactly where it is suppose to be. We couldn't even talk to each other. I have no clue what is going on. I took it off and now I have a headache. I am not a happy camper:-:)-(
Angel, Do you have a spare processor, coil and cable? If you do, see what your hearing and the sound quality are like with the spare processor. If that doesn't work then try the cable. If you are getting headaches I would turn down the volume . The volume just might be too much for you right now. For awhile I would hear what sounded like glass breaking when there was applause on this dance show like to watch. Hang in there!!!!

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