Veepstakes: An offer they can’t refuse

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Let the 'veepstakes' begin. As the Republican primary winds to a close, the immediate question becomes: Who is going to be the vice presidential nominee? Now is the time when anyone on a potential short-list gets asked: 'Are you going to be the nominee? Are you interested in this? The contenders rarely say no if asked, but must not express an eager interest. What comes out instead are a series of public denials, and non-denial denials. Meanwhile, Republicans and pundits alike are picking apart the attributes, and short comings, of potential running mates.

"I'm not going to be the vice president in 2012," Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told ABC News. That decision is not actually up to Rubio; the Republican presidential nominee will make that call. Rubio is simply doing what all potential vice presidential picks do: Play it cool, be coy, and play hard to get.

Public denials aside, Rubio would check a lot of boxes for front runner Mitt Romney -- he has Tea Party support, he comes from the battleground state of Florida, and the Hispanic factor is huge. But Rubio is also a freshman senator and may not fully vet -- and rest assured, that Game Change lesson, that Sarah Palin pick of 2008, is on the mind of Mitt Romney's team.

Paul Ryan, Nikki Haley, and Chris Christie all come with their pros and cons. How do they duck the VP question (one of our favorites, "Do I look like somebody's vice president?" scoffed by Gov. Christie, R-N.J.), and how do they measure up against the running mate prerequisites? Check out this week's Top Line to find out.
Let's remember Palin was on none of the short lists.
Who is "we" ? Or is it you have decided that you speak for "we"?
Who is "we" ?

we = general public. we already know Sarah Palin is not running for either President nor VP.

Or is it you have decided that you speak for "we"?
I have to ask you. What's up with this childish hostility? It's been going on for weeks. What's going on?
we = general public. we already know Sarah Palin is not running for either President nor VP.

I have to ask you. What's up with this childish hostility? It's been going on for weeks. What's going on?

I'm fine and just standing up for my convictions.....after all a man has to stand for something or he wil fall for everything. I don't recall a vote on AD to anoint a leader to speak with authority for the we who are here. You could have said, "I already knew that" but you had to post with a superior "we". Did Alex die and you took over?
I'm fine and just standing up for my convictions.....after all a man has to stand for something or he wil fall for everything. I don't recall a vote on AD to anoint a leader to speak with authority for the we who are here. You could have said, "I already knew that" but you had to post with a superior "we". Did Alex die and you took over?

general public = America in case you don't understand.

the only people who keep "reminding" us about Sarah Palin not running for office is Sarah Palin's supporters. I'm not exactly sure why. Where did we say that she is?
general public = America in case you don't understand.

the only people who keep "reminding" us about Sarah Palin not running for office is Sarah Palin's supporters. I'm not exactly sure why. Where did we say that she is?

general public = America, does NOT = AD

In other words, the general public is not posting on AD (note the title of the web page..... ALL DEAF). So the "we" here are the members of AD, so keep that in mind the next time you want to try to speak for every member here on AD.
Not to jump the gun...but it's my hopes that Rubio will reconsider and accept the VP nomination, if he is asked.....Feel sure he's already being groomed for the Presidency in 2016.....
general public = America, does NOT = AD

In other words, the general public is not posting on AD (note the title of the web page..... ALL DEAF). So the "we" here are the members of AD, so keep that in mind the next time you want to try to speak for every member here on AD.

wow... so much quibbling for one day. frivolous and nitpicky.

FYI - AD reads paper. AD is aware of what's happening out there. AD is aware of Sarah Palin. So is general public. Again - I still don't know why you or Sarah Palin supporters constantly felt a need to remind us that Sarah Palin isn't running for office. We already know. We already knew.
wow... so much quibbling for one day. frivolous and nitpicky.

FYI - AD reads paper. AD is aware of what's happening out there. AD is aware of Sarah Palin. So is general public. Again - I still don't know why you or Sarah Palin supporters constantly felt a need to remind us that Sarah Palin isn't running for office. We already know. We already knew.

Yes, AD does read the paper
Yes, AD is aware of what is going on
Yes, AD is aware of Sara Palin
AND, so is the general public
BUT, you do not speak nor post for AD nor the general public
Wirelessly posted

When jiro said "we" I just thought jiro had a mouse in his/her pocket

Sara Palin isn't running for president?
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Yes, AD does read the paper
Yes, AD is aware of what is going on
Yes, AD is aware of Sara Palin
AND, so is the general public
BUT, you do not speak nor post for AD nor the general public

why don't we ask AD then? :)
Oh....somebody.....somebody....somebody Please!....Smack 'em for me!
Would make me happy.....just wait & see!

Am hoping so hard....that Rubio gets the nod.
We don't need no Sarah Palin
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