Post your gas prices Part II

Damn expensive?! At Orlando, FL, the average of gas price right now is $3.05. Good thing I don't live at your states, lol.
anywhere betw 2.99 and 3.49 here at the last few stations I checked. One of my neighbors, real political type, thinks he knows everything that is going on in the world, says it will be over $4 by the end of this year.
Well as of today... the price is $4.32 it went down from $4.39 the last time.
just paid $35 which is half tank for my truck. it's $3.67 here in NJ. I'm just so happy to see my gas bill has been dramatically reduced since my riding season is back. the last time I refilled my truck before today was a month ago.

it's typically $60ish for a full refill for my truck and $12 for my bike once a week. Purchased only half tank worth today cuz I didn't want my gas to get all watery for sitting in it too long for a month.
$3.87/gal last week at Costco filling it up. Don't know what the price is now. Still have a half tank left.
This is Diesel, cheapest here is now $4.20 and many are around $4.26. If fill from E to F will be around 120 dollars easy.
Here's to hoping $5 a gallon...something that Obama would approve.
Few days ago, it was $3.89, regular.....some gas stations .02c cheaper....And it's just April 1st.....
4.29 here in southern CA Costco might be a couple cents less.....not enough of a diff to drive the 8 miles for it.
April Fool's day began on January 20, 2009 and it hasn't stopped.

When it began depends on who you ask. You could say that it began on Dec. 23, 1913. Or it began on Feb. 12, 1873. Or it began on April 2, 1792. Or hell, it began when the human race came into being!

It is referring to the Federal Reserve Act, the Coinage Act of 1873, and the Coinage Act of 1792.

Gold and silver, bitchez!

I'm going to say it again!

Historical Gold Charts and Data - London Fix
Gasoline Price History (this is similar to what I paid in Texas over the years)

Year gas price gold price gallons of gas

2000 1.50-1.75 275 157

2003 1.66-1.91 350 210

2006 2.45-3.21 600 183

2009 2.03-2.91 970 333

2011 3.34-4.19 1500 357

2012 3.69 1630 441

So, you can see that in 2000, an ounce of gold only bought 157 gallons of gas, six years later, gold bought 183 gallons, and three years later bought 333 gallons, and today buys just over 440 gallons of gas. It is the cheapest in gold terms so far during this century.

YOUR problem is that your dollar is losing value against gas. In fact, it's losing value against everything else except other CURRENCIES that are being weakened somewhat faster to maintain the competitive export advantage countries have to the US. Only problem with that in the international sense is that it causes price rises, especially food prices, which cause riots in those countries affected because their food budget is a much greater portion of monthly income than we are used to seeing in the US. The US Dollar is losing value because the Fed continues to PRINT MONEY out of thin air. Printing money faster than the rate of population growth or economic growth causes inflation. Using gold/silver as money prevents this for the most part, as it is not easy to mine faster than population growth even with today's modern technology. Look at South Africa with its declining gold mining industry.
I forgot to add - 3.99,99 at the Shell station here in Houston on the way home. Everything is happening according to plan.
I lean over the post at Shell station in Irvine, Ca. The price on the post is:
Regular........... $4.39
3.97 here today....

I have the first post on this page so check it to compare.....
looks like $5 is not happening :lol:

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