Obama administration blocks Texas voter ID law

Government of the people, by the people, for the people.....

Therefore the government should do as the majority of people wish.

government should set a good example that majority of people should follow..... like Civil Rights and equality for women and black people

and now we're gonna set the example for majority to end this bigotry and homophobia
government should set a good example that majority of people should follow..... like Civil Rights and equality for women and black people

and now we're gonna set the example for majority to end this bigotry and homophobia

Those things were voted on by congress...... So what I said a few posts ago (#75) still applies.
Those things were voted on by congress...... So what I said a few posts ago (#75) still applies.

I'd like to think the government does as per people's wish but not really. that's silly naive talking :lol:
I'd like to think the government does as per people's wish but not really. that's silly naive talking :lol:

It doesn't always, Obamacare proved that. That is why people have to become more active.

If you are talking about "legal marriage" of course it is. All opinions are valid then.

Well, no, you need keep your opinion/belief to yourself instead of government and not impose on us.

Gay marriage is very minority and government need be open, also full equal as well.

I'm not going let you treat me like second citizen by taking marriage away from us and really against on my choice.
Well, no, you need keep your opinion/belief to yourself instead of government and not impose on us.

Gay marriage is very minority and government need be open, also full equal as well.

I'm not going let you treat me like second citizen by taking marriage away from us and really against on my choice.

I haven't even given my opinion. But, it's not personal, we as U.S. citizens have the right to decide what our society condones whether it be by vote or by electing representatives who make laws we approve of.
I haven't even given my opinion. But, it's not personal, we as U.S. citizens have the right to decide what our society condones whether it be by vote or by electing representatives who make laws we approve of.

Based on your concept, it is okay for voters to pass the school segregation that based on races like all white school, all black school, all latino school, etc; ban on interracial marriage; ban on abortion; take ADA out; take civil rights out and strip the rights to land for Native American Indians.

All above, that's just very sad.

At overall, I disagree with you and gay marriage should be under special consideration because they are very minority. I do not believe that majorities have rights to control on minorities so they should treated as equal.

Most cases, gay marriage are usually installed by court order instead of voters because voters don't understand and they want against on our wishes. I'm against on all referendums that legalize of gay marriage so they should be taken to court or representatives that has full common sense.
Based on your concept, it is okay for voters to pass the school segregation that based on races like all white school, all black school, all latino school, etc; ban on interracial marriage; ban on abortion; take ADA out; take civil rights out and strip the rights to land for Native American Indians.

All above, that's just very sad.

At overall, I disagree with you and gay marriage should be under special consideration because they are very minority. I do not believe that majorities have rights to control on minorities so they should treated as equal.

Most cases, gay marriage are usually installed by court order instead of voters because voters don't understand and they want against on our wishes. I'm against on all referendums that legalize of gay marriage so they should be taken to court or representatives that has full common sense.

Wow, so you want the courts to make our laws.... That would be interesting if it weren't so frightening.
Wow, so you want the courts to make our laws.... That would be interesting if it weren't so frightening.

I had same thought about Arizona's immigration issue.
Wow, so you want the courts to make our laws.... That would be interesting if it weren't so frightening.

Yup, obviously because equal rights and minorities ARE BROKEN in America.
About the OP. I'm here in Houston, TEXAS and each time I go to pick up my prescription medicine I must present a picture id (my drivers license), every time I go to my credit union to withdraw cash I must present my drivers license, everytime I re-new my auto registration I must produce my driver license and insurance papers. I could go on and on and on about being required to have my id with me at all times but you get the idea.
Therefore, since I carry it with me all the time, I would have no problem with pulling it out to show so I could vote. As the matter of fact, in the 47 years of being able to vote I can not remember one time that I did not pull out my id.
All these people walking around without a legal id are just making excuses, after excuses and others are doing it for them and even the court is doing it for them...nothing but excuses.
I promise you a thousand times over that if I had to go to court for some reason (say: traffic ticket) they would DEMAND I produce a id. So why in hell's name is the court making us us suffer while making excuses for people walking around with no form of legal id!!!
How amazing is full of nonsense post!

I'm against on DOMA and none of your damn business over gay marriage.

Gay marriage is personal matters and no way for you to put belief in my mouth.

BTW, there are Christians that support GLBT rights, including marriage.

Okay, for starters DOMA is the law of the land. The president swore an oath to uphold, support and defend the constitution and enforce the laws that are in place. He has already violated these things several times. I do absolutely just like you have the right to my own opinion. I am not one of those Christians that supports gay rights. Thank you very much!
About the OP. I'm here in Houston, TEXAS and each time I go to pick up my prescription medicine I must present a picture id (my drivers license), every time I go to my credit union to withdraw cash I must present my drivers license, everytime I re-new my auto registration I must produce my driver license and insurance papers. I could go on and on and on about being required to have my id with me at all times but you get the idea.
Therefore, since I carry it with me all the time, I would have no problem with pulling it out to show so I could vote. As the matter of fact, in the 47 years of being able to vote I can not remember one time that I did not pull out my id.
All these people walking around without a legal id are just making excuses, after excuses and others are doing it for them and even the court is doing it for them...nothing but excuses.
I promise you a thousand times over that if I had to go to court for some reason (say: traffic ticket) they would DEMAND I produce a id. So why in hell's name is the court making us us suffer while making excuses for people walking around with no form of legal id!!!

uh..... why would illegals participate in voting?

and are you saying that these people - the American citizens who are poor, minority and disabled are making excuses? and did you know that Justice Department has already concluded that there is hardly any evidence of voter fraud in Texas?

is your suffering and agony caused by people walking around with no ID? did you know there is no law requiring one to carry ID on oneself at all time?
let's stay on topic. Gay Marriage or DOMA does not belong here. this thread is about Texas's Voter ID law being blocked by Obama Administration.
so... it's because Obama is Muslim which is why we're in deep trouble, correct?

That is only partly to blame. We (America) have turned our backs on God #1. Obama (& his admin) have an agenda which is to bankrupt us all and make us all totally dependent on the government. He wants to make us a one world nation as well. I know I've heard it all before, I'm just another crazy Christian right? Proud to be one! Back at you!
That is only partly to blame. We (America) have turned our backs on God #1. Obama (& his admin) have an agenda which is to bankrupt us all and make us all totally dependent on the government. He wants to make us a one world nation as well. I know I've heard it all before, I'm just another crazy Christian right? Proud to be one! Back at you!

Are you saying this is a Christian nation?
uh..... why would illegals participate in voting?

and are you saying that these people - the American citizens who are poor, minority and disabled are making excuses? and did you know that Justice Department has already concluded that there is hardly any evidence of voter fraud in Texas?

is your suffering and agony caused by people walking around with no ID? did you know there is no law requiring one to carry ID on oneself at all time?

If you are driving there is! If you are voting in many states you cannot do so without it! Most people and I mean most people do have ID's. If they get government assistance they probably do have an ID or did have one at one time in order to get the assistance to begin with. ID's are cheap. If they are that important everyone should have them if the need them. In other words everyone 15-16 and above should have one anyway because they do need one! There is voter fraud in other states. Dead people voting??? It should never happen in this country. If illegals could vote without ID and further system checks why wouldn't they? Especially if they are receiving government benefits!
Are you saying this is a Christian nation?

Okay, I have said it before! YES! Well sometimes lately I am beginning to wonder! At least we used to be considered a Christian nation. That is my opinion.

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