What did you do today? Part II

Lol I have been gone for a few weeks and this is literally where I left off then. I missed this place :)
Went to Cochlear Implant exercise tonight-Rhumba at Joy of Dance/Toronto. Salsa this Saturday.
A bit different than swimming!
Today I had to go to school. Of course. Then I had to go to a HACC meeting. Blah Blah Blah. Then I had to show a video that I just made for the school and that took like two or three hours also I had to agure with this kid, so it wasnt a great day!!:(
too much today! had 2 appointments this morning with the cochlear implant center (follow-up stuff, talking with the surgeon and audie about the surgery and activation and yada yada yada). Surgeon decided he wanted an MRI of my ears done, just to be absolutely positive if I do indeed have ossification or not (he said sometimes CT scans will be clear, but when he does the surgery he finds ossification so he wanted the MRI's better/clearer pictures). Made my order of the AB implant processors (one Neptune and one Harmony), then went next door to the hospital for MRI. Left Denver, stopped in Loveland to eat/shop at Cracker Barrel and a bit of shopping at Outlet Mall, then drove home. I've been up since 7:30 this morning, so it's been a real long day. :) But I'm excited to finally be really moving forward with the CI!
Baked cottage-dill whole wheat bread and made yogurt.
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Went to Deaf Coffee Chat last night and really did well. Had chats with 2 people who I had not chatted with before and learned some signs. One of the ideas a lady told me, was one that has been mentioned to me here before, but I still can't do it. That's go "voice-off" at home. Mother, MIL and hubby will not understand at all.
Today I had to get a new phone because my old one have a lot of cracks on it and also it wad goning to die.....it was a good phone but yeah. Soo my mom and I went shopping for a little bit and then I had to babysit three crazy kids. They're very sweet kids but crazy. Then I had to study for the SAT test. Now I'm just tired.
Should have mentioned this earlier.

Today, I have just basically taken it easy. Had a bad night and am in a lot of pain. It has been grey and yucky outside. Also cooler air with winds. I tried to sit outside, but got chilled and my papers were blowing all over.
We just chilled most of the day. The weather was wet with grey skies, windy and very chilly, not a day to be outside at all. Made several out of state phone calls to family....hoping for a better day tomorrow, weather-wise.

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