What Do Hearing Ask About Deaf?


New Member
Feb 17, 2012
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I am deaf.

I wanted to know what kind of questions do the hearing people ask about deaf people? Your additions will be great!

A lot of the threads on these forums are exactly that: hearing people asking Deaf people questions. :)
Why don't you know? Also, there is a search feature. Alternatively, just show up here each morning and wait for the next hearing incomer. I get nightmares just thinking of them!
Why don't you know? Also, there is a search feature. Alternatively, just show up here each morning and wait for the next hearing incomer. I get nightmares just thinking of them!

I quite literally lol'd when I read that, but we're not all that bad. Ignorance runs deep in humanity, and after all, we're all human, right? although, I will admit, being asked what it's like to be part black, and be part white, at the same time gets pretty old after a bit. Trust me, I know how annoying ignorant questions get. Especially the obvious ones. For example: "so, do you eat fried chicken and listen to rap? or do you... do... white people stuff?" :shock: :roll:

Honestly, the first question I asked my first deaf friend, when we met for the first time was "so where're you from?" but in high school, kids would ask stupid questions like "is death, like, contagious?" :ugh:
I know that most hearing people WON'T DARE to ask such questions to deaf people directly but I am hoping to hear from deaf people, hearing people, HOH people, and CODA people who often hear most highly rated questions from the hearing people, for example:

1. Can the deaf drive?
2. Can deaf have kids?
3. How deaf communicate to hearing in workplace?

I am wondering why hearing people are so afraid of the deaf. I was about 13 years old and one hearing person told me that other hearing person was afraid of me. I was like, WHOA I can't believe it! Am I a monster!???!!!! There are times hearing people often are embarrassed to be seen with me. Oh Well!!!
Why don't you know? Also, there is a search feature. Alternatively, just show up here each morning and wait for the next hearing incomer. I get nightmares just thinking of them!

:wave: Bottesini, I was not aware that you were the Administrator here and already set up the common questions. And I saw another thread similar but still it is not enough that I am looking for really.

What I am really looking for is the true first impression itself and the curiosity itself - for example, I was shocked to find out a teenage hearing girl was AFRAID of me, a deaf teen girl, back then. (I am older now.) It just shocked me how a hearing person look at me like that!
:wave: Bottesini, I was not aware that you were the Administrator here and already set up the common questions. And I saw another thread similar but still it is not enough that I am looking for really.

What I am really looking for is the true first impression itself and the curiosity itself - for example, I was shocked to find out a teenage hearing girl was AFRAID of me, a deaf teen girl, back then. (I am older now.) It just shocked me how a hearing person look at me like that!

You weren't?? And here I was pretty much thinking you were a famous troublemaker from sundry other deaf sites. :P
Really dear, this is nearly a repost. If you are interested go the "ignorant hearing people" thread. Not joking here, not one bit.
Can you tell me more what made you think I was that? I have no idea. Is there someone out there a famous troublemaker? Tell me more??? I have no clue what you meant?
We see that by your 6 posts. Welcome! You will have fun learning, reading and researching. Hope you enjoy it here.
Thanks for the link Anij - very gracious of you. I have felt the same - what's up with that high tide, full moon thing?
Ok. Hearing people like to drive a car with turbocharged engine because they can hear the VROOM sounds they make.

Deaf people drive those turbocharged cars because they like the feeling those VROOM sounds the engine makes.

So yeah, the deaf person has to explain the joy of feeling the VROOM sounds that hearing people are more reliant on hearing than feeling.
curious what did your deaf parents teach you all about hearing? help me to understand better.

first of all, did you go to deaf school or hearing school? So i would understand better where you are coming from.
I know that most hearing people WON'T DARE to ask such questions to deaf people directly but I am hoping to hear from deaf people, hearing people, HOH people, and CODA people who often hear most highly rated questions from the hearing people, for example:

1. Can the deaf drive?
2. Can deaf have kids?
3. How deaf communicate to hearing in workplace?

I am wondering why hearing people are so afraid of the deaf. I was about 13 years old and one hearing person told me that other hearing person was afraid of me. I was like, WHOA I can't believe it! Am I a monster!???!!!! There are times hearing people often are embarrassed to be seen with me. Oh Well!!!

Wow thats a lot of question. how much do you know about CODA?
Show us your hearing aid. Why? I wish someone would tell why. And I see vids online about hearing aids and if the vid doesn't include a close up of the hearing aid the comments always say make a video with your hearing aid in it.
You know I always attend public school and I'm deaf. Almost 100% of hearing people ask me, "Hey, Can you hear me?"

>.> Hello. I have cochlear. I can hear you.

Kinda too obvious, but since they didn't know about cochlear stuffs help deaf ppl for hearing.
I know that most hearing people WON'T DARE to ask such questions to deaf people directly but I am hoping to hear from deaf people, hearing people, HOH people, and CODA people who often hear most highly rated questions from the hearing people, for example:

1. Can the deaf drive?
2. Can deaf have kids?
3. How deaf communicate to hearing in workplace?

I am wondering why hearing people are so afraid of the deaf. I was about 13 years old and one hearing person told me that other hearing person was afraid of me. I was like, WHOA I can't believe it! Am I a monster!???!!!! There are times hearing people often are embarrassed to be seen with me. Oh Well!!!

The first 2 in your list is just plain wow. Some of it could maybe be a genuine lack of education but many times I think people that ask ridiculous questions like that will tend to say ridiculous comments about many things.

Just about every day I have to tell myself "Forgive them for they know not what they do" with regards to someones actions/thinking. It's the high ground.

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