What did you do today? Part II

Oh, another thing I did twice today, but not intending to? I fell twice. Once at home before church and once at church. the one at church really creeped people out though. My kneecap slipped out and they got to watch me slide it back. :eek3:
Oh, another thing I did twice today, but not intending to? I fell twice. Once at home before church and once at church. the one at church really creeped people out though. My kneecap slipped out and they got to watch me slide it back. :eek3:

Yeah..it's so much fun watching bones being move around under the skins.
Oh, another thing I did twice today, but not intending to? I fell twice. Once at home before church and once at church. the one at church really creeped people out though. My kneecap slipped out and they got to watch me slide it back. :eek3:

That sounds painful!
That sounds painful!

After the first 2-3 times I got used to it. I have dealt with my knee cap slipping out of place for 32 years now. I can put it back in my sleep. Good thing that leg is numb though. That helps.
Thanks for all the nice wishes. You never know what a few little words can do for someone. You all made my day!!! :):)
After the first 2-3 times I got used to it. I have dealt with my knee cap slipping out of place for 32 years now. I can put it back in my sleep. Good thing that leg is numb though. That helps.

Oh wow..:shock:
After the first 2-3 times I got used to it. I have dealt with my knee cap slipping out of place for 32 years now. I can put it back in my sleep. Good thing that leg is numb though. That helps.

Wow I thought I was the only one!!! I sprained my knee a few months ago and it slid way out of place... and without thinking, I just reached down and put it back. I told my friends and they didn't believe me. Jerks.
Went to work, went to my nephews 4th birthday, spent time with frinds, and then Bible study. Now I am hanging with my kids.
Thanks for caring. That means a lot to me. Hope your feeling a little better also. All we can do is "one day at a tine".

Angel you are so right! I admit I was taking them two days at a time for a while there and let me be the first to tell you that it just does not work that way. I got so far ahead of everyone else that somehow I ended up too far into the future. And since no one else had made it thus far I was a bit lonely and had to wait for everyone else to catch up. I learned my lesson and now take it just one day at a time. :giggle:
I know somebody you could hire to make something unbelievably nice for your girlfriend :)

:ty: Well, don't tell my gf.... But I've been looking! I wonder if she might have something special.... :hmm:
Do you need my magic fingers to point you in the right direction? :)

I'm a guy, remember? We guys don't stop and ask for directions. We just keep turning down the same damn side street as if the 14th time just might be different!!!
I'm a guy, remember? We guys don't stop and ask for directions. We just keep turning down the same damn side street as if the 14th time just might be different!!!

I think the street name starts with m and ends in k..........
I think the street name starts with m and ends in k..........

Wait... wait... wait... no more hints!!! (I have a very sensative ego!) oh! I think I got it Mavrick?!?

No wait... Malock... oh! Matlock!

No that cannot be right... :hmm:

(sing songy)
It starts with an m and ends in a k,
it lands on it's feet and says it's ok.

It was born in a box and has a nice shine
It lays on the skin and screams that it's mine.

It likes to be given away and where it goes it never knows
It sits with its shiny friends and they look good with some clothes.

ok, not my best work... perhaps mbrek can help me???

damn, if only I could figure out what starts with an m and ends with a k???? Damn this ego!!! :giggle:
So far, this has been a crap-filled day. Got MIL's check cashed, bought a tarp to cover tile in the carport. Then, it went all downhill. My computer locked up, rebooted the power and all. Then my internet wouldn't come up, but the phone works and all the lights were on both the router and all but one on the modem. Called AT&T and found my router was not working. So, will be getting a new one and in the meantime, the kids can't use their DSi XL's for internet and son can't use the netbook for internet connection. They are okay with that since it is temporary. Well, now, Google Chrome on my computer will not work. It's something with my computer. I am getting ready to uninstall and then reinstall Google Chrome and hoping for the best. I hope the day doesn't get any worse, since I still have to drive MIL to her weight loss group and then to dinner.

Wish me luck!!
Went out to pick up my sons acne meds then onto the bank. Tore my wallet apart trying to find my ATM card...no luck! So I had to drive around and write a check....came back home, checked the car seats and floor boards....tore the wallet and pocket book apart again, no ATM card!...Checked my jackets and pant pockets....finally found it in the Walgreens bag along with my sons Meds.....:roll:....maybe I need my head examined today....:giggle:
Went out to pick up my sons acne meds then onto the bank. Tore my wallet apart trying to find my ATM card...no luck! So I had to drive around and write a check....came back home, checked the car seats and floor boards....tore the wallet and pocket book apart again, no ATM card!...Checked my jackets and pant pockets....finally found it in the Walgreens bag along with my sons Meds.....:roll:....maybe I need my head examined today....:giggle:

It's always in the last place you look. :giggle:
Finally called my jewelry supplier and got everything straightened out so now my shipment is coming for my business.. Dunno if I will get Etsy straigtened out as it won't validate my business card.

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