AFA Denounces FDAs Approval of Newborn Stem Cell Experimentation


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Apr 18, 2004
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AFA Denounces FDAs Approval of Newborn Stem Cell Experimentation

Audism Free America (AFA), a grassroots Deaf activist network, condemns the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its approval of a study which will use cord blood stem cells on infants as young as six weeks old in an effort to eradicate the Deaf population of the United States.

AFA further denounces the FDA, Cord Blood Registry ®, LSL/AVT specialists,*Children’s Memorial Hospital (Houston), and the principal investigators of this study for undermining the human rights of their patients and promoting eugenic outcomes.

The newswire released on January 12, 2012 from Cord Blood Registry and Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital states that parents of newborns and infants between six weeks to 18 months will be recruited. The infants will undergo MRIs (which frequently include sedation), blood tests, and be given their own stored stem cord blood via IV infusions. Possible health risks to the infant were not mentioned.

The newswire contained alarmist views of how being Deaf impacts language abilities and social development without describing research concerning the negative impact of withholding American Sign Language and access to cultural identification with other Deaf people.

When contacted, Dr. Harlan Lane, Distinguished Professor at Northeastern University and recipient of the MacArthur Genius Award stated: “Children who are born Deaf or early become so have a dual heritage – they have their parents’ ethnicity and also that of the sign language minority; their natural language is American Sign Language. Exclusively pathological views of Deaf children have been out of date for decades. Deaf babies are healthy babies and live fulfilling and contributing lives.”

AFA advocates for the rights of Deaf Americans, cultural resurgence, and seeks primarily to challenge the ideological foundations of audism in America. Audism is attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice—in overt or covert ways—against Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf people of all walks of life.

AFA calls upon governmental agencies to ensure their commitment to protecting all citizens, including Deaf newborns and infants. The actions by the FDA serve to highlight the medical community’s systematic effort to threaten the culture, language, and right to life of Deaf people—and therefore, endangering linguistic and cultural diversity in the United States.

*LSL/AVT specialists (Listening and Spoken Language/Auditory Verbal Therapists) are those certified by the Alexander Graham Bell Academy and promote oral/aural only approaches to language development excluding all forms of signing.

If you would like more information about Audism Free America please contact Patti Durr, Ruthie Jordan or Karen Christie at AudismFreeAmerica(at)gmail(dot)com
This makes absolutly no sense. The reason why there was all this excitement abt using stem cells for hearing loss is b/c a guy with MS got treated and his hearing loss disappeared. It will work on autoimmune caused cases of hearing loss, but most likely won't work on general hearing loss. As far as I know most cases of pediatric hearing loss aren't due to autoimmine factors. Stem cells in general are still a HUGE question mark. Besides, how do we know that changing a dhh's kid's hearing status won't screw up something else? Maybe being dhh might actually be *gasp* benifical?!?!
Kind of funny when there is no outcry regarding a similar study on IV transfusion safety study for babies and older on reversing their cerebral palsy condition.
Cord Blood Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy in Clinical Trial | Singularity Hub

Sorry, AFA is not the position to decide for parents. When the time comes on the efficacy of stem cells for the regeneration of hearing loss in children, parents will undoubtedly go this route instead of cochlear implants. Not all but I'd say most parents will make that decision. No more different when parents make the decision to go ahead with the medical treatment to reverse blindness, cerebral palsy, paralysis and so on for their children.
AFA's position in this case is an extremist position (although there are concerns of safety that should be at least looked at). This is similar to clashes between sunni and shia muslims, christians and muslims, and jews and muslims, Indians and Pakistanis, etc. when they take on extremist views on things.
AFA's position in this case is an extremist position (although there are concerns of safety that should be at least looked at). This is similar to clashes between sunni and shia muslims, christians and muslims, and jews and muslims, Indians and Pakistanis, etc. when they take on extremist views on things.

I wouldn't say it like that. No where near such extremist views. AFA simply holds a view (you can say extreme in some sense but not in the same sense as you have described) not popular with most of the population.

What exactly the safety concerns are you thinking of?
Oh, I don't know. I'm assuming there's going to be safety factors in anything medical you do (sorry, trying to assuage the AFA side here).
Oh, I don't know. I'm assuming there's going to be safety factors in anything medical you do (sorry, trying to assuage the AFA side here).

Assuage all you want but the fact remains that the AFA is not a formal organization and too often finds it's collective foot in it's mouth. They mean well, but.....
I can understand why AFA says this is audist. Where is the line? It IS rather audist to focus on hearing, but there ought to be choices.
Assuage all you want but the fact remains that the AFA is not a formal organization and too often finds it's collective foot in it's mouth. They mean well, but.....

Exactly my sentiment.
On the other hand, I do agree with AFA. Why cure deafness? It's not that big of a deal. The medical industry should concentrate on curing REAL stuff like severe multiple disablites or scary stuff like Batten's disease
I love AFA as a response to audism, but one have to ackowledge their limits. They are a response, not a political party that aim for ruling US. Their response can be messy, but that's because they reply to somthing that is pretty screwed, audism.

My to rupees.