A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

wow i feeling very weird now. my old feeling about something start come back :| please not let me miss him. stop think about, Adri!!!!! i should not look at old pic.
That's a good sized cat you've got there! :lol:

He's mostly Maine Coon I think. We had no idea what we were getting. We got him about 5 years ago as a free kitten at someone's house. He has most, if not all, of the characteristics of a Maine Coon including a small/soft voice.
Wow!...and he/she looks beautiful too!..Is it a Tuxedo?

He's white with a black saddle. His tail is all black. The saddle doesn't reach the tail so there's white between his tail & his back.
He has a black spot on the bottom of 3 paws and black on his forehead which reaches over one eye & half way over the other eye.
What a gorgeous cat. I love when big cats are such big babies.
He's a furball. Though he doesn't generally need grooming, another great characteristic of Maine Coons, Last year he got really bad matting and I had to get him a lion cut.
GRRRRRRRRRRRR I NEED LEARNING CONTROLS ON ANGER. me very piss off now and i want punch wall. everyone piss me off today. let me go get wine is make me calm down.
GRRRRRRRRRRRR I NEED LEARNING CONTROLS ON ANGER. me very piss off now and i want punch wall. everyone piss me off today. let me go get wine is make me calm down.

calm down relax! help fun your emotional breath your mind positive maybe advise thinks belong your mind emotional out your friends happy inspiration
Tinkerbell was sound asleep on my bed when I went quietly into the kitchen to prepare hubby's salads for the week. I had chopped the lettuce and cucumbers and had them in the salad containers he takes. I just barely opened the pack of sliced ham, when here come Tinker, crying and climbing up my leg wanting some ham. I gave her a little piece and got the rest onto hubby's salads. She did the same with the turkey. I didn't trust her to not jump up to the table while I diced the tomato, so I had to cover the salads. Got the tomatoes diced, put the dressing into the containers for that and bagged his unsalted saltines. Then, I went back to the salads and just popped one corner open to put the tomatoe onto the salad, when here come Tinker again. Can't believe she can smell that meat through closed doors.
Getting the evil eye from the cats, I guess it's time for bed.
Our Kitten, "Sid" climbs all over me around 10PM...my doggie gets a little "miffed" about it. Whenever I do go to bed, I pick them both up and take them with me.....Early in the AM, the kitten will awake before me and wanting something to eat...I keep my BR door closed, so he can't get out and get into trouble in the kitchen or living area....So he bites my toes!....Pisses me off (and it hurts also!)...After 2 times of doing this and my yelling and smacking him, he finally stopped....So it seems now that both the Kitten and my Doggie have a conspiracy going on....now my Doggie starts licking on my ear whenever the Kitten wants to get out and eat...

I get up, take them off the bed....they start running soon as I open the BR door...the Kitten seems to love to try to trip me walking down the hall!....It's impossible to even try to get a cup of Coffee "first" before feeding that darn cat!....OH, the joys of having a Kitten!...(sometimes)....

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