Annoying ignorant hearing people stories


My hearing family members tend to several bad behaviors at random times by either not looking at me all the time while talking, get frustrated at me for not hearing/or understand them (they assume that), they don't make sure that I know what going on the all time, and not understanding my feelings (in general). They also don't make any effort to make sure the communications go smoothy in the family or having a family gatherings. They also don't seemed to understand our culture like what acceptable behaviors and what are not acceptable.

Right now, I am on a job hunt and they told me that it gonna be harder for me because of my communications problems on a telephone.
Someone said to me recently: 'It seems silly that sign language is not universal'. :rolleyes:
Someone said to me recently: 'It seems silly that sign language is not universal'. :rolleyes:

What about spoken langauge? If hearing think it silly sign language isn't universal then isn't it silly spoken language isn't universal? ;)
Hearing neighbours got bit of big mouth cos they tell people come knocking door say that Deaf person live at number ....

I DON'T want weird random strangers knock on doors trying give me something or sell something, etc. Today 2 strangers come door, something do with church and they got BSL DVD to give out and lucky they seem be okay. Not weirdos for now.
On train way home from London. 2 boys, about 12/13 years old watch me and my friend sign BSL. Then they start do mock signing and laughing at us all way back on tube. I heard it happen loads Deaf people but it never happened to me so it first time to me.
That's just boys. I've had that happen, but it was when I was giving a class at the health club - some boys coming in to the building could see my class through some windows. Started imitating the moves I was showing my class. I just started having a little fun with them, and made my moves faster and more complicated to see if they would keep up.

Had to decide if I was going to be "offended", or have some fun. I opted for having fun - and took them for a ride as well. :)
Yeah I know what you mean. I have seen younger boys trying to copy, that fine, they aren't doing it being mean.

Those 2 boys was different, they trying to be mean and put swearing sign in and trying to be offensive to get reaction from us but they failed cos we act they didn't exist. I not too bothered about it really, just ignore them and move on.
^^^Well then that's different, I agree. Twits are everywhere.
That's just boys. I've had that happen, but it was when I was giving a class at the health club - some boys coming in to the building could see my class through some windows. Started imitating the moves I was showing my class. I just started having a little fun with them, and made my moves faster and more complicated to see if they would keep up.

Had to decide if I was going to be "offended", or have some fun. I opted for having fun - and took them for a ride as well. :)

Did the class try to follow along as well?
No! They knew it was a joke. :giggle:

Thank goodness, most of my class members are in their 70s-80s!
Hello All, I’m new to AllDeaf. I can’t believe what insensitive idiots hearing people can be and I can say that because I’m hearing.
On with my story now…
A year ago I became friends with a deaf women and we decided to go Christmas shopping together. We were in the store looking at things with our backs to one another when I hear a girl (8 maybe 10 years old) say “excuse me.” I look to my right then my left and see the girl is not talking to me so I keep shopping. (New to having a deaf friend so I don’t think to turn around and see if the girls is talking to my friend.) I hear the girl say “excuse me” again, when it hits me she might be talking to my friend. I turn around to get my friends attention and have her move so the girl can get past. I apologize to the girl and my friend and I turn and start shopping again. Not realize my friend just step in front of the girls mom, I hear “excuse me” again but from a women this time. I turn to get my friends attention again when the women says “what are you deaf? I said excuse me!” My friend moves and walks away not realizing what the women said or what happened. I turn and apologize to the women saying; “I’m sorry we did not mean to inconvenience you or cut you off from your child. Sorry about that.” The women points to my friend and says; “is she deaf or something?” I answer; “Yes, she is deaf and again I’m sorry” The women then tells me; “they should not let the deaf and dumb shop during the holidays.” In total shock someone would think this and say it, I just walked away.
Later we see the mom and kid again, the kid is asking for some toy when the mom says; “I can’t afford it.” I walk up to the mom and say; “maybe if you were not such an idiot you would have a better paying job.” And I walk off. I know I needed to keep my mouth closed but I could not help myself.

Thank you for all the great post. I have learned so such here.
Hello All, I’m new to AllDeaf. I can’t believe what insensitive idiots hearing people can be and I can say that because I’m hearing.
On with my story now…
A year ago I became friends with a deaf women and we decided to go Christmas shopping together. We were in the store looking at things with our backs to one another when I hear a girl (8 maybe 10 years old) say “excuse me.” I look to my right then my left and see the girl is not talking to me so I keep shopping. (New to having a deaf friend so I don’t think to turn around and see if the girls is talking to my friend.) I hear the girl say “excuse me” again, when it hits me she might be talking to my friend. I turn around to get my friends attention and have her move so the girl can get past. I apologize to the girl and my friend and I turn and start shopping again. Not realize my friend just step in front of the girls mom, I hear “excuse me” again but from a women this time. I turn to get my friends attention again when the women says “what are you deaf? I said excuse me!” My friend moves and walks away not realizing what the women said or what happened. I turn and apologize to the women saying; “I’m sorry we did not mean to inconvenience you or cut you off from your child. Sorry about that.” The women points to my friend and says; “is she deaf or something?” I answer; “Yes, she is deaf and again I’m sorry” The women then tells me; “they should not let the deaf and dumb shop during the holidays.” In total shock someone would think this and say it, I just walked away.
Later we see the mom and kid again, the kid is asking for some toy when the mom says; “I can’t afford it.” I walk up to the mom and say; “maybe if you were not such an idiot you would have a better paying job.” And I walk off. I know I needed to keep my mouth closed but I could not help myself.

Thank you for all the great post. I have learned so such here.

So that woman now gets to keep that impression of what deaf people are like.


Plus, you don't really need to apologize to others for your friend.
Got a point.
I apologized because it’s the polite thing to do, I would apologize if it was me they were speaking too or anyother friend.
Well, I was asked what were those "things" in my ears. I told them that they were hearing aids. I got an insult back, stating that my hearing aids were "weird". -.-

During middle school, I was standing outside in the morning, waiting for my teacher to come out and gather the class together. Suddenly, a bunch of hearing 8th graders walked by and one of them approached me, went around and pointed at me while laughing at my hearing aids/me. :|

The guy's hearing friends laughed along and then they went their way. Fortunately, a lot of the hearing kids around me did not find the humor in it and were disgusted by their actions. :)
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Well, I was asked what were those "things" in my ears. I told them that they were hearing aids. I got an insult back, stating that my hearing aids were "weird". -.-

During middle school, I was standing outside in the morning, waiting for my teacher to come out and gather the class together. Suddenly, a bunch of hearing 8th graders walked by and one of them approached me, went around and pointed at me while laughing at my hearing aids/me. :|

The guy's hearing friends laughed along and then they went their way. Fortunately, a lot of the hearing kids around me did not find the humor in it and were disgusted by their actions. :)

Kids can be...and will be very cruel at times. (Adults also)...But not to worry too much! Karma does come back around....glad you did have some friends that stood up for you! They are very mature and for those kids who made fun of ur hearing aids...if they did it again, I'd speak with the Guidance Counselor at ur school, even ur Teacher.

Even my hearing son in middle school, was made fun of, being called a "Nerd" because of his academics....(all A Honor Roll(... since it bothered him so much (and on a daily basis), I went to the school....and those boys had to see the Principal, along with their Parents!....And I was "not nice to them!"...To make the story short...they never bothered my son again.
Kids can be...and will be very cruel at times. (Adults also)...But not to worry too much! Karma does come back around....glad you did have some friends that stood up for you! They are very mature and for those kids who made fun of ur hearing aids...if they did it again, I'd speak with the Guidance Counselor at ur school, even ur Teacher.

Even my hearing son in middle school, was made fun of, being called a "Nerd" because of his academics....(all A Honor Roll(... since it bothered him so much (and on a daily basis), I went to the school....and those boys had to see the Principal, along with their Parents!....And I was "not nice to them!"...To make the story short...they never bothered my son again.

Well, high school is different than middle school, thank goodness! People do mature, so I haven't been bothered or laughed at since I started freshman year (I'm a junior now). Sure, people would talk about my impairment in a negative way, but it doesn't bother me. I'm not always laughed at but once in a blue moon, it sure does happen and personally, too.

Sorry to hear about your son. What you said is true, though: kids and adults can be cruel.
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What about spoken langauge? If hearing think it silly sign language isn't universal then isn't it silly spoken language isn't universal?

I think most hearing people assume that sign language was consciously "invented" one day by some "central committee of the deaf" and there was some great oversight in not making them all identical. :) I often hear "it's a pity they didn't make them all the same." I suppose it's a natural assumption; since it appears to be such a different mode of communication they don't realize that it's first and foremost a LANGUAGE, and shares all the major features of spoken language, even if it's visual and 3-dimensional!

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