Do you guys embrace your hearing loss/deafness?!

i do not understanding what bad about deafness? it weird see some deafs people scare of their children becoms deaf. they gone through that experience of deafness themself

i remember quote I king jordan said about deaf peple can do anything.

Check that quote you made.

Maybe even take time to socialize and get to know us before trying to establish as a major militant presence.

Where did you go to school?
The only thing I embrace is my wife and sometimes my dog. I am not ecstatic nor depressed about being deaf/HoH. It just is.......
im not try be deaf militant!!!! i did not go to gallaudet never gone to any college but i remember that famous quote and it my favorite. i just think it odd rolling 7 user say he not want more deaf children born? oh well im say if i did have children someday i not care if they deaf or hearing....i did grow up as deaf person and being deaf not bad thing for me. that is my point what i try make
im not try be deaf militant!!!! i did not go to gallaudet never gone to any college but i remember that famous quote and it my favorite. i just think it odd rolling 7 user say he not want more deaf children born? oh well im say if i did have children someday i not care if they deaf or hearing....i did grow up as deaf person and being deaf not bad thing for me. that is my point what i try make

Here is a little reference for you. It helps if you know history and have an understanding of what you are quoting and where it came from.
Deaf Is | Culture

Deaf Celebrities & Pioneers

King Jordan, President of Gallaudet University, often repeats Fredrick Schrieber's quote, saying, "Deaf people can do anything that hearing people can do... except hear!" Read about Dr. Jordan and others who proved his words to be true. Some are famous. Some you don't know. All of these people have faced challenges and proven they CAN do anything.
I accept my deafness and never try to hide it.
I just don't want anymore children to be born deaf.

Wow... I find this sad. How can you accept your own deafness, yet still find it so horrible that children are deaf?

I never said that, so don't even try to put words in my mouth.

I put no words there, R7. Instead of wishing for "perfect" children, I would like parents to raise their children to do the best with what they have. We all have some type of obstacles in our lives. You think it's better to "fix" these things - I would rather teach them to work with what they have, and let them decide later if they'd like to change it. People born without arms can do AMAZING things with their feet. Is that wrong??? Should they be MISERABLE because of this? Should they have prosthetic arms attached to their bodies, or should they learn how to feed and dress themselves with their feet?

I don't think the human race will ever solve "defective" children being born. What we should solve is defective parents and how they raise them. Dis-abled or different-abled?
I put no words there, R7. Instead of wishing for "perfect" children, I would like parents to raise their children to do the best with what they have. We all have some type of obstacles in our lives. You think it's better to "fix" these things - I would rather teach them to work with what they have, and let them decide later if they'd like to change it. People born without arms can do AMAZING things with their feet. Is that wrong??? Should they be MISERABLE because of this? Should they have prosthetic arms attached to their bodies, or should they learn how to feed and dress themselves with their feet?

I don't think the human race will ever solve "defective" children being born. What we should solve is defective parents and how they raise them. Dis-abled or different-abled?

It is the Christmas season, right? So it is ok to wish for things. I too know we will never have a population without "defective" children being born and I certainly do not think of those children as being horrible. You are right, they can do wonderful things and are a credit to mankind. Still, what is bad about wishing that children are not born that way? All parents want a "perfect" child and that does not always happen, rare so. And all parents I know are acceptance of their child and give that child a ton of love. Nevertheless, if you were to give prospective parents a chance to pick eye color, height, complexion, etc. that, to me, is somewhere far off. On the other hand, if you would offer them a choice of "defective" or "non-defective" child I'm 100% sure you and everyone will know their choice.

BTW: don't jump on me for using your word to describe the children. I know many deaf children here in Houston and love them all equally. Nevertheless, I stol say wish for the impossible, that no child is born deaf
My issue is you clearly said want in your first post. Wish is totally different. I might wish I had a pony, but I don't want to have a pony.

Wishing is a nice fantasy. Wanting is trying to make it happen. Different. Maybe you meant wish, but you said want.
Parents would see their own child as perfect in their own eyes, regardless. When my hearing daughters were born, I saw them as perfect.

It is the Christmas season, right? So it is ok to wish for things. I too know we will never have a population without "defective" children being born and I certainly do not think of those children as being horrible. You are right, they can do wonderful things and are a credit to mankind. Still, what is bad about wishing that children are not born that way? All parents want a "perfect" child and that does not always happen, rare so. And all parents I know are acceptance of their child and give that child a ton of love. Nevertheless, if you were to give prospective parents a chance to pick eye color, height, complexion, etc. that, to me, is somewhere far off. On the other hand, if you would offer them a choice of "defective" or "non-defective" child I'm 100% sure you and everyone will know their choice.

BTW: don't jump on me for using your word to describe the children. I know many deaf children here in Houston and love them all equally. Nevertheless, I stol say wish for the impossible, that no child is born deaf

Everything happens for a reason. Children being born deaf included.
People are also odd regarding "gingers" or red haired people. My late brother and I were both gingers. We heard some horrible rhymes, were treated poorly. "Carrot top, red on the head" told we had bad tempers - ooh- wouldn't they? We heard some people wonder why we were ever born. True that. I like being red headed (grey now!) Yet this is nothing compared to the crap I got from becoming deaf. How would a child feel being exposed to people "wishing" he had not been born?
Here's to love and acceptance of us all. No exceptions.
Hugs to everyone and may your hearts be softened, your eyes opened and your holidays be warm and full of love.
my children born blind, deform, or whatever i am still loves them and they still perfect to me. they will be sunshine of my living and make me happy woman.
My issue is you clearly said want in your first post. Wish is totally different. I might wish I had a pony, but I don't want to have a pony.

Wishing is a nice fantasy. Wanting is trying to make it happen. Different. Maybe you meant wish, but you said want.

Perhaps I've confused you by bringing up Christmas and wishing.
Just like jillio says, and I do agree 100% with her, there is a reason for everything.
While wishing and wanting are different, I'm desire both.

I've ask more than once, and got no answer, do you want a child born blind? No, No not your OWN child but ANY CHILD. Same thing with a child being born with a missing limb. Do you want ANY CHILD born with a missing limb? Same thing with a child born with a hole in the heart. Do you want ANY CHILD born that way?
We can wish these did not happen to a child and we can WANT these not to happen in the future BUT we know they will because we are humans. Therefore wishing and wanting, as different as they are, are still perfectly logical and good.
my children born blind, deform, or whatever i am still loves them and they still perfect to me. they will be sunshine of my living and make me happy woman.

As will I and so should everyone, a child is precious.

Post-birth and pre-conception are two different issues. We think and wish/want , but no action, pre-conception. At post-birth there is no looking back only forward and all action, no wishing/wanting anymore. As jillo says, there is a reason and now is the time to care and love the child all the child's life.
true love has no opposite, it is the essence
therefore "defective" vs. "non-defective" , "lacking vs. "having", are conditional, not the essence.
My girlfriend told me the other day that if I wasn't deaf that we would never have met. That is a good way to put it in. That alone should make a person embrace their deafness. You are unique :).
Perhaps I've confused you by bringing up Christmas and wishing.
Just like jillio says, and I do agree 100% with her, there is a reason for everything.
While wishing and wanting are different, I'm desire both.

I've ask more than once, and got no answer, do you want a child born blind? No, No not your OWN child but ANY CHILD. Same thing with a child being born with a missing limb. Do you want ANY CHILD born with a missing limb? Same thing with a child born with a hole in the heart. Do you want ANY CHILD born that way?
We can wish these did not happen to a child and we can WANT these not to happen in the future BUT we know they will because we are humans. Therefore wishing and wanting, as different as they are, are still perfectly logical and good.

With the bold wordings, you think that you would want to make a wish for Christmas that you hope that there will be no deaf children in your life or any deaf children in the world for Christmas. It does not matter what you wish for or what you want. It just happen that way when we were born deaf or blind or disabled when something happen in the womb or after the womb when deaf children get sick.

I don't believe that we were punish for being deaf or hard of hearing as sins. That is why there is a reason why we were born deaf or hard of hearing or any other disabilities. There is no prevention from diseases or genetic that cause us to be deaf and hard of hearing. You just have to accept the deaf child no matter what. That goes for 365 days a year when every disability child were born that way, so not only during Christmas but all through the year and the year after year after year. The thing is many able bodied and normal people must learn to accept us as we are, not to change us to be like them. No wonder that is why we struggled when they expected us to be like them. :(
But, with all fairness, Rolling7 only asked if anybody WANT for their children to be born blind or deaf - well DO YOU?
I know I don't,
because I know how I struggle with my deafness/HoH even if I accept myself as I am
but of course that doesn't mean I wouldn't accept my child IF they
were born deaf, blind, or with whatever deformities because I absolutely would.

And I think nowadays only some out of mind severe psycho bible thumpers
would believe the being born disabled in any way would be due to sin -
an utterly ridiculous notion!


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