Child crying while CI being activated...

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posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
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[ame=]activacion implante coclear Chris - YouTube[/ame]

Kudos to the powers that feel this is justified, you've just damaged a child.
This is the stuff that stays "hidden".
this is child abuse.
Poor kid! He was signing that it hurted but did they stop it? Idiots.
And this is legal. :roll:
This is the stuff that stays "hidden".

Yes. I just wonder how many of these children are out there. How many of them are "still learning to use the CI"?

When they finally hit 20+ year old, how are their self esteem?
Yes. I just wonder how many of these children are out there. How many of them are "still learning to use the CI"?

When they finally hit 20+ year old, how are their self esteem?

The hearing parents get angry when we ask this question. They just do.
Either way, I am happy the person decided to upload this on youtube. You will not find many who are willing to upload such event.
I am glad that the child can sign...hope they continue to use ASL with the child.
That is the reality. Kid was signing 'hurt' why did they not shut off? :(
Do you really think so?

I can only hope...

I have seen and worked with children who have no benefit from their CIs. Maybe he is one of them.
I can only hope...

I have seen and worked with children who have no benefit from their CIs. Maybe he is one of them.

What I do not understand is little boy seem fluent enough in sign so why 'fix' him? What is rush?
What I do not understand is little boy seem fluent enough in sign so why 'fix' him? What is rush?

Because of society's view that being deaf is soooo horrible and we would be better off to be able to hear.
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