Do not know if *right* forum but need to figure out problem with genetic deafness. Daughter having son on December 23. C-section.
Cannot wait to see *new* grandson.
She concern because one daughter already show signs of HoH. Before her 2nd daugher she already teach children baby sign and now moving to ASL because of me.
Cannot tell you *HOW* much this mean to me. She also say will teach new baby son ASL. Cry really. Just typing that. She and I have challenge kind of relationship all life but moreso because of circumstance of arrange marriage to her father who she suppose should think stay with him and not leave family or religion. Uhm, okay....back on track. 
Anyhow, recently contact audiologist in first city for audiogram because of 'audist' 3rd daughter. They do not have so write to other city but my files never arrive there even though note on file to expect them.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at, my mother no longer around to answer these question. Do not have files to be sent back to me to provide copies to children that would explain congenital defects that caused my deafness.
Suppose, to self, two oldest daughters not have worry about deafness because 'father' not deaf and, yet, oldest daugter have worry about *her* second daughter and ability to keep up? Suppose seem more concerned about my two youngest because their father deaf one ear. Plus both babies born premature. Daughter 3 months. Son 1 month yet he almost die at birth.
Anyhow, question is this. I remember Botti correctly 'tag?' one problem I have with deafness. The other congenital problem have is 'hairs' on ear canal not born with. Sound do not, how say, deflect proper? Have tinnitus but not regular like some posters.
Do research and cannot find proper term but eldest daughter wants to read and understand the defects so that she can be aware in case skip generation and grandchildren could become HoH or deaf. Does anyone have similar congenital defect (ie: no little hairs)?
Cannot wait to see *new* grandson.

She concern because one daughter already show signs of HoH. Before her 2nd daugher she already teach children baby sign and now moving to ASL because of me.

Anyhow, recently contact audiologist in first city for audiogram because of 'audist' 3rd daughter. They do not have so write to other city but my files never arrive there even though note on file to expect them.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at, my mother no longer around to answer these question. Do not have files to be sent back to me to provide copies to children that would explain congenital defects that caused my deafness.
Suppose, to self, two oldest daughters not have worry about deafness because 'father' not deaf and, yet, oldest daugter have worry about *her* second daughter and ability to keep up? Suppose seem more concerned about my two youngest because their father deaf one ear. Plus both babies born premature. Daughter 3 months. Son 1 month yet he almost die at birth.
Anyhow, question is this. I remember Botti correctly 'tag?' one problem I have with deafness. The other congenital problem have is 'hairs' on ear canal not born with. Sound do not, how say, deflect proper? Have tinnitus but not regular like some posters.
Do research and cannot find proper term but eldest daughter wants to read and understand the defects so that she can be aware in case skip generation and grandchildren could become HoH or deaf. Does anyone have similar congenital defect (ie: no little hairs)?