Who is single here?

It must be suck to be a good guy :(

It does. big time.

but my morals will not allow me to act like an idiot just to get a girl...
I have always been a Gentleman...and will continue to do so till I die.:cool2:
Yep, I'm always getting the usual... "You're such a nice guy. I'm afraid to hurt you." :(

or there is the...

"you're a great guy, it's just that you're not my type..."

I had one Lady tell me I was good enough to be her friend, but not good enough to be anything more...:tears:
I'm one of them :( I barely passed my grades - got sick too and left then came back but lost all motivation in that major -- o well. I partied but now i dont partied much anymore.

But that's cuz you got sick...nobody can fault you for that....
That is beyond your control...
drinking & drugs & getting PG is not. they chose that path to walk....

Nobody chooses to be sick, sickness chooses them.
I'm single. Never been married. Last time I was close (thinking I would fall in love) she broke it off soon after my mom died of all things--and she did it in a really rude way. Ah well... her loss, huh? :(

you darn straight!!

someone who breaks it off in a disrespectful manor, you are better off without them.

Experience taught me that one....I learned the hard way.
Heh. Thanks. It's been four years at least.

a word of advice.

Do not go looking for a sweetheart. let her find you...or you both find each other in a most unusual way...

again, experience has taught me that. My first wife & I met at lunch time at a McDonald's...

She had a crush on me for some time & her friend dragged her over & made her sit with me...2 years later, we were married.

3 months after we were married, she passed away. she died 7-DEC-1979...was buried on her mom's birthday.untill I moved out of the state we lived in, every week I would drive to Kentucky where she was buried & tend the grave...she always had roses, the stone was always clean, & the grass around the stone was always manicured. :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears: :tears:
Been single for while, did seen someone but seem that he dont know how to be strong, be there for me..which our love are so deep. But heard rumors about me then fade away without telling me GoodBye or Broke up. It hurt me so deep. So I move on..Dont waste my Time on Guy. Of Course, I love to have our hugs, romantic, fun, relax to watch tv. so I assumed its his loss.
Take my time, Enjoy myself, fun with friends..Give him Best Wish with his future. Let him go on his own path and I go on my own path until I find new guy.

That is probably the healthiest thing you can do...pick up the pices of your life & move on.

One day I know I will want to be with someone again...because I miss the snuggles & hugs...the togetherness, etc.

I DO NOT miss the abuse. verbal, physical, & emotional abuse I was subjected to...that why I got divorced & move like 700 miles away from her...Thank God we did not have kids together...I have enough kids already(3; 2 boys & 1 girl...all 3 are adults now).

I'm in no hurry either...

and sex? what's that?? my health makes it impossible....
I'd like to think so. ;)

I mean too old for a family. I'm 37, but still want to have kids, you know. Obviously this is less dependant on me than on whom I would marry, but it's harder to get people out of one's age range the older one gets. ;)

Depends on what you seek in a partner...

this is something I have always done when I am ready to settle down.

I take a piece of lined paper(notebook paper) & down the middle lengthwise I draw a line. one side I write "positives" & on the other side I write "negatives".

Next on the positive side, I write down EVERYTHING I want in a female...and I get very specific. EXAMPLE: how tall, how skinny or fat or ___; what kind of health I want her to be in, etc.

On the negative side, I write down EVERYTHING that I DO NOT want in a female...and again, I get very specific.

Sometimes this "list" takes 2 or 3 pages. Now this list is my guide, not a rule...and as time goes by, and things about me change, I update the list as needed...and I ALWAYS carry the list with me every where I go....

There is no way you will find a woman that meets ALL of what you write in the positive side of the list, but like I said, this list is a guide, nothing is written in stone.

This has always worked for me...who knows, maybe it will work for you too. :cool:

Psssssssssst. 37 is NOT too old to start a family...
You still always bang young women. No problem. :cheers:

did you have to word it like that??
I mean, you could have said that you will always have sex with young women....

Makes all young women sound like they are on this planet only for sexual gratification....:roll:
Personality and communication are the key. True love is very important than looking beauty or material.


Personality, communication & honesty will win out every time!

Just don't ever marry an ugly person.....takes the wind out of your sails every time. :lol:
:bowlol: This is so funny! I wonder how can she kiss that guy with bad teeth? I bet she doesn't mind as well. :eek3:

Well, there are many beautiful women who are single. Thanks, I appericate your opinion about me. I used to be single for like a year. :D

she prolly as ugly as he is...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
kingofnoobs - please do not cry ! I made your favorite dinner yankee roast pot, mashed potatoe, gravy, corn, salad and hot roll. I can't wait to see you tonight !

fyi i already shaved my armipt and legs and wash all clean the sheets. I will lit the candles in my bedroom. I am so excitied to see you tonight.


i will help you to do your teeth floss and brush teeth before we can kiss.

Ugh.... I hate the men who are pervert. One night stand, no thanks !!

I would kick their balls if he ask me for sex ! :rifle:

OK, maybe I'm wrong but this is how I look at sex...

you meet a Lady(not a girl, a Lady), you spend time getting to know each other, & granted there are times when the guy gets in the mood, BUT, says nothing because SHE has not made any signs, signals, etc, to say SHE is in the mood. At the end of the night, they say good bye, MAYBE exchange hugs, MAYBE a kiss, but he goes to his home & she goes to bed or whatever.

I strongly believe that IF, IF she wants to make love, SHE will let you know...
Since SHE is the one you wish to be with(at least for the time being anyway), SHE should have the right(your privilege - her right) to decide IF the two of you make love; when the 2 of you make love, & for how long.

To ask for sex, IMHO, is very disrespectful....to force her will usually get 5 - 10...years in prison. no female, I do not care how gorgeous she is, no female is worth getting locked up for....and excuse my language please, but no piece of ass is worth it either.

too many men need to learn that when a Lady says "NO!" that means NO.
Period end of sentence.

Also, too many men have this idea that females were put on this planet ONLY for the sole purpose of serving their sexual desires...which I find extremely disrespectful to the female.

Again, these are my thoughts & beliefs & I will never push them onto others....I will just continue to respect a female with every ounce of my being until SHE proves to me that she is not worthy of my respect.

After all, I am a Gentleman.
Thank god that my husband didnt mind the fact that I had a kid from a previous marriage. Why are some men afraid of the baggage? If they really love the woman the baggage wouldnt be a problem, right?

speaking only for myself, it is not the "baggage" that worries me...it's the ex-husband/father of the other child/children that bothers me.

Too many ex-husbands have this mind set that she still belongs to them even tho they were divorced 10 - 15 yrs ago...too many ex-husbands have been known to kill their ex-wives AND their new husbands as well as all the kids.

THAT is why I never wanted to get involved with a woman who already had children.
speaking only for myself, it is not the "baggage" that worries me...it's the ex-husband/father of the other child/children that bothers me.

Too many ex-husbands have this mind set that she still belongs to them even tho they were divorced 10 - 15 yrs ago...too many ex-husbands have been known to kill their ex-wives AND their new husbands as well as all the kids.

THAT is why I never wanted to get involved with a woman who already had children.

Oh come now - you're afraid to date women who have kids because their ex will murder you? I've heard all kinds of reasons but this one is a bit funny, I have to admit.
Because men like u only want pretty women, right? :deal:

The true Beauty of a Lady can never be seen with the eyes...it can only be felt with the heart...

what is in a Lady's heart will forever surpass what the shell looks like...the shell, or the Lady's body will get wrinkled & not look as nice at 78 as she did at 28, or 18...but what is in the heart, never ever changes.

I mean if there is love & respect for herself & for others in her heart at 28, it will still be there(usually) at 88.

Generally speaking, what is in the heart never changes...

if you are a witch at 18, you will still be a witch @ 28, 38, 88...
what is in the heart seldom, if ever, changes.
If women are whores for having a one night stand then men are perverts. Deal?

This is just my opinion so take it as such.

Men who agree to a 1 night stand, will always be perverts...

and females that agree to a 1 night stand, will never be a Lady.
one must always remember this....
I think it was Shakespeare that wrote it...

"to thine own self be true."

The way I understand this is, no matter what anyone else thinks, says or does, you have to be true to yourself. if you like full figured women, then so be it...
if you can not be true to yourself, you will never be true to anyone else.
Oh come now - you're afraid to date women who have kids because their ex will murder you? I've heard all kinds of reasons but this one is a bit funny, I have to admit.

I do not fear death, it is all the trouble & heartache that ex-husbands are known for...

I am originally from NorthWest Indiana, and out by where I used to live, ex-husbands had frequent flyer miles in the county jails & state prisons. It was NOT uncommon for some female's ex hubby to get out of jail then head to her place & try to do her harm because they have the mentality that she still belongs to him regardless of what the court says. If ever you want to see a screwed up state, you have to look no farther than Indiana.

I don't care if someone murders me....if that happens, my life is over & I shall be in Paradise. It's the kids & the mother that I feel sorry for...and I have had more than my share of pain in my life...I just do not want to hurt anymore. Getting emotionally attached to a woman with kids, and attached to the kids themselves, and then losing mom because her ex is a psychopath, that would hurt me greatly...and then the grandparents or someone from her side of the family taking the kids away from me...that would hurt emotionally & I just do not want that pain in my life.

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