Three cheers!
1. for you
2. for your boyfriend
3. for PFH who has inspired us to Voice Off for better living. I did not understand myself, then tried it - wow - so right!
A little pat for your kids. They will get it.
Thank you *SO* much for write that! I feel that children should love Mum more than friends and that they should be, how do you say, freer? to assist?
I think about Beclak and her family *SO* much in time like these. Wonder how you switch blueprint of what you've given children to be different. Especially younger ones who do not know any different and yet they are the ones who know sign better.
I have open discussion with all four kids, via Crackbook messaging, about challenges and desire to /voice. My oldest, as usual since she is Mum now, *SO* supportive. She is the one who has already taught her 3 daughters baby sign. Audi think middle daughter may be HoH but I think youngest could be deaf.
My second eldest was *SO MAD* at me for not phoning her even though I keep telling her , for many years now, *SO* hard for me to be on phone because have to press phone so hard to my left ear (my *good* ear

), volume so high, just to hear on phone a little and hearing aides 'feed back' when on phone. She think I reject her because not phone her. Copy response from
"JILLIO" on my first thread here and she finally understand!! She never thought about it until the way Jillio explained it. She want to learn ASL now. To speak to me.

My third daughter, of *all* people do not seem to understand. She *love* my voice. Only voice she have known and it make me cry to type that because I feel like I betray her by not speaking if she love it so much but it hurts *TOO* much to keep talking. Physically/mentally. Which is what I explain to all four. It is *SO* draining to use vocal chord. To use English mind.
Son ask me why I include *him* in private conversation. Say he already know these things but will also not adjust for me. He knows ASL. I've seen it even if he do not know that he is signing. He is using correct sign for different expression.
God, I'm *such* a fuck up!!