are you effing kidding me! well heres a sequel TO CHEATERS FORGIVEN OR FORGOTTEN


New Member
Aug 10, 2011
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OMG k ,
cheated on ONCE by my deaf boyfriend
he turns 18 in october cheated on me with a 14 year old... she just turned 14!!
k her name is Catrina..
we found out about each other on FB.... yah FB!
we broke up

kk that was february ITS NOW august... dating again... its been 2 weeks...
guess who just decided to message me... CATRINA!
what did she say...

oh your dating quintin again...
last week he came to k town (there home town)
and we hung out... he cuddled with me and kissed me.
He asked if i liked him and I said no and he said okay , i still like you AND PAIGE.... WE WERE DATING AT THE POINT!

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FML!

Im done with his bull shit
It is part of your learning experience. After you are done with high school, you will have a mature and better relationship with someone, and thanks to your previous learning experience to make yourself a better and stronger person than ever.
That sucks. I'd be done too.

sunny i dont know what to do :'(

i confronted him and he said " no she lie!! she asked me to kiss her and I said no , SHE KISSED ME"

and i said why did you even go see her!?

and he said
"because I was bored, I just went to say hi but she said she love me, i dont know why she lie to you and me fuck i piss off she lie"

It is part of your learning experience. After you are done with high school, you will have a mature and better relationship with someone, and thanks to your previous learning experience to make yourself a better and stronger person than ever.

aaaaaaaaugh school is for learning not relationships! kinda?
Careful there with the pedophilia label. Just saying it for your sake. Libel isn't a joke.

kind of agree, its really creepy, shes JUST entering high school going to grade 8 hes going in to uni
kind of agree, its really creepy, shes JUST entering high school going to grade 8 hes going in to uni

You'll be surprised to see how many male 18-year-old teenagers date 14-year-old girls. It's hardly uncommon if you ask me, I remember it happening a lot during high school. Although I never dated a 14-year-old girl when I was 18. Myself, I don't think it's something men of that age should be doing, but it's not up to me.
I agree that it's inappropriate for an 18 year old to hook up with a 14 year old. It makes you wonder, especially if he already has a girlfriend.

There are plenty of fish in the sea. Ditch this guy. You deserve better than that.
It'll be tough; but I can assure you, you will get through it.
Read me very carefully, Paige:

DITCH THE FUCKING LOSER AND NEVER SPEAK TO HIM AGAIN. Cut him out of your life. Completely.

Now, stop posting this stuff here. It's going to come back and bite you in the ass.
Read me very carefully, Paige:

DITCH THE FUCKING LOSER AND NEVER SPEAK TO HIM AGAIN. Cut him out of your life. Completely.

Now, stop posting this stuff here. It's going to come back and bite you in the ass.
What do you really mean Alex? :)
You'll be surprised to see how many male 18-year-old teenagers date 14-year-old girls. It's hardly uncommon if you ask me, I remember it happening a lot during high school. Although I never dated a 14-year-old girl when I was 18. Myself, I don't think it's something men of that age should be doing, but it's not up to me.

Your right
sunny i dont know what to do :'(

i confronted him and he said " no she lie!! she asked me to kiss her and I said no , SHE KISSED ME"

and i said why did you even go see her!?

and he said
"because I was bored,
I just went to say hi but she said she love me, i dont know why she lie to you and me fuck i piss off she lie"


Bold print... that is a lame excuse!!! :roll:
So everytime he gets bored, he will go see his ex or some chick??

Ditch the guy!! I would not even blink twice. You are young and go out there and find a guy that will treat you like gold.

14 is young is against the law for some one over the age of 18 to have sexual relationship with. People go to jail for that, and is labeled as a sex offender in the eyes of the court and law.
Why are you setting yourself up for a life of misery?
I'd find out if I were you.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

He's just not into you. Why are you wasting time and energy on an unavailable guy who obviously doesn't care about you? Abandonment issues? Tell me about your relationship with your father. No, seriously, talk with a therapist.
Why are you posting people's names on the internet? It can't be that hard to find out who is deaf Quentin who is dating Paige of the Christian boarding school in your province.

That's not good to put all your business out there for everyone to see.
I agree, ditch him. If he says he is bored, obviously he has other sexual issues and/or he wants to go more sick or twisted. he could have commitment issues already at age tender age 18 too.
You will meet too many people that you would never thought before. Once you get out of high school and you will open your eyes to see out there is more than just a guy, i mean everything is so open out there.

why do you need to feel hurt from him again and again? just dump him.

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