I hope I don't get ostrasized for laughing!
Just because we correct his mistakes doesn't mean we don't respect him.
PFH, are you serious? I leave your series of offensive posts calling me a liar and insisting that I'm spreading misinformation be, respecting your sensitivity to my asking how old your daughter was when she became aware of her Deafness (which you brought up) and about her current school placement ( a not illogical or "prying" question). I didn't see you object when Jillio posted where FJ's kid is at school in big cap letters, and when you ridiculed csign's academic choice to use SEE with her child as if it discredits her opinion about anything else. I expected you to find a graceful way to retract your accusations based on our PMs yesterday, once the emotions subsided, and to frame what you were comfortable discussing in your own words, I told you I'd remove any part of what I'd written that you were uncomfortable with, and respond to any questions I raised in whatever manner you wanted me to
And then you say something like this? Perpetuating your nastiness?
You were way out of line when you decided to post and make snide remarks about where I work, studied, tossing it out in the forum every chance you got , passing it on to others, threatening to out my identity and background after you conducted your little research project on me. And you are once again out of line continuing this type of attack. You really need to take a look at what you are doing -- I'm not you enemy, you are.
probably on member not happy because hard! member rarely respect to his, I am honest i can't said netural I can'f study whole Ad impossible
they already know his history bio! tough! myself I can once time believe it purpose!![]()
Alright. Since you havent answered my last two PM's....
I’m dealing directly with YOU, not Faire Jour, Not Csign. I deal with them directly. What you did was a LOW BLOW. I do not fabricate shit in order to make other person on the defensive feeling that they are required to bring more information out in the open.
Now, I said I LOL’d at your attempt, and the gloves came off AFTER YOUR PM to me. I did not ask you to change the post you made. OK, now that’s clear.
I didn’t object about whatever Jillio says about faire jour, you know why?? FAIRE JOUR TALKS ABOUT IT ALL THE TIMES. She blogs about her kid, she puts it out in the open. Not my fault, not Jillios either. Nice attempt at blurring things AGAIN.
Show me where I ridiculed Csign’s USE of SEE?
I did not retract my accusations because you decided to evade my questions. Your PM to me was word for word: “And what is your response?” when I directly told you that you were spreading misinformation. You did not even apologize, you did not even offer to change it at that time, you instead tried to pry for more information. I am not stupid. Based on the history of your posts, you like to be as detailed as possible. Then when I called you out on that – you tried to pull the “ohhh I was trying to see what you were doing with these PM’s” line. Let me be the first to tell you this: I do NOT accept that bullshit. That was a bullshit move. I also let you know based on your history in the forum trying to blur things, trying to dance around words I DID NOT BELIEVE YOU ONE BIT. So, why would I even think of “retracting my accusations”?
Last thing; show me where I flung out where you studied, your name, whatever else other than your employer. Imma make it easy for you: that’s another lie because I don’t even know all that and I did not even post that.
Well, no, most of us are not nuetral when it comes to mistakes about Deaf culture and Deaf people. And, yes, his history makes it harder for him.
Wow, following me to work, playing your vlog to me repeatedly....are you planning to send me a mix tape, next?
Alright. Since you havent answered my last two PM's....
I’m dealing directly with YOU, not Faire Jour, Not Csign. I deal with them directly. What you did was a LOW BLOW. I do not fabricate shit in order to make other person on the defensive feeling that they are required to bring more information out in the open.
Now, I said I LOL’d at your attempt, and the gloves came off AFTER YOUR PM to me. I did not ask you to change the post you made. OK, now that’s clear.
I didn’t object about whatever Jillio says about faire jour, you know why?? FAIRE JOUR TALKS ABOUT IT ALL THE TIMES. She blogs about her kid, she puts it out in the open. Not my fault, not Jillios either. Nice attempt at blurring things AGAIN.
Show me where I ridiculed Csign’s USE of SEE?
I did not retract my accusations because you decided to evade my questions. Your PM to me was word for word: “And what is your response?” when I directly told you that you were spreading misinformation. You did not even apologize, you did not even offer to change it at that time, you instead tried to pry for more information. I am not stupid. Based on the history of your posts, you like to be as detailed as possible. Then when I called you out on that – you tried to pull the “ohhh I was trying to see what you were doing with these PM’s” line. Let me be the first to tell you this: I do NOT accept that bullshit. That was a bullshit move. I also let you know based on your history in the forum trying to blur things, trying to dance around words I DID NOT BELIEVE YOU ONE BIT. So, why would I even think of “retracting my accusations”?
Last thing; show me where I flung out where you studied, your name, whatever else other than your employer. Imma make it easy for you: that’s another lie because I don’t even know all that and I did not even post that.
Reread that pm you are so BS about that made you 'take off the gloves' after first joking about my post opening up questions and leading to so many pms. I asked you how you were responding to the pms you said you were having to deal with, not ' what is your response? ' So I could remove what was sensitive and say it in the way you would like me to. We went over this yesterday. And I offered to change the posts both privately, and -- when you didnt respond -- publicly.
Never said you posted my name, i said you posted my employer, my academic background. I'll remind you privately.
I so wish I was a mod right now. I'd swat all THREE of you on the butt and send you to bed! ALL THREE OF YOU NEED NAPS!
It's clear you guys can't, don't, won't, get along, so please put each other on ignore before someone gets banned!
I'm saying this because I like ALL THREE of you! Jillio could get perm banned. PFH, I don't know where you stand, but for the love of sanity, just ignore Grendel of she's ticking you off.
Grendel, please stop adding fuel to the fire. I know you're ticked off, but none of this bickering is helping.
Now, can we please stop this crap and go back to the ORIGINAL topic?
Good grief (and I thought my 9 yrs old niece was a pain in the butt when she's tired!)
I so wish I was a mod right now. I'd swat all THREE of you on the butt and send you to bed! ALL THREE OF YOU NEED NAPS!
It's clear you guys can't, don't, won't, get along, so please put each other on ignore before someone gets banned!
I'm saying this because I like ALL THREE of you! Jillio could get perm banned. PFH, I don't know where you stand, but for the love of sanity, just ignore Grendel of she's ticking you off.
Grendel, please stop adding fuel to the fire. I know you're ticked off, but none of this bickering is helping.
Now, can we please stop this crap and go back to the ORIGINAL topic?
Good grief (and I thought my 9 yrs old niece was a pain in the butt when she's tired!)
I'm not in the least bit tired.
Me either.
And I reserve the right to do any butt smacking for my SO!![]()
you are funny comedyI'm not going to bed just yet.
A death threat!![]()