Oh no. Not another thread like this !!!!!!![]()
By this logic, a book is not written in ASL. A book is not written in dialects - much like French dialect used by Africans. There's many languages that cannot be used to write a book. -_-A book is not written in SEE. You are really showing your ignorance.
You don't have a clue that SEE is a recognized language and I do.Oh Lordy.. We've got a dumbass in our mist. Google, you don't have a clue...
ASL does not use English words unless it is interpreted into English. If it is interpreted into spoken French, it uses French words. If it is interpreted into spoken German, it uses German words. ASL is a conceptual language that can be interpreted into any spoken language one chooses.[/b[
No, ASL doesn't use English words. ASL uses conceptual signs.Sure. That's why ASL uses English words.![]()
I'm afraid you are terribly confused about ASL grammatical structure. Exactly what is your linguistic background?BSL uses British rules, FSL uses French rules, JSL uses Japanese rules, and so on. ASL is the only one that uses American-English vocabulary and completely butchers up grammar. Ironically, ASL is derived from FSL which explains the horrid grammar structure.
That was uncalled for.You must not like to read a book.![]()
Blasphemy!hey Google - why is Internet down?
English by itself is a language. Written English is not a language by some people's standard in this thread since SIGNED English is not a language. See where I'm going with this?No, ASL doesn't use English words. ASL uses conceptual signs.
I'm afraid not.I'm afraid you are terribly confused about ASL grammatical structure. Exactly what is your linguistic background?
You have it bass-ackward.Explain why SEE and ASL shares many signs.
Only one logical explanation. ASL is supposed to be English....
I know this. Except it is not in wrong order. Which part of "Signed English" do you not understand? It is supposed to have English grammar therefore the order is correct.You have it bass-ackward.
ASL was a language long in use way before the manual code of SEE was developed. SEE confiscated ASL signs, put them into the wrong order, and tossed in initializing, and added prefixes and suffixes.
I'm feeling a sense of deja vu.
Anybody want to guess at who I'm getting at?
By this logic, a book is not written in ASL. A book is not written in dialects - much like French dialect used by Africans. There's many languages that cannot be used to write a book. -_-
I'd like to see Harry Potter written in ASL.
You really aren't very intelligent judging by your previous posts on other threads.![]()
That's because SEE is merely a code form of English; it is not a language.SEE (Signing EXACT ENGLISH) uses English vocabulary and grammar.
ASL uses ASL vocabulary with ASL grammar.ASL uses English vocabulary sans grammar.
You might want to ask these "old timers" what the educational and societal environment, philosophy, and attitude towards deafness and sign language was when they were growing up.If you met any old, old timers (like 80 year old deaf person) you can ask the person if he/she uses ASL. Then notice their grammar. It's so much like PSE that you guys like to call it. Old ASL uses English grammar but not today.
That is exactly my point. The person I quoted said you cannot write a book in SEE. I said she can't write a book in ASL either. I'm American just to put that out there. As if my location under my name didn't say anything.ASL is not a written language, silly. ASL is not dependent on English language. You can be a Kenyan and do ASL without knowing English language.
I sign SEE because my primary language is English so it is only logical I sign SEE not French. When someone signs ASL to me, it is very clear. Mostly because they are using broken English. "me go store" or "store me go" is easily translated to "I'm going to the store." I don't actually translate that in my mind, I just understand.
With my friends who signs ASL, they have no problem understanding me. I believe it is because they can read a book. Just a logical thought.
ASL is not a written language, silly. ASL is not dependent on English language. You can be a Kenyan and do ASL without knowing English language.
English is the language used by SEE. SEE itself is not a language. It is a mode of a language, just as Braille is a mode of English. SEE, Braille, and Morse code are modes of a language. None of them are languages themselves.Therefore a language.![]()
Yet, I am bilingual already. I primarily speak English and Choctaw. I have masters in English as well.then that means you are incapable of being bilingual.