Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

My biggest peeve is when I ask someone to repeat themselves. They will say "Nevermind" "It's Nothing" or "It wasn't important" I did not ask if it was important, I just simply asked them to repeat themselves.

Nevermind has to be the most hated word in the Deaf community.
Why don't you get one of them cochlear implant things?

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that...
Had someone ask me the other day if I qualified for "ear transplants". What are those? Never heard of them. She did not know, but thought it was available.
I was once asked or rather it was exclaimed " You're allowed to drive!?" by a hearing person when I was a teenager.

It's the Oh, I'm sorry...about what? There's nothing to be sorry about that ticks me off.

I went to subway two years ago ( yes this has been burned into my psyche, I have not been to a subway since ) and asked for a regular sub. When asked if I wanted it toasted I kept "hearing" do I want turkey on my sub. Well, I responded as I had heard it and said no, I don't want turkey on my sub. The girls there started laughing. Lest I remind everyone that these were teenagers. If I hadn't been as old as I am one of the two would have been given a black eye...
I left in tears needless to say. It only dawned on me later that they were asking if I wanted my sub toasted.

those are the ones that have come to mind so far...
oh, can you have kids? Is another one I hate being asked. Um, yeah...we Deafs like to um, have fun like you do and procreation is possible. Stupid, stupid comments/questions like that just grate on my nerves. When I tell people I had my tubes tied because I didn't want kids or need them due to health issues they automatically assume it's because I'm Deaf. No, it's because I have Lupus and getting pregnant wouldn't be a good thing for me. People....

here's another one-It was said to me once " WOW! you speak so well for a Deaf person you must be really smart! ". Riigghhtt. Yeah, testing wise it's 148 but that doesn't have crap to do with how well I speak. anyone else get those remarks about speech as well? It's either you're bright or stupid depending on the hearie that happens to cross your path.

Apologizing and giving me the "funeral face."

Getting the "funeral face" every so often just makes me laugh. Honestly, that's how I respond to it. It's just so absurd. Especially when I look over at my child who pretty much spends every day of her life having a blast and being delighted by everything around her. Except when I make her eat green things and then she pulls the "funeral face".
I was once asked or rather it was exclaimed " You're allowed to drive!?" by a hearing person when I was a teenager.

It's the Oh, I'm sorry...about what? There's nothing to be sorry about that ticks me off.

I went to subway two years ago ( yes this has been burned into my psyche, I have not been to a subway since ) and asked for a regular sub. When asked if I wanted it toasted I kept "hearing" do I want turkey on my sub. Well, I responded as I had heard it and said no, I don't want turkey on my sub. The girls there started laughing. Lest I remind everyone that these were teenagers. If I hadn't been as old as I am one of the two would have been given a black eye...
I left in tears needless to say. It only dawned on me later that they were asking if I wanted my sub toasted.

those are the ones that have come to mind so far...
oh, can you have kids? Is another one I hate being asked. Um, yeah...we Deafs like to um, have fun like you do and procreation is possible. Stupid, stupid comments/questions like that just grate on my nerves. When I tell people I had my tubes tied because I didn't want kids or need them due to health issues they automatically assume it's because I'm Deaf. No, it's because I have Lupus and getting pregnant wouldn't be a good thing for me. People....

here's another one-It was said to me once " WOW! you speak so well for a Deaf person you must be really smart! ". Riigghhtt. Yeah, testing wise it's 148 but that doesn't have crap to do with how well I speak. anyone else get those remarks about speech as well? It's either you're bright or stupid depending on the hearie that happens to cross your path.


The whole Subway story. Ouch. I've had that happen to me so often. :(
Getting the "funeral face" every so often just makes me laugh. Honestly, that's how I respond to it. It's just so absurd. Especially when I look over at my child who pretty much spends every day of her life having a blast and being delighted by everything around her. Except when I make her eat green things and then she pulls the "funeral face".


Sounds just like my SO when he sees peas.
Getting the "funeral face" every so often just makes me laugh. Honestly, that's how I respond to it. It's just so absurd. Especially when I look over at my child who pretty much spends every day of her life having a blast and being delighted by everything around her. Except when I make her eat green things and then she pulls the "funeral face".

She sounds like a normal girl. :lol:
I was once asked or rather it was exclaimed " You're allowed to drive!?" by a hearing person when I was a teenager.

It's the Oh, I'm sorry...about what? There's nothing to be sorry about that ticks me off.

I went to subway two years ago ( yes this has been burned into my psyche, I have not been to a subway since ) and asked for a regular sub. When asked if I wanted it toasted I kept "hearing" do I want turkey on my sub. Well, I responded as I had heard it and said no, I don't want turkey on my sub. The girls there started laughing. Lest I remind everyone that these were teenagers. If I hadn't been as old as I am one of the two would have been given a black eye...
I left in tears needless to say. It only dawned on me later that they were asking if I wanted my sub toasted.

those are the ones that have come to mind so far...
oh, can you have kids? Is another one I hate being asked. Um, yeah...we Deafs like to um, have fun like you do and procreation is possible. Stupid, stupid comments/questions like that just grate on my nerves. When I tell people I had my tubes tied because I didn't want kids or need them due to health issues they automatically assume it's because I'm Deaf. No, it's because I have Lupus and getting pregnant wouldn't be a good thing for me. People....

here's another one-It was said to me once " WOW! you speak so well for a Deaf person you must be really smart! ". Riigghhtt. Yeah, testing wise it's 148 but that doesn't have crap to do with how well I speak. anyone else get those remarks about speech as well? It's either you're bright or stupid depending on the hearie that happens to cross your path.

I have gotten that comment on my speech. :pissed:

As for fast food orders, I've had similar reactions when I order BBQ sauce for my burgers. Either they don't understand my order or they think I want chicken - not burgers. It's like BBQ sauce on burgers is just not done.
Nevermind has to be the most hated word in the Deaf community.


hey let's ban the use of the word "nevermind" to deaf people, lets make it illegal as in same catergory as verbal assault because it is a harmful communicative method to treat deaf people.
One thing I really don't like from hearies is: "You must be really smart to talk!". As if intelligence got do with speech, there plenty dumb people out there can speak and plenty intelligent people out there cannot use speech. Once I told them speech is NOTHING do with intelligence and they refused to believe it.
WOW, I know this comment will not be popular, but that's never stopped me from saying anything I feel before so...I really do understand your obvious anger with the people each of you mentioned, and all the others who just do not understand deafness. But that's my point, it may be annoying and some may say or do ignorant things, but don't you understand "they, the hearing" just don't get it, and probably never will unless they themselves experience deafness. Each of you have every right to be angered by the things you've had to endure by those who really just can not understand and probably never will. My problem is that instead of behaving like them, ignore them, refuse to do business with them, or just make a statement like, "so sorry if me deafness inconveniences you".

See I know for a fact, that most hearing people will never understand our world. Unless they choose to educate themselves (doubtful), or they or someone close to them becomes deaf. I just don't see anything positive coming out of behaving the same way they are, rude or ignorant. When I was hearing I made the same stupid mistakes most hearing do, I will admit it.
I just really had NO idea what it was like. Then overnight I became profoundly deaf, can't even hear my own voice. My own family who loves me,
didn't know what to say or how to approach me..they had to be taught as I had to learn...I really wish the deaf would take the "higher road" and not resort to the same ignorant type statements, the hearing make to us. It achieves nothing but furthering the anger and misunderstanding. My brother, who I love dearly went to the library and got a sheet on finger spelling and learned to finger spell with both's amazing. My point being when I came home from the hospital after 2 weeks of testing, and the answer of "well we really do not know why you are deaf" My brother sat with me and taught me to finger spell. He said he saw the terror in my eyes sitting in the hospital bed, crying and screaming (I had no idea how loudly I was talking).
He decided he and I would learn the simplest way to communicate with out writing. I am Blessed to have him. But you see, he chose to educate himself so that we could communicate. Every hearing person in the would should know simple finger spelling. Kids learn it in a few days.
So, I apologize if I have offended any of you, but please, understand the hearing, for the most part do not have a clue to what we are experiencing. Is that their fault for saying these totally ridiculous things...I don't think it is.

I take responsibility for educating those around me, and if they do not want to take the time to learn 26 letters in hand movements..then OK we are going to lose each other or write everything..I just do not think it is fair to
rage on a hearing person who YES, says and does inapropriate or riduculous things because they just can not understand what our lives are like unless they themselves become HOH or deaf. Peace to you all, I do not expect you to agree, but those are my true feelings. Just because I am deaf does not mean I am going to act and/or react with anyless grace or dignity then I had when I was hearing. I myself am still working on Tolerance, but I'm getting there...Midnight♥♥♥♥ (with a little love we can change the world)

I would have loved to have a brother like you! I could not care if mine dropped dies ! You're so lucky !!
It drove me nut when I was out with Finlay and he would be in uniform , the vest that said 'hearing dog' on both sides and on his leash and collar! People would come up to me and whisper something to me!! It was if they where trying to see if I am really HOH! I would tell them I am really HOH and can't hear you or I wound not say anything and walk away.
I always feel left out in my whole hearing family expect my grandparents. My family would want us to watch bootleg movies together, they never download a CC from website which I told them to. I told them that I can't watch movies without CC and they would say like "We don't have CC! Just watch together." I told them many time to download CC from website for every movies they downloaded. Sometime I downloaded a movies with a CC, they rarely watch with me. WTF. Most of the time, they would just talk about whatever, I ask them, they sometimes would say "I will tell you later" or "Wait! We are talking!". I would ask my brother most of time and he would say "I don't know.". For my grandparents, I never feel left out because they always let me know what going on. I'm glad I didn't have a reget when I made a choice to move in with my Grandparents.
Why don't you get one of them cochlear implant things?

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that...

Oh my and me and me both...

no words can explain it.

hey let's ban the use of the word "nevermind" to deaf people, lets make it illegal as in same catergory as verbal assault because it is a harmful communicative method to treat deaf people.

Oh yes,...soooo FUCKING hated that I no longer am passive about it. I now bitch at hearing people who say it to me. I make an ugly scene now so that people are no longer comfortable with me. Well, apparently they arent comfortable with my deafness to begin with if this whole my speaking up makes them uncomfortable since then, I have CUT them out of my life.
Wirelessly posted

Lately hubby and I put up with well-meaning but very ignorant medical staff when they learn we're Deaf & I'm DeafBlind and pregnant with twins. They always exclaim "You know you're having 2 (2 fingers!) babies in there!" *points to belly* We're like... no sh*t but we nod our heads and say yup! One of these days I'm going to pull a dumb comment and say "you mean it's not gas?!" Immaculate conception, it ain't for sure!

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