Pulled the trigger!
Way-ull, Nook owes SCJSue a commission - I went out and bought the thing tonight! Yay, me!!
I was out shopping for clothes for an upcoming wedding, and there happened to be a Barnes and Noble store in the mall. So after I bought myself some new goodies at Lord and Taylor, I wandered over to B&N "just to see what it's like."
I looked at the Nook Color with all the apps, and the e-mail and this and that, and mentioned that I'd want to take the thing to the beach with me. "Oh, in that case, you don't want that one, you want this one," says the nice young man, and he showed me the Nook "Simple Reader."
Well, I'm a simple kinda gal, so that sounded about my speed.

He showed me all the features and opened up a sample book and a sample page of the Wall Street Journal. I liked them both. I found the proportions of the screen much nicer than Kindle. It's probably only a fraction of an inch different in the width, but for some reason it looked far more readable. The whole screen is devoted to what you're reading; it doesn't have those little buttons on the bottom like Kindle does.
And I liked the page-turning, either by touch-screen or by button. It did not do that photographic-negative blink thing that Kindle does. Seemed much smoother.
So I bought it. $139. Plus a nifty, handy-dandy, turqoise blue case for it, for another $25.
It's charging up even as we speak. I'll be loading a couple or three books on before we take off on our big road trip, and will report back. I'm looking forward to using the thing.
So, thanks, all of you, for the unbiased opinions and reviews. I'll be glad to give a better review in a couple weeks or so. Fingers crossed that I'll like it!
I can see I might have to watch the budget a bit as far as buying stuff. Although Nice Young Man claimed that this Nook also supports library lending, so I hope to try out that feature too.