Good onya......
LD sucks, but it's worth it at the end.
you are right,it is worth it
Good onya......
LD sucks, but it's worth it at the end.
I met my husband online via an IRC chat channel called 'Deaf' on efnet. I lived in Santa Rosa, California and my husband lives in Scoresby (outside of Melbourne), Victoria, Australia (14,000kms away)
Andy came to visit with me for a month in February '98...then had to return to Australia as he had to go back to work and I had to stay behind and wait for my visa that'd allow me to enter Australia legally and get married legally.
It took 17 weeks before I was granted the prospective spouse visa...during that space of time, Andy and I wrote a letter to each others every week and every day an email or 2...called each others at least twice a week.
Now nearly 5 years later, we're still happily married.![]()
Long distance relationships are hell HARD! When you are in a LD, you never know if your partner is sleeping with another girl behind your back... that's from my recent experience...
crossout said:long distant will not work for me at all..... no women are worth my time if they are too far from my house....
i'm happy for you to have kevin. *thumb up* i'm sure you guys will be much happier getting together in the same place.
according to your question, let me tell you something. see, i've fell in love with someone really special. i have loved her very much, however, it is kind of hard for me to deal something with an international long distance thing. i have visited her in central europe twice this year. i know it costs me too " much to come up there again and again. she wishes to visit me here in the u.s., however, she won't be able to afford paying a flight ticket for the u.s. due to her financial difficulties. plus, she begged me to live with her in central europe. i would love to, but in the other way, i'm too scared to live there, because i know the deafies in europe are still struggling with their needs, financial thing, and so on...unlike the deafies in the u.s. i have seen them there already. it made me feel very pity and sad to see how hard and suffer they have been raised with their living. see, she could understand english well. i know some international sign language and study german language. so, i know it is still been very hard for her to see when i'm with someone else here locally. i just hate that feeling, because it's very mixed feelings for me to have an hearie girl locally and a deafie girl internationally. oh, boy. that's not really easy for me.![]()
long distant will not work for me at all..... no women are worth my time if they are too far from my house....
Oh sweetie, I feel for ya really I do But NO! not a good thing."you really love her?" and..."you have a hearie girl locally" you have sex with either of these girls? I am guessing no...I could be wrong I hope I am because that would make the entire thing worse. stop a real experience is long distance does not work...Midnight♥♥♥
For future reference, might want to check on the time the original post was made - you responded to a post that was about 8 years old![]()
Oh thanks for the heads up! laughing..I am recovering from a brain injury and there are alot of things I forget..laughing...I will make a note thenks..
and Peace to you..Midnight♥♥♥