I lost my job


New Member
Feb 3, 2011
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I have been feeling very down since yesterday evening when I lost my job. I worked for one and a half month but my co-workers were not very supportive. I stood up against them and lost my job. It would be hard for me to stay calm till I find the next one. Anyways, I was curious what everybody does here and how do they handle stress when they ever lose their job.

Thanks in advance!!
I'm sorry that you lost your job. I hope you can find a new one soon. In the meantime, file for unemployment compensation, get help fron the job service, and evaluate your options. Let your friends and family know that you need a job so they can let you know of any opportunities.

I've been there, and I know it's not easy. :hug:
I have been feeling very down since yesterday evening when I lost my job. I worked for one and a half month but my co-workers were not very supportive. I stood up against them and lost my job. It would be hard for me to stay calm till I find the next one. Anyways, I was curious what everybody does here and how do they handle stress when they ever lose their job.

Thanks in advance!!

sorry about that ajay,i know how hard it is to get a job in india

do not wrong God will help you
I know exactly what your'e feeling. I lost my job at Tyson in November shortly before Thanksgiving. My best advice to you is don't do things that are self-destructive such as getting drunk. Also let friends and family know of the situation and that you need a job. Don't get discouraged if you don't find a new job right away as the job market is still bad but there are a few jobs out there. You just have to find a way to stack up higher than the rest of the applicants. If you have to take a temporary part-time job until you can find something that is full time. I had to do substitute teaching part-time until I was able to land a position on my aunt and uncle's farm. I liked subbing actually, I just wish I could do it full time but that is difficult in a small school system in a rural area. You might check into subbing at a deaf school in your area if you are fluent in ASL.

Also find someone to talk to because you're going to have days where you are feeling down on yourself and are getting frustrated. Also contact VRS if they are available in your area, they might be able to assist you in finding work. Just keep in mind that some income is better than no income.

Good luck.
Thanks everybody for your precious advice. I am however responding to this one only because I had had a trip planned to a hilly area in India. I would be there for two months and I would start job hunting after returning from there. Your advice somehow matched with what I am going to do. :)