Pennsylvania: Deaf Advocacy (help please!)


Oct 26, 2009
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I don't know if the ADA section is the right place to post this so if it needs to be moved, go ahead and do it.

I work at a Deaf Advocacy agency in California and a woman in Pennsylvania emailed me. She needs immediate legal help and advocacy. Long story short: a Deaf senior citizen is being taken advantage of, abused, horribly neglected, and the list goes on and on.

I did a quick search for Deaf agencies in her area (Pottsville) and I found PSAD but there isn't any contact info listed. I found other agencies but it doesn't seem like the type of place that would help. Anyway, are there any PA residents there who know precisely who to contact? I would like to help out and give her the right POC so she's not calling a bunch of places and wasting time. Let me know and I'll pass the message on.

Thanks :)
:) I should have said... I already put her in touch with them but I was hoping for a more DEAF focused agency.

your post doesn't sound like her rights is only thing that is being abused.
Thats PA for you. Thats why I moved out of that state. I wish her the best of luck.
Thats PA for you. Thats why I moved out of that state. I wish her the best of luck.

There are no Deaf advocacy services? Don't take this the wrong way but... IMPOSSIBLE! What do you people do when you need help?
Im sorry, I find this comment to be lame. I am PA native and I know PA, it does not mean Wisconsin is any better than PA. Same with New York where I currently resides.They got their own problems too. Don't believe me? Whats up with Teacher unions up there?

Thats PA for you. Thats why I moved out of that state. I wish her the best of luck.