New digitals


New Member
Jan 12, 2011
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Hi, I decided to join this forum because I am about to switch from analogs to digitals. I've had my old analogs for a long time, it was getting caught in the rain that finally did them in. We couldn't really afford new aids until just recently, so I'm about to get them, and don't really remember anything about it! Went to my audi and she ordered me a Milo Plus from Phonak and new hypoallergenic ear moulds. Don't know how long it'll take them to come in, but I'm nervous about the switch to digital. Any suggestions? I've also heard that digitals can distort music, any experience with that?

Congrats! I love my digital (a Unitron 360e for my right ear - my left ear is deaf so I can't use any HA at all). So far I really haven't had much of a problem with music on it.
That's good to know! I mean, I'm not like a musician or anything, but I do like it. One thing I'm curious to try are those T-coil hooks that plug into your ipod/MP3 player and you jest rest them on top of your aids to listen to music. My analogs I have these big headphones and I'd take my aids off to put them on. Always afraid of losing them.
I've heard it can be hard for some ppl to switch from analog to digital but i've always had digi so I dunno... Just make sure you wear them often to get used to them:)
Yeah, I will, it just sucks being without any aids at all right now. I'm also exctied to try out this T-coil stuff. My analogs didn't have anything fancy like that!
but hey, there's more stuff coming along!
hearing aids? lemme tell you man, some may have bluetooth, a remote control to adjust the volume, and alot of stuff these days! :)

good luck.
Ooooo. How cool. I wanted a set of those headphones that just rest ontop of your aids and you can use the T-coil and listen to your iPod. :D
well the Oticon streamer is also used for an Ipod 2 but it will connect the Ipod wirelessly into your Oticon hearing aids (if U had one LOL)

I'm looking into that one for my Safaris maybe when it comes in next week or the week atfer that :D

but since you have Phonak, the Icom does that 2 and the soundrecover
well the Oticon streamer is also used for an Ipod 2 but it will connect the Ipod wirelessly into your Oticon hearing aids (if U had one LOL)

I'm looking into that one for my Safaris maybe when it comes in next week or the week atfer that :D

but since you have Phonak, the Icom does that 2 and the soundrecover

I looked at the Icom, but it was pretty expensive, the headphone ones are only about forty bucks. Never heard of the soundrecover though.
Hmmm, seems like soundrecover is mostly intended for high frequency loss. My loss is in the .25-3 Hertz area.
For me, I couldn't tell a difference between analog and digital. But I may be too deaf to know the difference :) But I have heard raves about digital, so I think you can't go wrong by going in that direction. Enjoy! :)
For me, I couldn't tell a difference between analog and digital. But I may be too deaf to know the difference :) But I have heard raves about digital, so I think you can't go wrong by going in that direction. Enjoy! :)

Yeah, lol. My audi gave me no choice. I don't mind too much though, she said the digitals would be -much- smaller than my old analogs, which will be nice since I wear glasses and it was always a problem.
ha! at least I have no problem with my glasses over the hearing aids since my currents one are smaller lol :)
Best of luck with your new HA's!

As for the differences between the two, I think analogs basically made the sounds a little louder whereas the digitals also put a little more emphasis on the frequencies. Although I could be mistaken.

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