It doesn't "CUT BOTH" Ways... you are judging for others. You can't do that. You can judge for yourselves. How would you know? Because you saw something on the Discovery channel? I am sure that had nothing to do with ratings and it was informative

Just like MTV's True Life: I am Deaf.... nothing to do with viewer interest or ratings right? All just perfectly accurate, they summed it up in exactly 30 minutes for ya right? What don't you ask
me, someone who lives it what they think and accept that what I say is valid for them (ME). If I thought I was gonna lose someone because another guy put his.. in her... that wouldn't be a strong enough love for me. FOR ME. Please don't judge what you don't know. Maybe you just don't know true love yet, ALL you know is sexual attachment and infatuation with someone you care about? I don't know, maybe the hypnosis set in and you THINK you are in love but I don't know what is right for you and would never assume I do or judge. Thanks you, have a nice life. I am going to watch my girl fool around with her girlfriend, and then I am going to cook them breakfast

See ya' ! (I make great eggs benedict!)
BTW, this
is a
private Discussion board. Someone asked, I was trying to be helpful. Sorry for sharing.
Sweet Angel, I was just trying to respond to your question and share with you. If you don't want to know about our "swinger parties" (I hate the label swinger btw) or don't want to know about the deaf guy coming to my wife's gangbang party... then don't ask me.

I am Christian and a loving person. It is against my religion to judge others but if you are ok with sitting in judgment of others... Well I can't complain can I?