Those of you who smoke cigarettes


New Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Has anyone tried or uses electric cigarettes? I just wanted to see if anyone else out there uses them :aw:
I have ordered for my mother who tried to quit smoking for 40 years, and she dislike it, because it taste nothing compare to cigarette. Good thing is that e-smoke makes her not want to go back to smoking again for good.

Warning pictures on cigarette packs on the danger of smoking

Maybe pictures aren't enough? And now they want to do the same thing here in the United States, too?
FDA Proposes Graphic Warnings on Cigarette Packs
I have ordered for my mother who tried to quit smoking for 40 years, and she dislike it, because it taste nothing compare to cigarette. Good thing is that e-smoke makes her not want to go back to smoking again for good.

What brand did you order from? I actually got my grandmother to quit regular cigs from them. One thing to keep in mind is they wont taste exactly the same, but the idea behind it will be the same. It's all about fiddling with different liquids and different brands. I know enough to know which brand is full of crap and which is worth buying. When I first started "vaping" I tried Smoking Everywhere and that stuff is NOT worth $120 when you can get something else that performs better and cheaper in the long run. I'm glad she's at least leaning away from the real thing though. Good for her!


Warning pictures on cigarette packs on the danger of smoking

Maybe pictures aren't enough? And now they want to do the same thing here in the United States, too?
FDA Proposes Graphic Warnings on Cigarette Packs

Yea in the paper over in Cali they talked about doing something like that and to be honest, I don't think the scar-tastic works with a lot of people. To teenagers possibly, but for those who have smoked it would be something they may think wont happen to them. :roll:
I have ordered for my mother who tried to quit smoking for 40 years, and she dislike it, because it taste nothing compare to cigarette. Good thing is that e-smoke makes her not want to go back to smoking again for good.

How long have she has not smoke?
my mom and dad heavy smoke is very addiction not good health smell bad terrible!!
My parents have given up smoking for over a month now. My father used to smoke 30-40 a day. They now suck on these nicorette things when they feel like they want a smoke.

Important thing to remember is that different things work for different people. If people place high importance on actually holding a cigarette, then perhaps an "electric cigarette" is the way to go. If I was a smoker and trying to quit, I'd use those just so that I can walk in a supermarket/public place and pretend to smoke!
IMHO the tobacco companies should start weaning smokers off cigarrettes by slowly reducing the amonut of addictive chemicals in cigarettes.

Warning pictures on cigarette packs on the danger of smoking

Maybe pictures aren't enough? And now they want to do the same thing here in the United States, too?
FDA Proposes Graphic Warnings on Cigarette Packs

GOOD!!! We need a graphic warning on all cigarette packs and strictly restriction in some place.

Secondhand smoke gave me a sore throat and cough so I'm avoid to walk in smoking room or any way that is intense tobacco smell. :ugh:
IMHO the tobacco companies should start weaning smokers off cigarrettes by slowly reducing the amonut of addictive chemicals in cigarettes.

Imo they should just ban tobacco altogether. It has been proven that tobacco is more addictive than heroin. I agree with the motto "All things in moderation" but it's difficult to do something in moderation if you become addicted to something!

Even cannabis has been proven to be less harmful than tobacco. Yet cannabis is banned in most countries for recreational use!
Imo they should just ban tobacco altogether. It has been proven that tobacco is more addictive than heroin. I agree with the motto "All things in moderation" but it's difficult to do something in moderation if you become addicted to something!

Even cannabis has been proven to be less harmful than tobacco. Yet cannabis is banned in most countries for recreational use!

Admitting I'm a smoker, with years of saying "I quit!" somehow get right back on them.....9 Months was my longest of not smoking, and I felt much better, had more energy, etc. Only downfall of it is, I had more of an appetite....

I'm gonna try again before the year is out, going "cold turkey" once again, without any gadgets or strips. It's all mind control here!

As for marijuana, I've heard that 1 joint is equal to a pack of cigarettes....and as for Heroin, one of the most addictive drugs made.

Cutting back on the nicotine in cigarettes makes sense to me! Banning cigarette sales wouldn't be a smart move. Any addiction isn't to be taken lightly, people react in different ways, some could become violent. Nicotine addiction is one of the worst drugs, IMO.
Imo they should just ban tobacco altogether. It has been proven that tobacco is more addictive than heroin. I agree with the motto "All things in moderation" but it's difficult to do something in moderation if you become addicted to something!

Do some research.

If you grew your own tobacco in your backyard, and rolled your own cigars/cigarettes, then bought regular name-brand cigarettes, you will become addicted to the name-brands.


Because the cigarette companies put additives into them. Extra nicotine, etc, etc. They want you to buy more, naturally.

Don't start smoking, period.

Unfortunately, there are a LOT of people out there with addictive personalities. I tried smoking in college because it was 'cool', and all my friends did. After 3 days of that shitty aftertaste and my clothes smelling, I finally said "fuck this shit".

And, I ended up marrying a smoker.....:roll:
I have ordered for my mother who tried to quit smoking for 40 years, and she dislike it, because it taste nothing compare to cigarette. Good thing is that e-smoke makes her not want to go back to smoking again for good.
How does it make her not want to go back to regular cigarettes?
IMHO the tobacco companies should start weaning smokers off cigarrettes by slowly reducing the amonut of addictive chemicals in cigarettes.
They won't... because if they do, they're going to lose business.
Do some research.

If you grew your own tobacco in your backyard, and rolled your own cigars/cigarettes, then bought regular name-brand cigarettes, you will become addicted to the name-brands.


Because the cigarette companies put additives into them. Extra nicotine, etc, etc. They want you to buy more, naturally.

Don't start smoking, period.

Unfortunately, there are a LOT of people out there with addictive personalities. I tried smoking in college because it was 'cool', and all my friends did. After 3 days of that shitty aftertaste and my clothes smelling, I finally said "fuck this shit".

And, I ended up marrying a smoker.....:roll:

An important point to keep in mind.
Smoking is bad on so many levels. Stop smoking!

(Dead Money, this is for you, too! *smirk*)
My grandmother actually stopped smoking traditional tobacco when she switched to the electric cigarette. I'd rather see her do that then the real thing. I'm a e-cig user. All it is really is water vapor with nicotine (which is optional with most e-cig companies).
those electronic cigs...look silly to me. one question thou...they dont really cause cancer like the regular cigs do, do they?
How does it make her not want to go back to regular cigarettes?

Like when you drink vodka at parties until one day you drink poisoned vodka and then you will never drink vodka ever again.

She smoked Marlboro for many years until she quit for two weeks, she is in healing process and then she want to go back smoking so badly, and then I ordered South Beach Smoke (with 30 day money back guaranteed) and she tried it for two weeks, dislike it very much. She also noticed the behavior habit, like going out to smoke every two hours with this e-cigarette makes her feel stupid to smoke outside with fake cigarette. In order to avoid smoking behavior habits, she did not think about "going outside to smoke" anymore, that really help a lot.

She quit smoking three months ago.
The e-cigarettes will probably be found just as harmful as regular cigarettes and may lead to 'real smoking' by minors so I am sure the FDA will ban them sooner or later on the grounds that it is 'misleading' the consumer into believing it is a 'safer' alternative.

From what I understand these things utilize synthetic nicotine and water vapor. The State Dept. of Health banned K2 and synthetic marijuana, I can see them moving to ban synthetic nicotine using the same reasons as before.