Which Brand Would You Choose??? HAs


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Sep 7, 2010
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Well the time is coming up where I will need to get a new pair of HAs, I am hoping to get them next year since I have had these for four years and would love to be able to have them as a backup when I buy a new pair.

So my question to all of you who have gotten various brands. Which brand is your favorite? And why? :confused:

Currently I have Phonak... I dont care for them honestly but DH was in the military and they were free :D so who am I to argue!! And the pair I had before I had for about 10 years ! Which were Starkey... I am favoring Starkey for my next pair, especially because repair and what not is so close (I am in NJ) but I honestly dont know much about the different brands. I know of two, personally since my first two pairs were Starkey and my last pair was Phonak. Phonak is definitly out, there is only one distributor within 30 miles of me and I dont care for that place... and I havent read many great things about them.

Also can anyone give me a general estimation on what you paid for a pair of BTEs? I can go smaller since I will be paying out of pocket but the BTEs are technically what I need so I will go with them again. I am just hoping the cost isnt to bad :/

If you have read all of things THANK YOU!!! I ramble sometimes :giggle:
I've gone with another Phonak, the Naida IX for myself. I've worn Phonaks all my life, and so far no issues with the Naida since getting it last month, so I'm happy with how things are going. The last time I tried the Naida V, pfffffffffffft forget it. It was terrible. And I've got Medicaid, and they've covered the cost of the hearing aid, but if I want to get the iCom, I'd have to pay for that myself.

Maybe you could try different hearing aids for a while (Starkey, Oticon, Phonak, etc.), just to see which one will work best for you, and definitely discuss the costs with the audiologist. :)
my next backup set of hearing aids which I will get next year so I'm going with Oticon since they're in the game! worn Oticons since 05 and I wore Siemens in the past
dont no if they is the right place to post but for fms i would say phonak
So my question to all of you who have gotten various brands. Which brand is your favorite? And why? :confused:


Also can anyone give me a general estimation on what you paid for a pair of BTEs? I can go smaller since I will be paying out of pocket but the BTEs are technically what I need so I will go with them again. I am just hoping the cost isnt to bad :/

My favorite is Unitron. My latest hearing aid is a Unitron 360e BTE. I can only benefit from one in my right ear since my left ear is totally deaf. I've had nearly no trouble in noisy environments and sweat isn't a problem due to its rugged construction/durability (which is especially handy for workouts), so it's been a roaring success. I paid $1600 for it.

I tried a Phonak Exelia and it was absolutely TERRIBLE. Clarity was almost nill and I had a very terrible experience with that hearing aid, so I'd recommend stay away from Phonak.
I'd recommend doing trials of a number of different models and brands. You should be able to do a 90day trial per brand&model - you just pay for the mould (which is super easy for use BTE users!!)

Look into different brands and see what works for you - while an Audie's suggestions are certainly helpful YOU are the one that actaully will be using in day in and day out!
Wow thank you everyone for your replies! I am to call and audiologist today about a payment plan. I know he allows trials of aids so we will see how it goes. It is a matter of if we can do a payment plan or not since that makes a huge difference to me.
Regarding both price and performance , Phonak is best in my country. It's a quality brand and cheaper from oticon,siemens etc. I currently wear bernafon but am thinking of switching to phonak when insurance would accept new digitals next year. I can get new hearing aids once five years here.
I got Phonak hearing aid for my left ear but doesn't work very well. Next week, I am going to get upgrade hearing aid.
Phonak, Siemens, Oticon, Starkey, these are names that come to mind that are all good brands.

I have had every one of those except Starkey, and had good luck with all.
nce they're, Siemens, Oticon, Starkey, these are names that come to mind that are all good brands.

I have had every one of those except Starkey, and had good luck with all.

I argee with Bottesini since they're the best brands and I'm wearing one of them LOL :D
I'm an Otikid though xD
I prefer Supero's and Oticons.
Phonaks don't seem to work for me
When we had our HA's, the kids and I were wearing Oticons. No problem really. The kids just didn't like them and do not wear anything now. I was getting massive ear infections monthly and mine cracked and had to be replaced. It was defective and was replaced at no cost.
When we had our HA's, the kids and I were wearing Oticons. No problem really. The kids just didn't like them and do not wear anything now. I was getting massive ear infections monthly and mine cracked and had to be replaced. It was defective and was replaced at no cost.

I have an Oticon Gaia but I'm switching to Safaris in 2011 since the current one is 5 yrs old and my Siemens (back up pair) is dead now
so Safari will be my backup set of hearing aid.
I believe they don't have the best reputation.

Miracle ears are not miraculous.

Phonak, Siemens, Oticon, Starkey, these are names that come to mind that are all good brands.

I have had every one of those except Starkey, and had good luck with all.

Thanks so much for the heads up on that. My fiance (who is hearing) and I went there the other day, and we almost got that brand.

Going to go to the local hearing aid place on monday and see if they have any of the brand named above.

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