Do you have acne issue?

Wirelessly posted

It takes months to flush soda out of your system.

For me, that's not diet issue, it is more caused by puberty/hormones.

In 4 years ago, my old skin specialist said diet has no related to my acne issue and they asked me if want take Accutane but I refused because of side effects, so later, I neglected acne on back/body for years that leading to more severe so I should take care of this situation at earlier but too late.
I mean food that contains too much sugar such in soft-drinks/soda.

yes. sugar makes your body produces insulin which causes a spike in growth hormone level.... which is why if you have a sweet tooth - it can cause several kinds of health problem - diabetes, obesity, weak immune system, and acne.

pretty simple - moderation is the key.
I still get them once a I just noticed...I get one or two before I get my monthly visit. GRR! My husband still get them once a while too! So I guess just hormones. I don't think nothing do with food or anything. I do not believe in it....I do know some food can gain weigh but not on this topic anyway.
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Hmmm, I have acne on my upper back. I admit I like the feeling when someone pops them out on the back. :lol:

For some reason, its cleared for now. Probably due to different climate.
LOL! Don't your gf willing to pop them out if you have some Zits on your back?

Some people do like doing that.......
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Hmmm, I have acne on my upper back. I admit I like the feeling when someone pops them out on the back. :lol:

For some reason, its cleared for now. Probably due to different climate.
I get them on my upper back, but the doc told me that it was from the periomenopause.
zit king

Acne has no age limits. You will see it on people who do sports. It is just the way some people's bodies are. Drinking a lot and slowly altering your diet to see how your body react is effective. I am your grandfathers age and get zits when I don't shower daily. But makes great lip balm in an emergency
I do not drink soft-drinks/soda , I hate real sweet drink . I do buy the soda water that has no calorie and I am a big water drinker.

you are correct because you clean water important cause you worst acne sweet instead without unsweet then you can lots of water!!!
I do not drink soft-drinks/soda , I hate real sweet drink . I do buy the soda water that has no calorie and I am a big water drinker.

Drinking water is the best. I drink water on a daily basis, particularly before I hit the gym or ride a bike. But, sometimes I find that water is too boring, thus I drink a can of Red Bull (usually after exercise).

I think most drinks in moderation is ok as Jiro pointed out. But, a lot of drinks can be addictive, even if you drink one can of soft-drink/soda per week. And, drinks with corn syrups damn fattening.
hrmm....I had a lot more back then, but I"m 20 now and most of my acne disappeared. I use Neutrogena On the Spot treatment, and Ponds Cold Cream twice daily to moisturize and clean my skin.

I would recommend you trying Pond's Cold Cream. You may get more outbreaks at first...but later on, it should disappear over time. Acne still pop up once a while for me, but with Ponds Cold Cream and Neutrogena, I'm mostly acne-less! I recall reading somewhere that there are little tiny bugs on your face that burrows into your pores and cause acne. That might be one of your cause of acne?
I am lots of drink water more improve health! but cause you are should be avoid sweet.I don't like candy because change your age. possible i have reason i have struggle on water health improve better :D
hrmm....I had a lot more back then, but I"m 20 now and most of my acne disappeared. I use Neutrogena On the Spot treatment, and Ponds Cold Cream twice daily to moisturize and clean my skin.

I would recommend you trying Pond's Cold Cream. You may get more outbreaks at first...but later on, it should disappear over time. Acne still pop up once a while for me, but with Ponds Cold Cream and Neutrogena, I'm mostly acne-less! I recall reading somewhere that there are little tiny bugs on your face that burrows into your pores and cause acne. That might be one of your cause of acne?
if acne is caused by bugs shouldn't you call an exterminator? :laugh2::laugh2:
hrmm....I had a lot more back then, but I"m 20 now and most of my acne disappeared. I use Neutrogena On the Spot treatment, and Ponds Cold Cream twice daily to moisturize and clean my skin.

I would recommend you trying Pond's Cold Cream. You may get more outbreaks at first...but later on, it should disappear over time. Acne still pop up once a while for me, but with Ponds Cold Cream and Neutrogena, I'm mostly acne-less! I recall reading somewhere that there are little tiny bugs on your face that burrows into your pores and cause acne. That might be one of your cause of acne?

I am allergic to most products, so I have to use what will not cause allergic reactions. That's why I use the alcohol. I just get the mint so it doesn't smell real strong.
I recall reading somewhere that there are little tiny bugs on your face that burrows into your pores and cause acne. That might be one of your cause of acne?

maybe you are specialist to doctor check your acne laser??? I thin so maybe figure out try best! specialist! that is reason, I hate smell strong I am sneeze always!

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