Kripsy Kreme Burgers? No, I'm Not Making This Up.


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Sep 14, 2006
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Here's the source: CBS
It could be the world's unhealthiest snack. The ultimate in fast-food indulgence is cooked up, not by a restaurant chain, but by a minor-league baseball club, reports CBS News correspondent Cynthia Bowers.

Despite having a charming ballpark just outside St. Louis, the Gateway Grizzlies will likely never be renowned for their brand of baseball — one step below Single-A ball.

But they're already famous at the concession stand. Or should that be infamous?

It's sweet like a doughnut, and then you've got the hamburger. You’ve read that right. It's a burger with cheese and bacon, sandwiched between a Krispy Kreme doughnut — a heart attack waiting to happen. A burger so perfect, they say, tampering is discouraged.

“You're ruining it! You're not supposed to put ketchup on it!” Bowers says to a diner.

“Well, I don't know. It's my first time,” he replies.

For a mere $4.50 it's breakfast, dinner, and a little dessert all in one. That it packs up to 1,000 calories — the donut alone has 10 grams of sugar — doesn't seem to faze diabetic diner Floyd Schuetz.

“Oh, I’ll have another one of these,” he says.

Nor does it faze three fans — two in their 80s — who passed up the peanuts and crackerjacks for this.

Asked if she was worried about the health ramifications, Betty Osborne says “No, not tonight. Tonight I'm living it up.”

After trying a bite — Bowers says she would normally never eat a burger like this, but she would make the sacrifice in the interest of journalistic integrity — she says it is better than she expected.

“I don’t know that I would do this again, but it’s pretty good,” says Bowers.

The Grizzlies say "cheesy" gimmicks like this are crucial to the team's bottom line.

“With minor league baseball we have to work extremely hard to get fans to come out here,” says the Grizzlies’ Jeff O’Neill.

Which begs the question — what's next?

“We were in the concession stand the other day trying to come up with 'Baseball's Best Pizza.' "

Let’s just hope it's not going to be be on a Krispy Kreme crust.

I'm passing this one up. :P
Jeez, no thanks, I hate my stomach due chronic gastritis and heartburn.
If I was near enough, I might take a bite or two....
I would try it but I bet it would be uncomfortable to hold a sugary donut like a hamburger bun.
mmmm mmm good!! Now lets deep fry it.

not heavy enough, deep fry it. again.

Make it thoroughly cooked so it'll stay edible for months to come. :P
Make sure you deep fry the candy to go with burger. I hear deep fried snickers are the way to go. :giggle: My cardiologist will be so horrified. :giggle:
The KFC Double Down just hit Canada due for October 18th. :|
Dude! I had one of those and they are ridiculous! It takes a lot to fill me up and I was full after eating that thing. I also thought it was waaaaaaay too salty. I won't be eating anymore of those.

They need to get rid of Thousand Island dressing. Then I would like it . I think.